WTF is WRONG with our Federal freakin Government (oops too many caps!)


Locked Account.
Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
NY City is facing the rather large and utterly unnecessary cost (to the tune of $27 MILLION) of replacing it's street-name signs to "meet" the demands of the fucking Federal Government which mandates (I guess "mandate" is the right term) that the signs use Capital Letters ONLY in the first letter of the street name.

Under new federal guidelines all New York City street signs will have to be made lower-case -

It wouldn't be MAIN Street.

No no.

It must be Main Street.

What the fuck business is this of the fucking Federal Government?
I'm quite sure obie wan will sue them into compliance! Yup! Just like he did Arizona.
NY City is facing the rather large and utterly unnecessary cost (to the tune of $27 MILLION) of replacing it's street-name signs to "meet" the demands of the fucking Federal Government which mandates (I guess "mandate" is the right term) that the signs use Capital Letters ONLY in the first letter of the street name.

Under new federal guidelines all New York City street signs will have to be made lower-case -

It wouldn't be MAIN Street.

No no.

It must be Main Street.

What the fuck business is this of the fucking Federal Government?

If I had not seen this, I wouldn't believe it. BUT remembering what my uncle Vito used to tell me about how city contractors are awarded and why and by WHO etc...I believe it....
A sure sign that our federal government is intent on micro managing anything that will stick to the wall.
I'm sure a lib will come on this thread and tell us that we are looking at this debacle all wrong.
A sure sign that our federal government is intent on micro managing anything that will stick to the wall.
I'm sure a lib will come on this thread and tell us that we are looking at this debacle all wrong.

I'm actually looking forward to that.

I want to hear how it's a good and noble and virtuous and healthy thing for the FEDERAL Government to micromanage state and local governments down to the size of lettering on street signs.
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My bet?

That this will end up being our Stimulus money at work and that somehow 2 or 3 GREEN Jobs will be made up for the jobs saved or created statistics.

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