

Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2009
Sometimes one runs across unexpected references that at first, set you back in your chair as you try to comprehend what was being said. Usually, you'll find these references in opinion pieces and articles. Not this time however;

While doing research for a court brief using the IRAC method of analysis, I was reading My teams chosen court case. The SCOTUS review of EME Homer City Generation v. EPA. This is a case of a city suing the EPA on the basis of its implementation of a Federal Implementation Plan (FIP) without giving the city or state a chance to implement a SIP, or State Implementation Plan. The issue revolves around the Good Neighbor Policy of the Clean Air Act and the requirements of determining the contribution of upwind states contribution to downwind states air quality. That is the purpose of the SCOTUS review....however, that isn't what set Me back on My heals. It was a reference in section 1594 paragraph 2 that was amazing because of where it is located. It reads,

Further complicating the problem, pollutants do not emerge from the smokestacks of an upwind State and uniformly migrate downwind. Some pollutants stay within upwind States' borders, the wind carries others to downwind States, and some subset of that group drifts to States without air quality problems. "The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth." The Holy Bible, John 3:8 (King James Version). In crafting a solution to the problem of interstate air pollution, regulators must account for the vagaries of the wind.

I can't take the time to debate it now, but I'm actually quite interested in what the progressives think of such language in a SCOTUS judgement.....

oops...forgot the link..

Google Scholar
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Many justices have quoted holy scriptures many times throughout history.

I have no problem with it.

The only question is as to whether such a quoted reference is even remotely related to the issue at hand.

Did I now shock you?
It would seem to be a poetic fashion of describing a fact of nature, not something made law by the text that is being quoted. It could have been Shakespeare or other.
A religious quotation in a secular document and that is what you guys come up with? LOL

I'm disappointed. I was kind of hoping for a few muffled 'pops'.

A religious quotation in a secular document and that is what you guys come up with? LOL

I'm disappointed. I was kind of hoping for a few muffled 'pops'.

No one cares. You can quote the Bible all day long, you just can't make it a public school textbook because Jesus wants you to save souls.
The foundation upon which my very psyche rests was shattered by this revelation.

How something so earth shattering could be buried in a document so obscure boggles my every attempt to come to grips with its ramifications for humankind.
A religious quotation in a secular document and that is what you guys come up with? LOL

I'm disappointed. I was kind of hoping for a few muffled 'pops'.


So I'm guessing that you are also upset that our Constitution has a few of Moses Laws on Moral and Social Laws?
The 1st Amendment gives them the right to quote a religious statement in any legal document.
The foundation upon which my very psyche rests was shattered by this revelation.

How something so earth shattering could be buried in a document so obscure boggles my every attempt to come to grips with its ramifications for humankind.
Obscure?!? Why, climage change itself is a risk with this new Deity being set aside for an old God. How dare you sir...How dare you! hehe
A religious quotation in a secular document and that is what you guys come up with? LOL

I'm disappointed. I was kind of hoping for a few muffled 'pops'.


So I'm guessing that you are also upset that our Constitution has a few of Moses Laws on Moral and Social Laws?
The 1st Amendment gives them the right to quote a religious statement in any legal document.
Actually, I'm guessing that you missed the whole point.....just a bit wide of the mark there...
A religious quotation in a secular document and that is what you guys come up with? LOL

I'm disappointed. I was kind of hoping for a few muffled 'pops'.

No one cares. You can quote the Bible all day long, you just can't make it a public school textbook because Jesus wants you to save souls.
Can't put it in a school book but you can put it in a SCOTUS document?
At least you're consistent in your hypocrisy
A religious quotation in a secular document and that is what you guys come up with? LOL

I'm disappointed. I was kind of hoping for a few muffled 'pops'.

No one cares. You can quote the Bible all day long, you just can't make it a public school textbook because Jesus wants you to save souls.
Can't put it in a school book but you can put it in a SCOTUS document?
At least you're consistent in your hypocrisy
Not to worry..he was one of those 'pops' I was hoping for...LOL...

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