WW2 United Staes Navy -greatest fighting force in history

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Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
WW2 began forthe United States when Jap bombers and midget subs cowardly attacked the Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor. - in the middle of peace negotiations

Several large ships were sunk and many were damaged.

But the navy quickly grew in strength.

At the end of the war - 24 battleships, 35 aircraft carriers, 77 escort carriers, 92 cruisers, 501 desroyers, 406 destroyer escorts, and 262 submarines were in service.

This was the greatest Navy that ever sailed the seas.. (worldbook)

Ya think??
If it had not of been for the Navy, the Army guys would still be fighting WWII!!! LOL.
The Japs and Krauts took up with the WRONG PEOPLE.

though we were soft-touches
Task Force 58 officer - we can go anywhere we please - and thejaps cant do a damned thing about it.

no brag - JUST FACT

you guys took UP WITH THE WRONG PEPOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have Victory At Sea - slam/dunk win - the United States Navy in World War 2 was an awesome fighting force -probably the best of all time...........................

Army wasnt bad either - or the Air Force...............

PS No Mission Accomplished crappola like Bush did -I mean who didwe fight - bunch of raghead with no army, navy or air forsce to speak of..................t
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