Yes, we MUST put an end to those evil "special intrests" sullying our politics!


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
That's right, gang, the #1 "special interest" is the national bureaucrat's union.

While Barack Obama lashes out at special interests spending money on campaigns in 2010, one group is in overdrive when it comes to pouring out money. Number One in spending is....the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, according to the Washington Post.

So far, in 2010, this public employee union has spent almost $760,890 of their members' dues on campaigns and unsurprisingly no less than 100% has gone to Democrats. That is almost $300,000 more than the runner up, "American Crossroads" ($454,342) and about $460,000 more than number 3, the Club for Growth ( $297,661).

Campaign cash: what interest groups are spending on 2010 midterm elections (

[ame=]YouTube - AFSCME[/ame]
That's right, gang, the #1 "special interest" is the national bureaucrat's union.

While Barack Obama lashes out at special interests spending money on campaigns in 2010, one group is in overdrive when it comes to pouring out money. Number One in spending is....the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, according to the Washington Post.

So far, in 2010, this public employee union has spent almost $760,890 of their members' dues on campaigns and unsurprisingly no less than 100% has gone to Democrats. That is almost $300,000 more than the runner up, "American Crossroads" ($454,342) and about $460,000 more than number 3, the Club for Growth ( $297,661).

Campaign cash: what interest groups are spending on 2010 midterm elections (

[ame=]YouTube - AFSCME[/ame]

But 'special interest' extends beyond the unions...

In the ‘70’s the USPS tried to close 12,000 underperforming or underutilized post offices, but politicians amended the Postal Reorganization Act to prohibit the closings. In ’77 the same thing happened when the USPS tried to suspend Saturday delivery. The result lost $2.8 billion in ’08 and expects to lose another $3 to $6 billion in 2009.Who will ultimately be responsible for paying these debts? The taxpayer. Such is it when government masquerades as free market entities.

If actual corporations are allowed to perform under free market capitalism rules, where the decisions are based on profit, productivity, and efficiency, the taxpayer is not left holding the bag, as for example, under the By its nature, government in a democracy cannot act in this manner: there are too many special interests that must be accommodated.

In "Demosclerosis:: The Silent Killer of American Government," Jonathan Rauch points out that 7 out of 10 Americans belong to an interest group, and one out of four belong to at least four!
The Chamber of Commerce spent $144 million lobbying last year.

However, there is definitely a problem with public sector unions paying off politicians to increase compensation for union members, especially at the state level.
That's right, gang, the #1 "special interest" is the national bureaucrat's union.

While Barack Obama lashes out at special interests spending money on campaigns in 2010, one group is in overdrive when it comes to pouring out money. Number One in spending is....the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, according to the Washington Post.

So far, in 2010, this public employee union has spent almost $760,890 of their members' dues on campaigns and unsurprisingly no less than 100% has gone to Democrats. That is almost $300,000 more than the runner up, "American Crossroads" ($454,342) and about $460,000 more than number 3, the Club for Growth ( $297,661).

Campaign cash: what interest groups are spending on 2010 midterm elections (

[ame=]YouTube - AFSCME[/ame]

News flash: The GOP, Corporate America and the Supreme Court disagree with you.
Hey Dude, why are you now signing on as Oddball? Tired of being pwned?

That's right, gang, the #1 "special interest" is the national bureaucrat's union.

While Barack Obama lashes out at special interests spending money on campaigns in 2010, one group is in overdrive when it comes to pouring out money. Number One in spending is....the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, according to the Washington Post.

So far, in 2010, this public employee union has spent almost $760,890 of their members' dues on campaigns and unsurprisingly no less than 100% has gone to Democrats. That is almost $300,000 more than the runner up, "American Crossroads" ($454,342) and about $460,000 more than number 3, the Club for Growth ( $297,661).

Campaign cash: what interest groups are spending on 2010 midterm elections (

[ame=]YouTube - AFSCME[/ame]

News flash: The GOP, Corporate America and the Supreme Court disagree with you.
What do any of them have to do with the fact that AFSCME is the biggest "special interest" pumping huge money, all to democratics, into this year's races?

Whatever became of the holier-than-thou lefty yammering about putting the interests of the American people before those eeeevillll "special interests", hmmmmmm?
Stop giving away handouts of tax payer money and follow the Constitution. If you do that, and if we have people who will honestly do that the special interests will be eliminated.
That's right, gang, the #1 "special interest" is the national bureaucrat's union.

While Barack Obama lashes out at special interests spending money on campaigns in 2010, one group is in overdrive when it comes to pouring out money. Number One in spending is....the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, according to the Washington Post.

So far, in 2010, this public employee union has spent almost $760,890 of their members' dues on campaigns and unsurprisingly no less than 100% has gone to Democrats. That is almost $300,000 more than the runner up, "American Crossroads" ($454,342) and about $460,000 more than number 3, the Club for Growth ( $297,661).

Campaign cash: what interest groups are spending on 2010 midterm elections (

[ame=]YouTube - AFSCME[/ame]

Not surprising in the least. All of those "saved" jobs that this administration and congress have spent and added to our tab--(even though we in the private sector have no jobs) was to save government workers jobs. This of course is OBAMA'S Flood the basement economics policy.

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