Yeah, maybe not


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
President Bush was in Tanzania for World Aids Day yesterday. Amnesty 'ACLU' International went through the motions of high school drama club begging the government of Tanzania and several other African nations to "arrest" the former president. Predictably, but no doubt to great fake emoting in the UN halls of pointless nonsense, such silliness was completely disregarded. Of-fucking-course.

Despite the utterly shameless, dishonest, and immoral slander that some on the left tried to cast upon President Bush, no other US president has personally invested more effort, energy, and resources to helping the people of the African continent. And of course no president before him placed African Americans in places of greater prominence in his administration.

But none of this causes dishonest douchebags on the left from so much as pausing in their hysterical shrieking. Of-fucking-course.
In theory I have no problem with the ACLU... In practice and reality they're shit and I wont stop there the SPLC is racist shit too...
President Bush was in Tanzania for World Aids Day yesterday. Amnesty 'ACLU' International went through the motions of high school drama club begging the government of Tanzania and several other African nations to "arrest" the former president. Predictably, but no doubt to great fake emoting in the UN halls of pointless nonsense, such silliness was completely disregarded. Of-fucking-course.

Despite the utterly shameless, dishonest, and immoral slander that some on the left tried to cast upon President Bush, no other US president has personally invested more effort, energy, and resources to helping the people of the African continent. And of course no president before him placed African Americans in places of greater prominence in his administration.

But none of this causes dishonest douchebags on the left from so much as pausing in their hysterical shrieking. Of-fucking-course.

Bullshit. Clinton, Carter, GW's father have been all over the world and they've also invested domestically in the form of disaster relief. I haven't seen GW much at all in this capacity.
President Bush was in Tanzania for World Aids Day yesterday. Amnesty 'ACLU' International went through the motions of high school drama club begging the government of Tanzania and several other African nations to "arrest" the former president. Predictably, but no doubt to great fake emoting in the UN halls of pointless nonsense, such silliness was completely disregarded. Of-fucking-course.

Despite the utterly shameless, dishonest, and immoral slander that some on the left tried to cast upon President Bush, no other US president has personally invested more effort, energy, and resources to helping the people of the African continent. And of course no president before him placed African Americans in places of greater prominence in his administration.

But none of this causes dishonest douchebags on the left from so much as pausing in their hysterical shrieking. Of-fucking-course.

Bullshit. Clinton, Carter, GW's father have been all over the world and they've also invested domestically in the form of disaster relief. I haven't seen GW much at all in this capacity.

Then you are willfully ignorant on the subject. Go do something about that.
President Bush was in Tanzania for World Aids Day yesterday. Amnesty 'ACLU' International went through the motions of high school drama club begging the government of Tanzania and several other African nations to "arrest" the former president. Predictably, but no doubt to great fake emoting in the UN halls of pointless nonsense, such silliness was completely disregarded. Of-fucking-course.

Despite the utterly shameless, dishonest, and immoral slander that some on the left tried to cast upon President Bush, no other US president has personally invested more effort, energy, and resources to helping the people of the African continent. And of course no president before him placed African Americans in places of greater prominence in his administration.

But none of this causes dishonest douchebags on the left from so much as pausing in their hysterical shrieking. Of-fucking-course.

What is "Amnesty ACLU International"?

I've never heard of that organization before.
President Bush was in Tanzania for World Aids Day yesterday. Amnesty 'ACLU' International went through the motions of high school drama club begging the government of Tanzania and several other African nations to "arrest" the former president. Predictably, but no doubt to great fake emoting in the UN halls of pointless nonsense, such silliness was completely disregarded. Of-fucking-course.

Despite the utterly shameless, dishonest, and immoral slander that some on the left tried to cast upon President Bush, no other US president has personally invested more effort, energy, and resources to helping the people of the African continent. And of course no president before him placed African Americans in places of greater prominence in his administration.

But none of this causes dishonest douchebags on the left from so much as pausing in their hysterical shrieking. Of-fucking-course.

Bullshit. Clinton, Carter, GW's father have been all over the world and they've also invested domestically in the form of disaster relief. I haven't seen GW much at all in this capacity.

You haven't seen it because he doesn't run to the cameras to tell the world how great he is every time he does something.
President Bush was in Tanzania for World Aids Day yesterday. Amnesty 'ACLU' International went through the motions of high school drama club begging the government of Tanzania and several other African nations to "arrest" the former president. Predictably, but no doubt to great fake emoting in the UN halls of pointless nonsense, such silliness was completely disregarded. Of-fucking-course.

Despite the utterly shameless, dishonest, and immoral slander that some on the left tried to cast upon President Bush, no other US president has personally invested more effort, energy, and resources to helping the people of the African continent. And of course no president before him placed African Americans in places of greater prominence in his administration.

But none of this causes dishonest douchebags on the left from so much as pausing in their hysterical shrieking. Of-fucking-course.

Bullshit. Clinton, Carter, GW's father have been all over the world and they've also invested domestically in the form of disaster relief. I haven't seen GW much at all in this capacity.

You haven't seen it because he doesn't run to the cameras to tell the world how great he is every time he does something.

Oh ok. :cuckoo:
President Bush was in Tanzania for World Aids Day yesterday. Amnesty 'ACLU' International went through the motions of high school drama club begging the government of Tanzania and several other African nations to "arrest" the former president. Predictably, but no doubt to great fake emoting in the UN halls of pointless nonsense, such silliness was completely disregarded. Of-fucking-course.

Despite the utterly shameless, dishonest, and immoral slander that some on the left tried to cast upon President Bush, no other US president has personally invested more effort, energy, and resources to helping the people of the African continent. And of course no president before him placed African Americans in places of greater prominence in his administration.

But none of this causes dishonest douchebags on the left from so much as pausing in their hysterical shrieking. Of-fucking-course.

What is "Amnesty ACLU International"?

I've never heard of that organization before.

Why did you change the punctuation?
Warning. Prepare for a dopey analogy based on typical nutter logic.

So! Jerry Sandusky's charity helped lots of kids.....the ones he didn't fuck, that is.

Nope.....I don't feel good after having said something so fucking stupid. But the important thing is....was I able to slightly derail the discussion? If so........I have succeeded.
President Bush was in Tanzania for World Aids Day yesterday. Amnesty 'ACLU' International went through the motions of high school drama club begging the government of Tanzania and several other African nations to "arrest" the former president. Predictably, but no doubt to great fake emoting in the UN halls of pointless nonsense, such silliness was completely disregarded. Of-fucking-course.

Despite the utterly shameless, dishonest, and immoral slander that some on the left tried to cast upon President Bush, no other US president has personally invested more effort, energy, and resources to helping the people of the African continent. And of course no president before him placed African Americans in places of greater prominence in his administration.

But none of this causes dishonest douchebags on the left from so much as pausing in their hysterical shrieking. Of-fucking-course.

Nope. I've always given credit where it's due. And the money Bush sent to Africa to combat AIDS saved lives.

But do you remember the strings he attached to that money? He would not allow one penney to be spent on family planning, even for birth control or counseling. The result? An explosion in population in a continent that cannot support it which increased starvation.

But the thing I'll always hold against Bush II is his invasion and occupation of Iraq which caused thousands of deaths of our military for no good reason. No amount of good works can counter that.
But the thing I'll always hold against Bush II is his invasion and occupation of Iraq which caused thousands of deaths of our military for no good reason. .

In your opinion.
Bullshit. Clinton, Carter, GW's father have been all over the world and they've also invested domestically in the form of disaster relief. I haven't seen GW much at all in this capacity.

You haven't seen it because he doesn't run to the cameras to tell the world how great he is every time he does something.

Oh ok. :cuckoo:

Where are ya now sarashithead?
President Bush was in Tanzania for World Aids Day yesterday. Amnesty 'ACLU' International went through the motions of high school drama club begging the government of Tanzania and several other African nations to "arrest" the former president. Predictably, but no doubt to great fake emoting in the UN halls of pointless nonsense, such silliness was completely disregarded. Of-fucking-course.

Despite the utterly shameless, dishonest, and immoral slander that some on the left tried to cast upon President Bush, no other US president has personally invested more effort, energy, and resources to helping the people of the African continent. And of course no president before him placed African Americans in places of greater prominence in his administration.

But none of this causes dishonest douchebags on the left from so much as pausing in their hysterical shrieking. Of-fucking-course.

Bullshit. Clinton, Carter, GW's father have been all over the world and they've also invested domestically in the form of disaster relief. I haven't seen GW much at all in this capacity.

Then you are willfully ignorant on the subject. Go do something about that.

Katrina. the military, we have a saying........"one aw shit wipes out a thousand attaboys".

In Jr's case, he had 1,000 aw shits in the form of Iraq and OBL, and this AIDs support is his one attaboy.

Nope, he's still a shithead.
Bullshit. Clinton, Carter, GW's father have been all over the world and they've also invested domestically in the form of disaster relief. I haven't seen GW much at all in this capacity.

Then you are willfully ignorant on the subject. Go do something about that.


If you want to discuss the failure of state and local response to that disaster you should start a new thread.
Uncle Ferd says is `cause China been buyin' up all their oil...
AU Summit Highlights Africa's Tilt Toward the East
January 29, 2012 - An African Union summit has opened with the selection of Benin's President Thomas Boni Yayi as AU chairman for the coming year. The opening speeches reflected Africa's increasing shift toward the East.
China is the honored guest at this summit, and the opening session was filled expressions of gratitude for Beijing's gift of a new $200-million AU headquarters. Speakers referred to China's rising influence in Africa, and to the continent's growing resentment at what is widely perceived as Western interference in African affairs. AU Commission Chairman Jean Ping described 2011 as a year of trials and hardship, as Western institutions imposed solutions to crises in Libya and Ivory Coast, rejecting or ignoring African proposals. "The events of 2011 have greatly strained some of our instruments and consequently our capacity to anticipate," he said."Sometimes they tested the strength of our unity and our ability to have our views prevail in some issues of vital interest to the continent."

The outgoing AU Chairman, Equatorial Guinea's President Teodoro Obiang Nguema accused Western institutions such as the International Criminal Court of anti-African bias. Speaking in Spanish, and heard through an interpreter, Obiang said African leaders must not remain indifferent to what he called external interference. "The African Union should study the creation of its own African criminal court to put an end to all of these unjust and discriminatory actions we have seen in the international justice," said Nguema. "Africa needs actions of great solidarity and coordination in order to avoid that others disempower us on their behalf and do whatever they wish to do regarding our countries."

The keynote speaker, China's top political strategist Jia Qinglin contrasted Beijing's foreign policy with that of the West. Speaking in Chinese through an interpreter, he said China had never attached strings to its offers of assistance. "China will firmly support African countries in their efforts to uphold sovereignty and independence, and resolve African issues on their own," said Ginglin. "We maintain all countries big or small are equal, and we are opposed to the big, strong and rich bullying the weak, small and poor."

The opening session saw Benin's President Thomas Boni Yayi elected to a one-year term as AU chairman. The post rotates according to region, and Boni Yayi was the choice of the West African regional bloc known as ECOWAS. He is an economist who has led the small West African nation for six years. As chairman, Boni Yayi will preside over the fierce contest for the African Union Commission chairmanship. That battle between the incumbent Jean Ping of Gabon and the South African challenger Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma is to be settled Monday in a secret ballot of heads of state. The race is considered tight. One usually well-informed AU observer, when asked who he thought would win, replied, “If I were a betting man, I would not bet more than a penny”.

It shouldn't, but it will, be a source of historical irony that President Bush will go down in history as doing infinitely more for African people than President obama.

Lefty hypocrites and partisan haters will choke and stumble over this for decades.

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