WTF is up with that prick in Georgia?


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
The top of the ticket in a race for Governor, is also the Sec of State in charge of running the election, who is trying to purge 53,000 minority voters over this bullshit, un-Constitutional, exact-match law? Republicans are not even trying to hide their racism any more. We got a President who thinks Nazis are good people and its okay to murder and dismember journalists; white nationalist thugs called the Proud Boys who think THEY are the just an innocent white boy fraternity; Christian Evangelicals thinking they are the victims in this country; and now some Georgia asshole trying to gin the election to become Governor.

If the only way for the republican right is to get votes through voter suppression, then you're gonna get your ass kicked in 3 weeks! Embrace the horror, this country hates you!
The top of the ticket in a race for Governor, is also the Sec of State in charge of running the election, who is trying to purge 53,000 minority voters over this bullshit, un-Constitutional, exact-match law? Republicans are not even trying to hide their racism any more. We got a President who thinks Nazis are good people and its okay to murder and dismember journalists; white nationalist thugs called the Proud Boys who think THEY are the just an innocent white boy fraternity; Christian Evangelicals thinking they are the victims in this country; and now some Georgia asshole trying to gin the election to become Governor.

If the only way for the republican right is to get votes through voter suppression, then you're gonna get your ass kicked in 3 weeks! Embrace the horror, this country hates you!

The opposition isn't looking so good, either.
The top of the ticket in a race for Governor, is also the Sec of State in charge of running the election, who is trying to purge 53,000 minority voters over this bullshit, un-Constitutional, exact-match law? Republicans are not even trying to hide their racism any more. We got a President who thinks Nazis are good people and its okay to murder and dismember journalists; white nationalist thugs called the Proud Boys who think THEY are the just an innocent white boy fraternity; Christian Evangelicals thinking they are the victims in this country; and now some Georgia asshole trying to gin the election to become Governor.

If the only way for the republican right is to get votes through voter suppression, then you're gonna get your ass kicked in 3 weeks! Embrace the horror, this country hates you!
i believe a lot of people in this country right now cant stand the democrats either billo... embrace that horror too....
The top of the ticket in a race for Governor, is also the Sec of State in charge of running the election, who is trying to purge 53,000 minority voters over this bullshit, un-Constitutional, exact-match law? Republicans are not even trying to hide their racism any more. We got a President who thinks Nazis are good people and its okay to murder and dismember journalists; white nationalist thugs called the Proud Boys who think THEY are the just an innocent white boy fraternity; Christian Evangelicals thinking they are the victims in this country; and now some Georgia asshole trying to gin the election to become Governor.

If the only way for the republican right is to get votes through voter suppression, then you're gonna get your ass kicked in 3 weeks! Embrace the horror, this country hates you!

Yeah, it's kinda sad how whites have been saying for years how the other folk are always playing the 'victim card' but these white evangelicals are acting & talking like the biggest victims since JC.
Now, there was a victim.
The top of the ticket in a race for Governor, is also the Sec of State in charge of running the election, who is trying to purge 53,000 minority voters over this bullshit, un-Constitutional, exact-match law? Republicans are not even trying to hide their racism any more. We got a President who thinks Nazis are good people and its okay to murder and dismember journalists; white nationalist thugs called the Proud Boys who think THEY are the just an innocent white boy fraternity; Christian Evangelicals thinking they are the victims in this country; and now some Georgia asshole trying to gin the election to become Governor.

If the only way for the republican right is to get votes through voter suppression, then you're gonna get your ass kicked in 3 weeks! Embrace the horror, this country hates you!

Come and get us...if you dare.
I smell the unmistakable odor of Democrat bullshit. "Voter Suppression", "Terrifying people into not voting". Umm no that is not what is happening. There are 53,000 applications on hold because the people applying messed up the application. If you can't properly fill out a voter ID application then you don't deserve a voter ID card. For example If you enter your credit card info and you miss a number does it say "OK that's close enough you're good"? A third grader could fill out a voter ID app. If you can't do that, you don't deserve to vote.
The top of the ticket in a race for Governor, is also the Sec of State in charge of running the election, who is trying to purge 53,000 minority voters over this bullshit, un-Constitutional, exact-match law? Republicans are not even trying to hide their racism any more. We got a President who thinks Nazis are good people and its okay to murder and dismember journalists; white nationalist thugs called the Proud Boys who think THEY are the just an innocent white boy fraternity; Christian Evangelicals thinking they are the victims in this country; and now some Georgia asshole trying to gin the election to become Governor.

If the only way for the republican right is to get votes through voter suppression, then you're gonna get your ass kicked in 3 weeks! Embrace the horror, this country hates you!

Traditionally the corrupt Democratic Party has used voter fraud to violated the voting rights of the non-racist voters.
You only get to vote once and non-citizens do not get to vote in our country.
Democrats make politics about race, because they are racist cretins.
The top of the ticket in a race for Governor, is also the Sec of State in charge of running the election, who is trying to purge 53,000 minority voters over this bullshit, un-Constitutional, exact-match law? Republicans are not even trying to hide their racism any more. We got a President who thinks Nazis are good people and its okay to murder and dismember journalists; white nationalist thugs called the Proud Boys who think THEY are the just an innocent white boy fraternity; Christian Evangelicals thinking they are the victims in this country; and now some Georgia asshole trying to gin the election to become Governor.

If the only way for the republican right is to get votes through voter suppression, then you're gonna get your ass kicked in 3 weeks! Embrace the horror, this country hates you!

Yeah, it's kinda sad how whites have been saying for years how the other folk are always playing the 'victim card' but these white evangelicals are acting & talking like the biggest victims since JC.
Now, there was a victim.

Everyone gets it.
The Nazis hate Jews.
The Klan hate Blacks
The Progressives hate Evangelicals.
The top of the ticket in a race for Governor, is also the Sec of State in charge of running the election, who is trying to purge 53,000 minority voters over this bullshit, un-Constitutional, exact-match law? Republicans are not even trying to hide their racism any more. We got a President who thinks Nazis are good people and its okay to murder and dismember journalists; white nationalist thugs called the Proud Boys who think THEY are the just an innocent white boy fraternity; Christian Evangelicals thinking they are the victims in this country; and now some Georgia asshole trying to gin the election to become Governor.

If the only way for the republican right is to get votes through voter suppression, then you're gonna get your ass kicked in 3 weeks! Embrace the horror, this country hates you!

Traditionally the corrupt Democratic Party has used voter fraud to violated the voting rights of the non-racist voters.
You only get to vote once and non-citizens do not get to vote in our country.
Democrats make politics about race, because they are racist cretins.
Blocking 53,000 votes is a lot more effective than the one or two cases of voter fraud they find every year
I smell the unmistakable odor of Democrat bullshit. "Voter Suppression", "Terrifying people into not voting". Umm no that is not what is happening. There are 53,000 applications on hold because the people applying messed up the application.

This forum's "agree",.winner", "thank you", etc. picks needs to add one more choice ---
"lying post"

in my view
I smell the unmistakable odor of Democrat bullshit. "Voter Suppression", "Terrifying people into not voting". Umm no that is not what is happening. There are 53,000 applications on hold because the people applying messed up the application. If you can't properly fill out a voter ID application then you don't deserve a voter ID card. For example If you enter your credit card info and you miss a number does it say "OK that's close enough you're good"? A third grader could fill out a voter ID app. If you can't do that, you don't deserve to vote.
1st you have to be able to read. Second you need to understand which party affiliation you belong to. After that you go in Nov and punch out or mark the person you want. Remember the 2000 election where in Fla, 1000s of punch cards couldn't be counted, because the liberals said it was too confusing for grandma? The same grandma that can do 10 bingo cards at a time and not miss a number?
Anyone know who's picture the OP is using as her Avatar ?

Nobody is "purging" voters from the rolls. Georgia law allows for the state to remove “inactive voters” who miss three voting cycles. Those currently on the “pending” list will be able to vote in the coming election provided they can show approved identification at their polling places, which is also required by the state. Provisional ballots will also be made available in case related disputes can't be sorted out on the spot. So if they have a valid state ID to prove they are legitimate, there should be no problem.
Nobody is "purging" voters from the rolls. Georgia law allows for the state to remove “inactive voters” who miss three voting cycles. Those currently on the “pending” list will be able to vote in the coming election provided they can show approved identification at their polling places, which is also required by the state. Provisional ballots will also be made available in case related disputes can't be sorted out on the spot. So if they have a valid state ID to prove they are legitimate, there should be no problem.

It just CRUSHES the Left when people follow the Law
Republicans are not even trying to hide their racism any more. We got a President who thinks Nazis are good people and its okay to murder and dismember journalists; white nationalist thugs called the Proud Boys who think THEY are the just an innocent white boy fraternity;
What a crock of shit. More smears and slander from the left. That, and violence is all you guys ever have. When was the last time your party campaigned on issues?

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