Wow; Striking employees; Pension problems; Its hitting home for some!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Seeing lots of people who raged all year long against pensions and bloated salaries.........who are now irate and demanding the NFL officials be brought back by the owners!!! They want more pay and pension, and have replaced them with less qualified officials. I suspect many Romney/GOP supporters are among those who demand the NFL owners give in to the pension to get the best officials back and stop ruining the NFL season!!!! Ironic, right?

Also, and I dont have the link you'll have to google it, an interesting incident occurred near here. A Pickens County (SC) police officer pulled over Dabo Swinney......the head football coach of Clemson University here in SC. He was going almost double the speed limit (68/35) because he was running late.

Google it, and watch the video, and the demeanor and reaction of the locals, and in Clemson, SC, rest assured they are right wing Tea party types. They are upset with the cop, making probably 30K a year and risking himself to protect them, yet, those same folks cherish and worship the government employee they are paying $1,500,000 a year to coach a local football team.

Funny how those Tea Party priorities work, right?
Solution is simple: the NFL needs to FIRE all of the striking officials, and replace them with Division I college officials.
*laughs* Yep... That'll do it alright... hahahaha
News flash: that's where most regular NFL officials come from now. An official who can handle a Division I college game can hold his own in the NFL.
I think we should leave it just like it is, after all isn't it the progressive way, everone gets to play regardless of ability and everyone gets a trophy in the end? If no one wants a meritocracy in real life, why should you have it in sports. Let the replacements do their thing, after all it's only fair, and isn't fair the most important thing.

I'm not saying I believe that shit, but that's Maobama line, everyone get a slice of pie. Right?
News flash: that's where most regular NFL officials come from now. An official who can handle a Division I college game can hold his own in the NFL.
Mmmm... Yeah... Uhh... Isn't that where most, if not all, these guys came from? I know some of them did the Lingerie League, but pretty sure they did college games before that. They just didn't get the benefit of having the veterans there to help them out? I mean... This... Is... I don't know... Rookies making rookie mistakes.
I think we should leave it just like it is, after all isn't it the progressive way, everone gets to play regardless of ability and everyone gets a trophy in the end? If no one wants a meritocracy in real life, why should you have it in sports. Let the replacements do their thing, after all it's only fair, and isn't fair the most important thing.

I'm not saying I believe that shit, but that's Maobama line, everyone get a slice of pie. Right?
I think they are getting what they pay for.

Edit: I'll be honest... It fucking kills me to say that about a union worker. I hate unions. But it's absolutely clear here that they are the better choice and deserve to be paid.
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WTF? A football coach gets cited for reckless driving and the left turns it into a political issue? Rest assured they are what? Tea Party types? Geez the left is hate filled.
I couldnt give a shit about NFL officials, I hate people who strike, either show up to work or get another job. Missed calls are not uncommon even with the great union officials. I watched it, it was a bad call, but I've seen worse.....the offensive player had his arms with the ball, and simultaneious possession goes to the offense
I couldnt give a shit about NFL officials, I hate people who strike, either show up to work or get another job. Missed calls are not uncommon even with the great union officials. I watched it, it was a bad call, but I've seen worse.....the offensive player had his arms with the ball, and simultaneious possession goes to the offense
How did they miss the offensive pass interference that happened right before that? How did ANYONE?
News flash: that's where most regular NFL officials come from now. An official who can handle a Division I college game can hold his own in the NFL.
Mmmm... Yeah... Uhh... Isn't that where most, if not all, these guys came from? I know some of them did the Lingerie League, but pretty sure they did college games before that. They just didn't get the benefit of having the veterans there to help them out? I mean... This... Is... I don't know... Rookies making rookie mistakes.

No, the current yahoos came from D-III colleges, the Lingerie League, and Arena League. None came from D-I and I'm not sure any even came from D-II football.
Seeing lots of people who raged all year long against pensions and bloated salaries.........who are now irate and demanding the NFL officials be brought back by the owners!!! They want more pay and pension, and have replaced them with less qualified officials. I suspect many Romney/GOP supporters are among those who demand the NFL owners give in to the pension to get the best officials back and stop ruining the NFL season!!!! Ironic, right?

Also, and I dont have the link you'll have to google it, an interesting incident occurred near here. A Pickens County (SC) police officer pulled over Dabo Swinney......the head football coach of Clemson University here in SC. He was going almost double the speed limit (68/35) because he was running late.

Google it, and watch the video, and the demeanor and reaction of the locals, and in Clemson, SC, rest assured they are right wing Tea party types. They are upset with the cop, making probably 30K a year and risking himself to protect them, yet, those same folks cherish and worship the government employee they are paying $1,500,000 a year to coach a local football team.

Funny how those Tea Party priorities work, right?

Didn't realize NFL employees were public employees being paid with our tax dollars.
I think they are getting what they pay for.

Edit: I'll be honest... It fucking kills me to say that about a union worker. I hate unions. But it's absolutely clear here that they are the better choice and deserve to be paid.

Not all unions are bad.
Seeing lots of people who raged all year long against pensions and bloated salaries.........who are now irate and demanding the NFL officials be brought back by the owners!!! They want more pay and pension, and have replaced them with less qualified officials. I suspect many Romney/GOP supporters are among those who demand the NFL owners give in to the pension to get the best officials back and stop ruining the NFL season!!!! Ironic, right?

Also, and I dont have the link you'll have to google it, an interesting incident occurred near here. A Pickens County (SC) police officer pulled over Dabo Swinney......the head football coach of Clemson University here in SC. He was going almost double the speed limit (68/35) because he was running late.

Google it, and watch the video, and the demeanor and reaction of the locals, and in Clemson, SC, rest assured they are right wing Tea party types. They are upset with the cop, making probably 30K a year and risking himself to protect them, yet, those same folks cherish and worship the government employee they are paying $1,500,000 a year to coach a local football team.

Funny how those Tea Party priorities work, right?

Didn't realize NFL employees were public employees being paid with our tax dollars.

The stadiums they earn their living in is paid by your precious, sacred holy tax dollars. In fact, another one just got approved: Seattle city council approved building a new arena to attract an NBA and NHL team.

You far right wingers act like your precious holy tax dollars were blessed by Jesus and licked by the Pope. When in reality, you probably pay about 0.00005% of any given public employee's salary, espeically the important ones.
People bitch about shitty teachers, cops, etc. But...wont support raising their pay and beneifts to a level that would attract only the best.

But...they'll damn sure celebrate getting pay/benefits for their football referees. BTW, all those fancy stadiums are partially govt funded. And your Holy Tax Dollar pays for cops and firemen and EMS to be at those games and direct the highways. AND....all those coaches and players you worship....they almost ALL got their start at a college...a government funded college that YOU paid for, and they went for free for playing a sport. On your dime. BUt I bet you dont protest your favorite college's football team as much as you protest teachers getting a raise.
Even though the NFL makes about 9 Billion dollars a year, Cowboy stadium was subsidized with tax payer money.
Even though the NFL makes about 9 Billion dollars a year, Cowboy stadium was subsidized with tax payer money.

And I bet the Texas Tea Party didnt' say a fucking word. But try to give Dallas PD pay raises...and see how pissed they get.
I vote no every time a proposition pops up for the public to help build a stadium for an owner of a pro team. I receive no subsidies to start companies. They shouldnt either.
People bitch about shitty teachers, cops, etc. But...wont support raising their pay and beneifts to a level that would attract only the best.

But...they'll damn sure celebrate getting pay/benefits for their football referees. BTW, all those fancy stadiums are partially govt funded. And your Holy Tax Dollar pays for cops and firemen and EMS to be at those games and direct the highways. AND....all those coaches and players you worship....they almost ALL got their start at a college...a government funded college that YOU paid for, and they went for free for playing a sport. On your dime. BUt I bet you dont protest your favorite college's football team as much as you protest teachers getting a raise.

Look man, I told you I'm all for helping police and fire....teachers it depends.....but most of the teachers problems are because of the unions......having to teach retards in regular class? who thought this was a good idea? Libtards
Special needs, "mainstream" classroom

retards take alot more time to teach and you dont give attention to people who can learn, that's why they have special ed in the first place...duh!!!

As for the police and fire, they're dangerous and should get paid....beaurecrats shouldnt.

This is the crap that needs to be stopped. Kriner Cash SUCKS!!!!!!!!
Some on Memphis City Schools board say Cash merits bonus » The Commercial Appeal

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