WTF, BoA!?


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Pasco couple fear losing home to foreclosure for paying mortgage too early - St. Petersburg Times

NEW PORT RICHEY — Seventy-year-old Sharon Bullington may lose her home because she paid her mortgage a week early.

That may not make much sense to the thousands of homeowners who are behind on their mortgages in Florida. But it seems it does to Bank of America, which has filed to foreclose on Bullington and her husband, James, 78, who is terminally ill.

"It's like death to me," Sharon Bullington said, her voice quivering on the phone Friday. "My husband is bedridden. It's almost more than I can bear."

Pasco couple fear losing home to foreclosure for paying mortgage too early - St. Petersburg Times
If they have kids they should start killing big wigs at that bank. Find out when the board of diwektahhhhhz meets and roll in with mini 14's and shotguns.All these fucks need to be taken out but the land of the slave and the home of the coward doesn't have anyone to do it.
OMG OMG !!! Britney pierced her clit !!!!!! Wheeeeeeeeeee !!!!


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If they have kids they should start killing big wigs at that bank. Find out when the board of diwektahhhhhz meets and roll in with mini 14's and shotguns.All these fucks need to be taken out but the land of the slave and the home of the coward doesn't have anyone to do it.
OMG OMG !!! Britney pierced her clit !!!!!! Wheeeeeeeeeee !!!!

I've never been in favor of such things until recently. Seriously. I mean - it's still all just talk to me, but they treat people like this, and think nothing will happen??

Did you read the article? Guy at the bottom paid $50k to try to get things back on track, and BoA refused the payment. Again I ask; WTF, BoA?!
The Loan Modification was how they got screwed. BofA is doing this in thousands of cases across America.

Loan Modification paperwork states (in the small print of course) that you cannot pay off early or be late by one day or it's an instant default.

The only recourse these people have is to sue them in Federal Court (Pro Se) where the foreclosure will immediately stop and the case will take years to resolve.

While the case is making it's way through the courts they say to BofA:

"Listen, while this case is active I'm not making house (Too bad Phaggots!) )payments but you have to hire lawyers. This is costing you money. How do you wanna' resolve this?"

When you run into trouble with the banks don't go begging for mercy, go to court and fuck them as hard as you can. They would fuck you if they could.
The Loan Modification was how they got screwed. BofA is doing this in thousands of cases across America.

Loan Modification paperwork states (in the small print of course) that you cannot pay off early or be late by one day or it's an instant default.

The only recourse these people have is to sue them in Federal Court (Pro Se) where the foreclosure will immediately stop and the case will take years to resolve.

While the case is making it's way through the courts they say to BofA:

"Listen, while this case is active I'm not making house (Too bad Phaggots!) )payments but you have to hire lawyers. This is costing you money. How do you wanna' resolve this?"

When you run into trouble with the banks don't go begging for mercy, go to court and fuck them as hard as you can. They would fuck you if they could.

The one thing I would do along side that is to put the payments in an escrow account so that if and when it goes to court she can prove that she had attempted to make the payments and BofA refused them.

The Loan Modification was how they got screwed. BofA is doing this in thousands of cases across America.

Loan Modification paperwork states (in the small print of course) that you cannot pay off early or be late by one day or it's an instant default.

The only recourse these people have is to sue them in Federal Court (Pro Se) where the foreclosure will immediately stop and the case will take years to resolve.

While the case is making it's way through the courts they say to BofA:

"Listen, while this case is active I'm not making house (Too bad Phaggots!) )payments but you have to hire lawyers. This is costing you money. How do you wanna' resolve this?"

When you run into trouble with the banks don't go begging for mercy, go to court and fuck them as hard as you can. They would fuck you if they could.

Thank you! Good information to have for the next person I see getting hosed by BoA.

A dear friend of mine had BoA attempt to destroy them. I've been on the watch for their shenanigans ever since.
She is the one who did not stay on top of this payment in Feb.
She waited weeks before finding out what the problem was.
It only takes days for automatic trans actions.
Had she called the bank the next week , she would have found out she put in the wrong routing number.
It is her fault for not taking her own responsibility.
The Loan Modification was how they got screwed. BofA is doing this in thousands of cases across America.

Loan Modification paperwork states (in the small print of course) that you cannot pay off early or be late by one day or it's an instant default.

The only recourse these people have is to sue them in Federal Court (Pro Se) where the foreclosure will immediately stop and the case will take years to resolve.

While the case is making it's way through the courts they say to BofA:

"Listen, while this case is active I'm not making house (Too bad Phaggots!) )payments but you have to hire lawyers. This is costing you money. How do you wanna' resolve this?"

When you run into trouble with the banks don't go begging for mercy, go to court and fuck them as hard as you can. They would fuck you if they could.
Oh what a tangled web we weave when we plot to decieve.

Serves em right for trying to pull fast ones.
She is the one who did not stay on top of this payment in Feb.
She waited weeks before finding out what the problem was.
It only takes days for automatic trans actions.
Had she called the bank the next week , she would have found out she put in the wrong routing number.
It is her fault for not taking her own responsibility.

While I do agree with you and did take that into account when I thought about this, I still believe the bank is at fault for this. She did contact them when she caught the error. Even if they contend she should have contacted them earlier, she attempted to make amends.

They are being hard asses needlessly and it would serve them right if the couple walked away leaving the bank holding the bag and they got $33,000 on the foreclosure sale.

…valued at $133,464, though they owe about $177,000.

And what exactly does BoA hope to gain by foreclosing? This is true of most every property. Moreover, additional vacant properties on the market will only serve to further depress the market.

Olivera, a California-based employee, declined to comment about the case when reached by the Times on Friday. Bank of America replied in an e-mail: "We are going to re-review the Bullington's case."
The basic corporate philosophy: take advantage of whomever you can, be unethical, cruel, and capricious. If the customer fights back and makes an issue of it, back off and give them what they want. But such customers are rare, most will just let you screw them.

The Bullingtons' lawyer, Shawn Yesner, said the case makes no sense because his clients did what the bank told them to do. In 10 years as a lawyer, he said, he has never seen such an outrageous letter.
"I couldn't believe they would put that in writing," he said. "I had to read the letter three or four times. … Bank of America is putting her in a depressed state. She has never been behind on anything."
As thousands of property owners across Florida and the nation battle foreclosure, defense attorneys have accused lenders of bogging down the courts with an unwillingness to negotiate with people on their mortgages, often by simply refusing to make decisions.

It would be wonderful if the ‘free market’ really worked, if every BoA customer reading this could go to another lender and BoA would go out of business, per the ‘free market’ paradigm. Of course that can’t and won’t happen.

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