WTC/911 vs Time Square/Puff, The Bullshit SUV...Bush/Cheney vs Obajma/Biden

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
WTC/911 vs Time Square/Puff, The Bullshit SUV...Bush/Cheney vs Obajma/Biden

The terrorist attacks on America under two administrations. Contrast and compare.

Were we safer under Bush's first few years or Obama's first few years?

We report, you decide.



Do you feel safer under Obama/Biden vs Bush/Cheney? I do know the level of anxiety in the country is lower without the drums of anger and fear. Police work got the bad guys...we did not need to invade two countries...

Although America is as divided as ever...thanks to right wing lunacy...on the airwaves and over the cable(s)...
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A car-bomb fizzled out in Times Square, and was planted by men who came from Pakistan, aka Obama's predator-drone zone.

No, I don't feel safer.
A car-bomb fizzled out in Times Square, and was planted by men who came from Pakistan, aka Obama's predator-drone zone.

No, I don't feel safer.

go away. do society a favor and disappear. stop stalking me. you're creepy. I see you following all my posts around. Too bad USMB doesn't allow restraining orders.

Play Misty For ME...not!

Willow, eagleseven and a few other ceazy twats
Bump Pussies? Are you fucking serious Dante? You sound like a lost GOP lesbian looking for a bondage bar to work at when you say that.

I thought this was gonna be a serious thread about who did a better job, but.......I see it's already degenerated into a pickup scene at a dive bar and closing time is coming.....

But then again, I can't blame you, because it's that insufferable troll known as Fecal Smegma, the 7 time colon jousting champ.

Do I feel safer under Obama or Bush?

Lemmie place it simple so you can get back to your foreplay...............

I'd trust the security of this country better under a smart statesman rather than a (supposedly) reformed drunken frat boy.

You figure out which is which..........

Frat tricks are cute, and sometimes cool, but when you invade the wrong fucking country, it's a crime.
I'd trust the security of this country better under a smart statesman rather than a (supposedly) reformed drunken frat boy.
Your smart statesman is having a difficult time keeping the jihadists in Pakistan, despite bombing the hell out of the Pakistanis.

Why is this, Sailorboy?
Bump Pussies? Are you fucking serious Dante? You sound like a lost GOP lesbian looking for a bondage bar to work at when you say that.

I thought this was gonna be a serious thread about who did a better job, but.......I see it's already degenerated into a pickup scene at a dive bar and closing time is coming.....

But then again, I can't blame you, because it's that insufferable troll known as Fecal Smegma, the 7 time colon jousting champ.

Do I feel safer under Obama or Bush?

Lemmie place it simple so you can get back to your foreplay...............

I'd trust the security of this country better under a smart statesman rather than a (supposedly) reformed drunken frat boy.

You figure out which is which..........

Frat tricks are cute, and sometimes cool, but when you invade the wrong fucking country, it's a crime.

I understand your hesitancy. I have become fluent in more than a few underground tongues (pun?) after having bee subject for so long to the peanut gallery of girlyman/boys, and the Pussy Posse of USMB.

yeah, the frat boy made me safe like a terrorist makes a hostage feel safe. Under Bush/Cheney, I think the country suffered from Stockholm Syndrome.
bush's and obama's IQ are about equal (i think bush is one point higher) so not sure why you are saying one is a smart and not the other. one certainly reads a teleprompter better but that doesnt equal intelligence.

how many attacks did we have in america under bush in 8 years and how many have we had under obama in slightly over one year?
bush's and obama's IQ are about equal (i think bush is one point higher) so not sure why you are saying one is a smart and not the other. one certainly reads a teleprompter better but that doesnt equal intelligence.

how many attacks did we have in america under bush in 8 years and how many have we had under obama in slightly over one year?
Dante and Sailorboy are easily fooled by a silver tongue.
bush's and obama's IQ are about equal (i think bush is one point higher) so not sure why you are saying one is a smart and not the other. one certainly reads a teleprompter better but that doesnt equal intelligence.

how many attacks did we have in america under bush in 8 years and how many have we had under obama in slightly over one year?
Dante and Sailorboy are easily fooled by a silver tongue.

in your haste to try and best me (change your scream name to AVIS, and keep trying harder), you posted yet another inanity. I never made a statement on the IQ level of Bush vs Obama. I did say the nation suffered from Stockholm Syndrome under Bush/Cheney.

bush's and obama's IQ are about equal (i think bush is one point higher) so not sure why you are saying one is a smart and not the other. one certainly reads a teleprompter better but that doesnt equal intelligence.

how many attacks did we have in america under bush in 8 years and how many have we had under obama in slightly over one year?

Tell ya what links that state Bush Jr. is smarter than Obma in the IQ department.

Otherwise? Be known for the partisan rhetoric driven asshole that you are.]

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