Yeah! This is what I want...Canadian style health care!


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
Seems there were these two dudes canoeing from Alaska to Seattle on a two-month long trip. They got sick (acute stomach virus) in Canada, found a small town that had a doctor, only to find that it would cost them $700.00 each just to see the doctor. Then they'd still have to pay for the treatment. They suffered through it 'til they found a bigger town with an indigent care center.

Yeah, that's what I want in America. :cuckoo:
I assume these guys were american? Do you expect Canada to pay for our underinsured masses? Where did you get this info?
I had a friend that had to cut her trip to amsterdam short for a similar situation. It isn't just Canada. It's the rest of the western world being pissed at us for our governments multitudes of asinine, idiotic decisions.
Well, in America, we seem to treat a great deal of non-citizens for free.

There is one aspect I'd like to note: the purposes of government and of the health care systems are not to completely DERISK our lives. It's ridiculous to expect either Canada or the USA to provide health care for free upon demand to everyone everywhere Health care is a finite service involving finite resources. The doctor in the small town set his price; the two men didn't like it and found services elsewhere. That really is how a market should work.
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I assume these guys were american? Do you expect Canada to pay for our underinsured masses? Where did you get this info?
I had a friend that had to cut her trip to amsterdam short for a similar situation. It isn't just Canada. It's the rest of the western world being pissed at us for our governments multitudes of asinine, idiotic decisions.


Then why does the US give Mexicans free health care?

Is that an "asinine, idiotic" decision?
Ah, American health care. Where if any of the 57 million uninsured citizens merely chip a tooth or break a leg, they fall into an endless hole of debt due to the treatment being so unacceptably expensive. Hell, an ambulance ride to the emergency room is what? 500 dollars?

Oh and let's not forget how the insurance companies, at their whim, will deny you coverage if you have pre-existing conditions.

Health care here is top notch... can afford it.
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Seems there were these two dudes canoeing from Alaska to Seattle on a two-month long trip. They got sick (acute stomach virus) in Canada, found a small town that had a doctor, only to find that it would cost them $700.00 each just to see the doctor. Then they'd still have to pay for the treatment. They suffered through it 'til they found a bigger town with an indigent care center.

Yeah, that's what I want in America. :cuckoo:

When my son and wife were in Canada, my son became sick and my wife took him to a doctor. Total cost, $35.

Had American friends who went up to Barrie Ontario. Son had to go to the ER. Total cost was less than the co-pay they'd have had to pay here.
Seems there were these two dudes canoeing from Alaska to Seattle on a two-month long trip. They got sick (acute stomach virus) in Canada, found a small town that had a doctor, only to find that it would cost them $700.00 each just to see the doctor. Then they'd still have to pay for the treatment. They suffered through it 'til they found a bigger town with an indigent care center.

Yeah, that's what I want in America. :cuckoo:

When my son and wife were in Canada, my son became sick and my wife took him to a doctor. Total cost, $35.

Had American friends who went up to Barrie Ontario. Son had to go to the ER. Total cost was less than the co-pay they'd have had to pay here.

Cost to whom? Because someone else paid for the difference.
Seems there were these two dudes canoeing from Alaska to Seattle on a two-month long trip. They got sick (acute stomach virus) in Canada, found a small town that had a doctor, only to find that it would cost them $700.00 each just to see the doctor. Then they'd still have to pay for the treatment. They suffered through it 'til they found a bigger town with an indigent care center.

Yeah, that's what I want in America. :cuckoo:

When my son and wife were in Canada, my son became sick and my wife took him to a doctor. Total cost, $35.

Had American friends who went up to Barrie Ontario. Son had to go to the ER. Total cost was less than the co-pay they'd have had to pay here.

Cost to whom? Because someone else paid for the difference.

True and I am not defending the Canadian systembut the facts are:
Under the Canadian system 20% of premiums do not go for sales commisions
25% of premiums do not go for administrative insurance company costs in claims processing
45 % of all health care premiums do not go for health services here.
In Canada 60% of all health care dollars do not go to 4% of the population for disease care
18% of GNP in Canada is not for health care as it is here.
Canada does not spend 25% of it's budget for senior health care.
Canada does not borrow 40% of the $$ it needs, almost 50% for seniors, to finance it's budget.
Which system looks better?
Facts are a real biatch.
Then don't buy insurance.

We have 3 classes of Americans these days.


The producers buy their own health insurance.
The enablers (the politicians and their supporters) help those without health insurance take $ at the point of a gun from the producers to pay for the health care of the moochers.
The moochers do not buy health insurance and mooch off the rest of us.
here is something i saw in an international news section......from Sweden ....that great health mecca...

Man's penis amputated following misdiagnosis - The Local

Has happened a lot here with baby boys getting circumcissions.
Cauterizing device gone wrong.
Wasn't amputated but badly burned causes it to fall off within a week.
We lead the world in doctor's negligence.

what i was trying to show was the amount of waiting the guy had to do.....and this was in a Country that is supposed to have a great govt sponsored system...

and our our doctors negligent?.....or our our citizens sue happy? even if a Doctor is not negligent,but he gets sued because someone died, though no fault of the doctor,it then makes him look like he may have been Negligent.....even though he wasnt...
here is something i saw in an international news section......from Sweden ....that great health mecca...

Man's penis amputated following misdiagnosis - The Local

Has happened a lot here with baby boys getting circumcissions.
Cauterizing device gone wrong.
Wasn't amputated but badly burned causes it to fall off within a week.
We lead the world in doctor's negligence.

what i was trying to show was the amount of waiting the guy had to do.....and this was in a Country that is supposed to have a great govt sponsored system...

and our our doctors negligent?.....or our our citizens sue happy? even if a Doctor is not negligent,but he gets sued because someone died, though no fault of the doctor,it then makes him look like he may have been Negligent.....even though he wasnt...

If a doctor cauterized your baby incorrectly and your son had his penis fall off and you sued would that be "sue happy"?
You can never file a medical negligence case unless you have another doctor testify that the standard of care was negligence.
Your scenario above never happens.
The American health care model is one of health insurance.
The ones that have it pay increased premiums for the ones that refuse to buy it.
And millions can not afford it and specialists care is denied to those that do not have it and those that can not afford it.
Similar to a government run system where the insurance company, not the customer, pays the bills.
Very inneficient.
The American health care model is one of health insurance.
The ones that have it pay increased premiums for the ones that refuse to buy it.
And millions can not afford it and specialists care is denied to those that do not have it and those that can not afford it.
Similar to a government run system where the insurance company, not the customer, pays the bills.
Very inneficient.

ah straw arguments.

I wasnt aware that blue shield covered the area hospital from losses, or that my premium increased because they cover non plan participants.

Evil insurance bastards forcing the doctors to charge over 200 for an office visit.
here is something i saw in an international news section......from Sweden ....that great health mecca...

Man's penis amputated following misdiagnosis - The Local

Has happened a lot here with baby boys getting circumcissions.
Cauterizing device gone wrong.
Wasn't amputated but badly burned causes it to fall off within a week.
We lead the world in doctor's negligence.

*Emphasis mine*

Do we? Really? Can you back that up with actual statistics... and I don't mean stats about how many people sue for negligence. Anyone with half a brain knows that people suing does not represent actual negligence.

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