Yes Scarlett, Elections Have Consequences


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
For those who believe we tax our way to prosperity or that bigger, more intrusive gov't will solve his/her probs needs to grow out of that quickly unless Daddy is paying your rent ... then it's OK to be generous.

The elephant in the room is that the Debt is $23T and rising, and neither party wants to do anything to address the Budget Deficit.
Both parties want "free" stuff and put it on the credit card. When the credit limit is reached, then the party is over, and severe cuts need to be made.
Its a disgrace that neither party wants to act responsibly.
The elephant in the room is that the Debt is $23T and rising, and neither party wants to do anything to address the Budget Deficit. Both parties want "free" stuff and put it on the credit card. When the credit limit is reached, then the party is over, and severe cuts need to be made.
Its a disgrace that neither party wants to act responsibly.
Unless enough of we the people demand responsible actions we will not get them until, as you noted, we max-out the national credit cards. It's often political suicide to take away the "free stuff" even from those who don't need it. Some guy named Thomas once said, "No generation has a right to contract debts greater than can be paid off during the course of its own existence."

Thomas Jefferson Quote
I blush to admit that I'm starting to agree with Paul Krugman on the Debt-Deficit thing. He says it's no big deal, and certainly nothing to worry about. Indeed, he mocks Mayor Pete for even paying lip service to concern about it.

Paul Krugman: Bernie Sanders isn’t a socialist

The crisis is coming. The DC coxuckers would rather lose entitlements with tax cuts than protect them with "fixes".
$23 Trillion Dollars: Our Insane National Debt Could Lead to America's Ruin
“The most significant threat to our national security is our debt.”
That’s what Adm. Michael Mullen said in 2010. Back then, Mullen was chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. And the federal debt totaled $13 trillion.
Now, nine years later, the debt is on the verge of reaching $23 trillion. To make matters worse, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office expects annual deficits of $1 trillion starting with the current fiscal year and continuing for at least the next 30 years. This will be the case even without a recession, a major war, or the addition of unrealistic new programs.
Mullen’s 2010 warning did not imply that debt would sink the country the next day. Perhaps that’s why our political leaders have largely ignored this threat. But that reckless mindset endangers our security and prosperity. It is urgent that lawmakers rein in the debt before it is too late.

Resolution To Recognize the National Debt as a Threat to National Security
“National security experts have long warned us that our massive debt is one of our biggest national security threats. With U.S. debt recently surpassing $22 trillion, soon we will spend more paying down interest on our debt than on national defense. I do not accept the standard Washington presumption that nothing in the budget can be cut in order to fund important priorities without increasing the deficit. Hardworking taxpayers make tough spending decisions to stay within their budget and expect their representatives in government will do the same.”
I blush to admit that I'm starting to agree with Paul Krugman on the Debt-Deficit thing. He says it's no big deal, and certainly nothing to worry about. Indeed, he mocks Mayor Pete for even paying lip service to concern about it.

Paul Krugman: Bernie Sanders isn’t a socialist
Yeah, it's no biggie when interest rates are low and just the interest on the debt is "only" $400 billion/yr but CBO says that figure could hit $1 trillion/yr in just a decade. Now that's some serious cash. :cool:

BTW, Krugman is a big-gov't loony-lefty who in Nov 2016 claimed Trump's election would trigger a recession or even depression, so there's that to consider.

Paul Krugman: Trump will bring global recession
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The problem with the national debt is the debt service. But if that becomes an insurmountable problem, we can inflate our way out of it.

Like it or not, there is no shortage of investors around the world who are willing to bet on the U.S. government. As with Global Warming, the hysterics have been warning us for decades, and yet...nothing ever happens, despite the fact that we are far, far past the tipping point that they warned us about those many years ago.

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