Yet another Mittens flip-flop

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Mitt Romney Praises Chinese Regulators

I got the chance after I lost to John McCain last time, to go over to -- that was the good part of losing -- I got to go to the Olympic Games in China. It's pretty impressive over there how quickly they can build things, how productive they are as a society. You should see their airport compared to our airports, their highways, their train systems. They're moving quickly in part because the regulators see their job as encouraging private people. It's amazing. The head of Coca-Cola said the business environment is friendlier in China than in America. And that's because of the regulators. That's because of government.

He's the perfect R candidate.

Don't like what he says?

That's okay because he'll change his opinion tomorrow.
He's absolutely right.

These days, you couldn't build the Hoover Dam, or our highway system, or the thousands of miles of railroads, airports etc in this country.... without decades of environmental impact studies, protests, yadda, yadda, yadda.

You are an idiot. I pity you.
It's amazing what you can do when you abuse human rights, quell any notion of political opposition, pay labor pennies per hour, have no workplace safety regulations and invest billions of public dollars in private enterprise!
Funny, I remember most liberals tellin everyone Mitt was the only intelligent choice. I remember telling RW the second Mitt wins he would turn against him, like the rest of you. And shocker, I got it right.

Yes, Mitt is insanely liberal, but you guys hate him because there is an R next to his name.

Near all Obama policy is dead on with Bush era policy, mix that with zero Bush era policy repeals from Obama and you have the same President, but because there is a D next to his name you will vote for him.

My point is I really don't give a crap what you have to say about Mitt because you really don't care about anything but what letter and color he represents. R and Red for the idiots that would think I mean white vs black, you know you're out there, lol.
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Yes, Mitt is insanely liberal, but you guys hate him because there is an R next to his name.

Uh, wrong again.

I don't hate him but I do know he would make a terrible president. He would be little more than a Limbaaaa sheep and a Norquist yes-man.

And all you rw's know that. That's why we've had the ridiculous Whack-A-Mole game with the other Clown Candidates. Every single one had one good thing going for him/her - none of them were Mitt Romney.
It's amazing what you can do when you abuse human rights, quell any notion of political opposition, pay labor pennies per hour, have no workplace safety regulations and invest billions of public dollars in private enterprise!

But the fact remains, they are decades ahead of the US now. Fairly shortly, China will be the world's only Superpower.
Yes, Mitt is insanely liberal, but you guys hate him because there is an R next to his name.

Uh, wrong again.

I don't hate him but I do know he would make a terrible president. He would be little more than a Limbaaaa sheep and a Norquist yes-man.

And all you rw's know that. That's why we've had the ridiculous Whack-A-Mole game with the other Clown Candidates. Every single one had one good thing going for him/her - none of them were Mitt Romney.

Mitt would be about 98% the same as Obama... Their policy is remarkably similar. So there is no doubt in my mind you think he would make a horrid President, because there is an R next to his name, just there was with Bush, when you used to hate Bush policy, and foreign policy… until Obama did the same fuckin policies lol.

To prove my point, give me a list of important policy Obama repealed of Bush and policy Obama has done different than Bush. The point of this exercise is to prove that you can literally view 1 President as evil/bad or the worst in history but then view another as good/great or one of the best Presidents in history when they both have near identical policy and back to back at that, no separated by 50 years with a "it was different times" as an argument.

You really don’t think Mitt is bad, you just think he is Republican and that makes him bad lol. Mitt ran his state as Progressive liberal as you can get.
It's amazing what you can do when you abuse human rights, quell any notion of political opposition, pay labor pennies per hour, have no workplace safety regulations and invest billions of public dollars in private enterprise!

But the fact remains, they are decades ahead of the US now. Fairly shortly, China will be the world's only Superpower.

No they aren't.

When was that last time you were there?

They've come a long way..but most of it is built..badly.

And the political system is FAR behind the technology. Never a good thing.
It's amazing what you can do when you abuse human rights, quell any notion of political opposition, pay labor pennies per hour, have no workplace safety regulations and invest billions of public dollars in private enterprise!

But the fact remains, they are decades ahead of the US now. Fairly shortly, China will be the world's only Superpower.

No they aren't.

When was that last time you were there?

They've come a long way..but most of it is built..badly.

And the political system is FAR behind the technology. Never a good thing.

Yes they are.... and they absolutely will be the world's superpower within the next couple of decades.
Well I for one am just grateful beyond description that our current President didn't campaign on promises and then flip once he got into office. Thank goodness, eh?
It's amazing what you can do when you abuse human rights, quell any notion of political opposition, pay labor pennies per hour, have no workplace safety regulations and invest billions of public dollars in private enterprise!

But the fact remains, they are decades ahead of the US now. Fairly shortly, China will be the world's only Superpower.

The US doesn't spend enough on our current infrastructure, let alone new needed infrastructure for our growing population. And that makes the US less competitive.
It's amazing what you can do when you abuse human rights, quell any notion of political opposition, pay labor pennies per hour, have no workplace safety regulations and invest billions of public dollars in private enterprise!

But the fact remains, they are decades ahead of the US now. Fairly shortly, China will be the world's only Superpower.

The US doesn't spend enough on our current infrastructure, let alone new needed infrastructure for our growing population. And that makes the US less competitive.

He had the chance to do that. He opted to throw taxpayers money into the laps of his buddies and pet projects instead. Obama - and his cohorts - sold this nation, lock, stock and barrel to China. And, if idiots get there way... they'll reward him with four more years to really ensure we can't get our country back.
It's amazing what you can do when you abuse human rights, quell any notion of political opposition, pay labor pennies per hour, have no workplace safety regulations and invest billions of public dollars in private enterprise!

But the fact remains, they are decades ahead of the US now. Fairly shortly, China will be the world's only Superpower.

The US doesn't spend enough on our current infrastructure, let alone new needed infrastructure for our growing population. And that makes the US less competitive.
But the fact remains, they are decades ahead of the US now. Fairly shortly, China will be the world's only Superpower.

The US doesn't spend enough on our current infrastructure, let alone new needed infrastructure for our growing population. And that makes the US less competitive.

He had the chance to do that. He opted to throw taxpayers money into the laps of his buddies and pet projects instead. Obama - and his cohorts - sold this nation, lock, stock and barrel to China. And, if idiots get there way... they'll reward him with four more years to really ensure we can't get our country back.

I wasn't making a pro-Obama statement, I was making a statement on the US infrastructure.
And yes, the $700 billion was wasted by very poor management and terrible fore-site.
It's amazing what you can do when you abuse human rights, quell any notion of political opposition, pay labor pennies per hour, have no workplace safety regulations and invest billions of public dollars in private enterprise!

But the fact remains, they are decades ahead of the US now. Fairly shortly, China will be the world's only Superpower.

China is decades ahead of the United States? You're kidding, right? Rural areas of China still don't have access to clean water. They lack modern sewage systems. The average Chinese person has an income less than 1/4th of ours and people in rural areas make far less than that. People in the US live longer, have better health care and have far more freedom of movement and political speech. We have a far more productive economy and far a far more efficient workforce. Higher average education,an infant mortality rate about 1/3 of China's and a far cleaner environment in which to live an work.

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