Wrestling with God...

You wrestle with God because
1) you are not properly described what is God.
2)those you are disappointed in are not representatives of God, they are as clueless to the Hebrew teachings and way things are as you are, and you are lost off path, because they lead you there.
BECAUSE; you are only as good as your teachers and leaders YOU CHOOSE TO LISTEN TO.
which brings us to
3)they prevent you from listening to what you need to hear, because they hinder you through affiliation pride, whereby outsiders & other culture's beliefs are denied equal access).
IN OTHER WORDS you are brainwashed in their ways and not proper and right ways. YOU ACCEPTED THEIR WAYS and denied other precepts and perspectives because of it.
Proof; have they not shut you out from
listening to me? Have they not replaced me with an idol they speak through?
SO IT'S YOUR CHOICE you chose affiliation over reality and truth and humanity, just as Political rivals choose party over country and humanity.
YOUR previous COMMENTs to censor me and recent comment to censor that respondant are proof of your struggle being with pride not with God.
You wrestle with God because
1) you are not properly described what is God.
2)those you are disappointed in are not representatives of God, they are as clueless to the Hebrew teachings and way things are as you are, and you are lost off path, because they lead you there.
BECAUSE; you are only as good as your teachers and leaders YOU CHOOSE TO LISTEN TO.
which brings us to
3)they prevent you from listening to what you need to hear, because they hinder you through affiliation pride, whereby outsiders & other culture's beliefs are denied equal access).
IN OTHER WORDS you are brainwashed in their ways and not proper and right ways. YOU ACCEPTED THEIR WAYS and denied other precepts and perspectives because of it.
Proof; have they not shut you out from
listening to me? Have they not replaced me with an idol they speak through?
SO IT'S YOUR CHOICE you chose affiliation over reality and truth and humanity, just as Political rivals choose party over country and humanity.
YOUR previous COMMENTs to censor me and recent comment to censor that respondant are proof of your struggle being with pride not with God.
I never read any of the garbage you post.
You wrestle with God because
1) you are not properly described what is God.
2)those you are disappointed in are not representatives of God, they are as clueless to the Hebrew teachings and way things are as you are, and you are lost off path, because they lead you there.
BECAUSE; you are only as good as your teachers and leaders YOU CHOOSE TO LISTEN TO.
which brings us to
3)they prevent you from listening to what you need to hear, because they hinder you through affiliation pride, whereby outsiders & other culture's beliefs are denied equal access).
IN OTHER WORDS you are brainwashed in their ways and not proper and right ways. YOU ACCEPTED THEIR WAYS and denied other precepts and perspectives because of it.
Proof; have they not shut you out from
listening to me? Have they not replaced me with an idol they speak through?
SO IT'S YOUR CHOICE you chose affiliation over reality and truth and humanity, just as Political rivals choose party over country and humanity.
YOUR previous COMMENTs to censor me and recent comment to censor that respondant are proof of your struggle being with pride not with God.
I never read any of the garbage you post.
Exactly, proving my point, the idol Jesus and affiliating to a cult
HINDERS (SAWTAWN) your education in life. Your wrestling match is in no way like Jacobs, you are wrestling with your own choice to seclude yourself from connecting with precepts that actually make your life happier, healthier, and more wise.
The opinion of Nazi Jews aside, we are rebels. We are at war with God.

I thought that was obvious from Genesis.
The opinion of Nazi Jews aside, we are rebels. We are at war with God.

I thought that was obvious from Genesis.
If I was to say I'm ready to surrender to God, how exactly would I go about doing that?
The opinion of Nazi Jews aside, we are rebels. We are at war with God.

I thought that was obvious from Genesis.
If I was to say I'm ready to surrender to God, how exactly would I go about doing that?
Through deeds and actions, not words.

If course I assume you already give thanks and praise, but our actions need to show we are thankful and give praise.
The opinion of Nazi Jews aside, we are rebels. We are at war with God.

I thought that was obvious from Genesis.
If I was to say I'm ready to surrender to God, how exactly would I go about doing that?
Through deeds and actions, not words.
Be specific.
Do unto others as you would have them do to you.

Be honest with yourself as you would have others be honest with themselves.
I thought that was obvious from Genesis.
If I was to say I'm ready to surrender to God, how exactly would I go about doing that?[/QUOTE]

I understand that the word "Israel" means "struggle with God."
Everyone struggles. You are surely not alone.
My own pain sometimes seems more grievous than I can bear, but remember that Jesus said "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me."

I repeat Jesus' words often.

One day at a time. Try to do what you can to make this a better world, however small your efforts seem to you. I pick up litter on daily walks, carrying a bag with me. I call city authorities and state departments to inform them of broken things that need repair. I make suggestions to improve what needs improvement, such as the dismal California's Drivers Exam. I was tossed out for taking pictures and had to explain to them that their answers are wrong. The post office is not maintaining landscaping and branches hit pedestrians in the face. Telling staff didn't work so I wrote to the Postmaster General. That got their attention, you betcha.

Thank a grocery clerk and a fast food employee for feeding you. How few people do even these small things but the smiles you get in return are your reward.
I'm ready to surrender to God, how exactly would I go about doing that?
Prayer and patience.

The Lord's church is not of this world. That isn't to say that people cannot grow and learn in the churches if they are where they need to be. There is even a scripture that describes how the Lord will chase us to where we need to be.

It is a disappointment when humans try to cover up crimes but that is a portion of the carnal human's nature to cover over flaws. The worse the flaws are the more makeup they try to put on basically.

We get a few scars here in this world in our trials and tribulations but the important thing in them is to learn to overcome them and press forward. A dear friend once told me that difficulties I had not brought onto myself would be merely character building blocks. He was correct as there is not one of those times I cannot look back and say I did not learn something valuable from them that I either needed to know or desired to understand.
I believe in God as much as I always have, but I seldom pray, and I very infrequently attend Mass on Sunday.

My problems with God are twofold:

1) My life has been a series of disappointments and I blame God for it.

2) The pedophilia scandal has dampened my enthusiasm for the Catholic Church.

I believe the universe couldn't have gotten here by random happenstance, so I believe in a God who created it.

But it is hard to believe in the loving God Christ described, the entity who will make sure you never want for anything and will open doors if you knock.

The best description for me is "disillusioned."

I have read biographies of the saints, and I know many of them had "dry" periods filled with doubt, but they somehow plowed through it and hung onto their faith.

Is this my "dry" period?

And if so, how do I get "wet" again?
First, I have significant issues with the Catholic religion. Go try out a good Bible based church in your area. 100% chance your eyes will be opened.
Failures are long term gains. You’re being molded into a better person. How do you make diamonds? You’re being remade.

Is your real issue with Christ, Christianity, or your loyalty to the Catholic church over following the commands of God as opposed to those of men?
I believe in God as much as I always have, but I seldom pray, and I very infrequently attend Mass on Sunday.

My problems with God are twofold:

1) My life has been a series of disappointments and I blame God for it.

2) The pedophilia scandal has dampened my enthusiasm for the Catholic Church.

I believe the universe couldn't have gotten here by random happenstance, so I believe in a God who created it.

But it is hard to believe in the loving God Christ described, the entity who will make sure you never want for anything and will open doors if you knock.

The best description for me is "disillusioned."

I have read biographies of the saints, and I know many of them had "dry" periods filled with doubt, but they somehow plowed through it and hung onto their faith.

Is this my "dry" period?

And if so, how do I get "wet" again?
First, I have significant issues with the Catholic religion. Go try out a good Bible based church in your area. 100% chance your eyes will be opened.
Failures are long term gains. You’re being molded into a better person. How do you make diamonds? You’re being remade.

Is your real issue with Christ, Christianity, or your loyalty to the Catholic church over following the commands of God as opposed to those of men?
I have issues with the manmade laws of the Catholic Church, the diminishment of the Messiah, idol worshipping, the depravity accepted within the church to name a few things.
I believe in God as much as I always have, but I seldom pray, and I very infrequently attend Mass on Sunday.

My problems with God are twofold:

1) My life has been a series of disappointments and I blame God for it.

2) The pedophilia scandal has dampened my enthusiasm for the Catholic Church.

I believe the universe couldn't have gotten here by random happenstance, so I believe in a God who created it.

But it is hard to believe in the loving God Christ described, the entity who will make sure you never want for anything and will open doors if you knock.

The best description for me is "disillusioned."

I have read biographies of the saints, and I know many of them had "dry" periods filled with doubt, but they somehow plowed through it and hung onto their faith.

Is this my "dry" period?

And if so, how do I get "wet" again?
First, I have significant issues with the Catholic religion. Go try out a good Bible based church in your area. 100% chance your eyes will be opened.
Failures are long term gains. You’re being molded into a better person. How do you make diamonds? You’re being remade.

Is your real issue with Christ, Christianity, or your loyalty to the Catholic church over following the commands of God as opposed to those of men?
I have issues with the manmade laws of the Catholic Church, the diminishment of the Messiah, idol worshipping, the depravity accepted within the church to name a few things.

That should not change your personal relationship with Christ. The reason that so many denominations exist today is due to the simple fact that the Catholic church strayed from the Word for the sake of making converts and holding onto their membership.

The founders of this country had the same reservations you do about breaking ties with King George when they signed onto the Declaration of Independence. It was hard to reconcile Romans 13 with tyranny and oppression. Galatians 5: 1 began to open their eyes.
I believe in God as much as I always have, but I seldom pray, and I very infrequently attend Mass on Sunday.

My problems with God are twofold:

1) My life has been a series of disappointments and I blame God for it.

2) The pedophilia scandal has dampened my enthusiasm for the Catholic Church.

I believe the universe couldn't have gotten here by random happenstance, so I believe in a God who created it.

But it is hard to believe in the loving God Christ described, the entity who will make sure you never want for anything and will open doors if you knock.

The best description for me is "disillusioned."

I have read biographies of the saints, and I know many of them had "dry" periods filled with doubt, but they somehow plowed through it and hung onto their faith.

Is this my "dry" period?

And if so, how do I get "wet" again?
First, I have significant issues with the Catholic religion. Go try out a good Bible based church in your area. 100% chance your eyes will be opened.
Failures are long term gains. You’re being molded into a better person. How do you make diamonds? You’re being remade.

Is your real issue with Christ, Christianity, or your loyalty to the Catholic church over following the commands of God as opposed to those of men?
I have issues with the manmade laws of the Catholic Church, the diminishment of the Messiah, idol worshipping, the depravity accepted within the church to name a few things.

That should not change your personal relationship with Christ. The reason that so many denominations exist today is due to the simple fact that the Catholic church strayed from the Word for the sake of making converts and holding onto their membership.

The founders of this country had the same reservations you do about breaking ties with King George when they signed onto the Declaration of Independence. It was hard to reconcile Romans 13 with tyranny and oppression. Galatians 5: 1 began to open their eyes.
My awareness of the Catholic Church being a Demonic cult has nothing and everything to do with my relationship with Jesus. Jesus warmed of such cults.
You're on ignore, fncceo. I don't know why they gave me an option to look at your "ignored content" but I'm not going to.

I'll get over it. One day at a time.
1) My life has been a series of disappointments and I blame God for it.

Just to you, or to everyone who knows you as well?

You're on ignore, fncceo. I don't know why they gave me an option to look at your "ignored content" but I'm not going to.

Just to you, or to everyone who knows you as well?

a legitimate question and not reserved to any one participant of the desert religions but to all three and one that is repeated after a culmination of life experiences using their book to justify their own endeavors at other peoples expense.

might I suggest, blackrook and their christian bible as one in the same, brothers in crime.

I'll get over it. One day at a time.
I believe in God as much as I always have, but I seldom pray, and I very infrequently attend Mass on Sunday.

My problems with God are twofold:

1) My life has been a series of disappointments and I blame God for it.

2) The pedophilia scandal has dampened my enthusiasm for the Catholic Church.

I believe the universe couldn't have gotten here by random happenstance, so I believe in a God who created it.

But it is hard to believe in the loving God Christ described, the entity who will make sure you never want for anything and will open doors if you knock.

The best description for me is "disillusioned."

I have read biographies of the saints, and I know many of them had "dry" periods filled with doubt, but they somehow plowed through it and hung onto their faith.

Is this my "dry" period?

And if so, how do I get "wet" again?
First, I have significant issues with the Catholic religion. Go try out a good Bible based church in your area. 100% chance your eyes will be opened.
Failures are long term gains. You’re being molded into a better person. How do you make diamonds? You’re being remade.

Is your real issue with Christ, Christianity, or your loyalty to the Catholic church over following the commands of God as opposed to those of men?
I have issues with the manmade laws of the Catholic Church, the diminishment of the Messiah, idol worshipping, the depravity accepted within the church to name a few things.

That should not change your personal relationship with Christ. The reason that so many denominations exist today is due to the simple fact that the Catholic church strayed from the Word for the sake of making converts and holding onto their membership.

The founders of this country had the same reservations you do about breaking ties with King George when they signed onto the Declaration of Independence. It was hard to reconcile Romans 13 with tyranny and oppression. Galatians 5: 1 began to open their eyes.
My awareness of the Catholic Church being a Demonic cult has nothing and everything to do with my relationship with Jesus. Jesus warmed of such cults.

If Jesus warned of what would happen, what is your issue with Him?

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