Wow. Dream moment for Jon Huntsman against Romney.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
Don't care which side of the aisle you sit on..this was devasting.

Jon Huntsman: Country 'Divided Because Of Attitudes Like' Romney's

"I was criticized last night by Gov. Romney for putting my country first," Huntsman said. "He criticized me while he was out raising money, for serving my country in China, yes under a Democrat, like my two sons are doing in the United States Navy. They're not asking what political affiliation the president is."

"I will always put my country first and I think that's important," Huntsman said.

Romney essentially doubled down on his assertion that serving as an ambassador under a president of the opposite political party is an unworthy undertaking.

"I think we serve our country first by standing for people who believe in conservative principles and doing everything in our power to promote an agenda that does not include President Obama's agenda," Romney said. "The decision to go to work for President Obama is one which you took, and I don't -- I respect your decision to do that. I just think it's most likely that the person who should represent our party running against President Obama is not someone who called him a remarkable leader and went to be his ambassador in China."

Huntsman shot back immediately: "This nation is divided because of attitudes like that."

Very powerful.:eusa_clap:
Huntsman is a true conservative; maybe the only one to survive the radicalism of the New Right take over of the Republican Party.

I doubt all of his beliefs are consonant with the Democratic Party, but he would garner more attention and support from Democrats, in particular moderate Democrats, than he has gotten from radicalized Republicans.
Don't care which side of the aisle you sit on..this was devasting.

Jon Huntsman: Country 'Divided Because Of Attitudes Like' Romney's

"I was criticized last night by Gov. Romney for putting my country first," Huntsman said. "He criticized me while he was out raising money, for serving my country in China, yes under a Democrat, like my two sons are doing in the United States Navy. They're not asking what political affiliation the president is."

"I will always put my country first and I think that's important," Huntsman said.

Romney essentially doubled down on his assertion that serving as an ambassador under a president of the opposite political party is an unworthy undertaking.

"I think we serve our country first by standing for people who believe in conservative principles and doing everything in our power to promote an agenda that does not include President Obama's agenda," Romney said. "The decision to go to work for President Obama is one which you took, and I don't -- I respect your decision to do that. I just think it's most likely that the person who should represent our party running against President Obama is not someone who called him a remarkable leader and went to be his ambassador in China."

Huntsman shot back immediately: "This nation is divided because of attitudes like that."

Very powerful.:eusa_clap:

This is what I keep telling the wingnuts but, unfortunately, they aren't listening....

Huntsman would make a very interesting President and while I think socially he's be toxic to the hard left, the sensible center of the American political spectrum is not far from Huntsman's positions.

Curious...did the crowd erupt in cheering after Romney said that bizarre statement?
Don't care which side of the aisle you sit on..this was devasting.

Jon Huntsman: Country 'Divided Because Of Attitudes Like' Romney's

"I was criticized last night by Gov. Romney for putting my country first," Huntsman said. "He criticized me while he was out raising money, for serving my country in China, yes under a Democrat, like my two sons are doing in the United States Navy. They're not asking what political affiliation the president is."

"I will always put my country first and I think that's important," Huntsman said.

Romney essentially doubled down on his assertion that serving as an ambassador under a president of the opposite political party is an unworthy undertaking.

"I think we serve our country first by standing for people who believe in conservative principles and doing everything in our power to promote an agenda that does not include President Obama's agenda," Romney said. "The decision to go to work for President Obama is one which you took, and I don't -- I respect your decision to do that. I just think it's most likely that the person who should represent our party running against President Obama is not someone who called him a remarkable leader and went to be his ambassador in China."

Huntsman shot back immediately: "This nation is divided because of attitudes like that."

Very powerful.:eusa_clap:

This is what I keep telling the wingnuts but, unfortunately, they aren't listening....

Huntsman would make a very interesting President and while I think socially he's be toxic to the hard left, the sensible center of the American political spectrum is not far from Huntsman's positions.

Curious...did the crowd erupt in cheering after Romney said that bizarre statement?

Ummm....not that I recall but I'm not 100%.
Huntsman shot back immediately: "This nation is divided because of attitudes like that."


And very well said.

That Huntsman isn’t the GOP nominee is indicative of a GOP devoid of character; there is at least one qualified candidate in the republican field.
Too little too late though.


I disagree. Romney has one win under his belt. Iowa. It will be an uphill climb but Santorum is not long for the contest. Perry is all but done. Gingrich is toast. Paul will hang around because that is what he does.

Huntsman will gather some momentum out of New Hampshire. This should help him South Carolina. Romney went up to 29% from 17% 5 weeks earlier according to Rasmussen on 1/6...after his win. He can go down just as fast.

Huntsman needs to do no worse than 2nd in New Hampshire more than likely.
Too little too late though.


I disagree. Romney has one win under his belt. Iowa. It will be an uphill climb but Santorum is not long for the contest. Perry is all but done. Gingrich is toast. Paul will hang around because that is what he does.

Huntsman will gather some momentum out of New Hampshire. This should help him South Carolina. Romney went up to 29% from 17% 5 weeks earlier according to Rasmussen on 1/6...after his win. He can go down just as fast.

Huntsman needs to do no worse than 2nd in New Hampshire more than likely.

Fair 'nuff.

I was listening to his campaign manager getting interviewed after the debate and he was talking about with how quickly information gets disseminated today, that there could be a lot of movement.

It was def a strong performance from him today.
Don't care which side of the aisle you sit on..this was devasting.

Jon Huntsman: Country 'Divided Because Of Attitudes Like' Romney's

"I was criticized last night by Gov. Romney for putting my country first," Huntsman said. "He criticized me while he was out raising money, for serving my country in China, yes under a Democrat, like my two sons are doing in the United States Navy. They're not asking what political affiliation the president is."

"I will always put my country first and I think that's important," Huntsman said.

Romney essentially doubled down on his assertion that serving as an ambassador under a president of the opposite political party is an unworthy undertaking.

"I think we serve our country first by standing for people who believe in conservative principles and doing everything in our power to promote an agenda that does not include President Obama's agenda," Romney said. "The decision to go to work for President Obama is one which you took, and I don't -- I respect your decision to do that. I just think it's most likely that the person who should represent our party running against President Obama is not someone who called him a remarkable leader and went to be his ambassador in China."

Huntsman shot back immediately: "This nation is divided because of attitudes like that."

Very powerful.:eusa_clap:

This is what I keep telling the wingnuts but, unfortunately, they aren't listening....

Huntsman would make a very interesting President and while I think socially he's be toxic to the hard left, the sensible center of the American political spectrum is not far from Huntsman's positions.

Curious...did the crowd erupt in cheering after Romney said that bizarre statement?

It was weird. They were pretty silent after Romney..but cheered Huntsman.
Too little too late though.


I disagree. Romney has one win under his belt. Iowa. It will be an uphill climb but Santorum is not long for the contest. Perry is all but done. Gingrich is toast. Paul will hang around because that is what he does.

Huntsman will gather some momentum out of New Hampshire. This should help him South Carolina. Romney went up to 29% from 17% 5 weeks earlier according to Rasmussen on 1/6...after his win. He can go down just as fast.

Huntsman needs to do no worse than 2nd in New Hampshire more than likely.

Gingrich would probably have been out after New Hampshire if it wasn't for Romney's ads. He's not serious about the presidency and really wants a FOX gig..and to sell books.

But now he's pissed.
Indeed, that was a spot on assessment. Huntsman for once stood out and I liked a few of his ideas. Too little too late though.

Gee...a "spot on assessment" as to why the country is divided...yet your sig line reads, "LIBERALISM IS A DISEASE".

I wonder if the assessment you endorsed will have any effect on you changing your message, your tone, etc....

I'm guessing no.

I disagree. Romney has one win under his belt. Iowa. It will be an uphill climb but Santorum is not long for the contest. Perry is all but done. Gingrich is toast. Paul will hang around because that is what he does.

Huntsman will gather some momentum out of New Hampshire. This should help him South Carolina. Romney went up to 29% from 17% 5 weeks earlier according to Rasmussen on 1/6...after his win. He can go down just as fast.

Huntsman needs to do no worse than 2nd in New Hampshire more than likely.

Gingrich would probably have been out after New Hampshire if it wasn't for Romney's ads. He's not serious about the presidency and really wants a FOX gig..and to sell books.

But now he's pissed.

If he's pissed and supported, he's what we call a threat.
If he's pissed and broke, he's what we call toast.

He never had the funding lined up to start with...I doubt the piss and vinegar will help him much since Santorum is now getting the Christian Conservative votes. I did see last night where Gingrich tried to go after the media on a totally unrelated question. It was really sort of sad.
I disagree. Romney has one win under his belt. Iowa. It will be an uphill climb but Santorum is not long for the contest. Perry is all but done. Gingrich is toast. Paul will hang around because that is what he does.

Huntsman will gather some momentum out of New Hampshire. This should help him South Carolina. Romney went up to 29% from 17% 5 weeks earlier according to Rasmussen on 1/6...after his win. He can go down just as fast.

Huntsman needs to do no worse than 2nd in New Hampshire more than likely.

Gingrich would probably have been out after New Hampshire if it wasn't for Romney's ads. He's not serious about the presidency and really wants a FOX gig..and to sell books.

But now he's pissed.

If he's pissed and supported, he's what we call a threat.
If he's pissed and broke, he's what we call toast.

He never had the funding lined up to start with...I doubt the piss and vinegar will help him much since Santorum is now getting the Christian Conservative votes. I did see last night where Gingrich tried to go after the media on a totally unrelated question. It was really sort of sad.

Don't count out the Gingrich effect. He brought down the US government. The man is not nothing if not destructive.

He wanted to do a "Buchanan" and win at least one state. Iowa would have been it.

Now he's mad.
Indeed, that was a spot on assessment. Huntsman for once stood out and I liked a few of his ideas. Too little too late though.

Gee...a "spot on assessment" as to why the country is divided...yet your sig line reads, "LIBERALISM IS A DISEASE".

I wonder if the assessment you endorsed will have any effect on you changing your message, your tone, etc....

I'm guessing no.

Gingrich would probably have been out after New Hampshire if it wasn't for Romney's ads. He's not serious about the presidency and really wants a FOX gig..and to sell books.

But now he's pissed.

If he's pissed and supported, he's what we call a threat.
If he's pissed and broke, he's what we call toast.

He never had the funding lined up to start with...I doubt the piss and vinegar will help him much since Santorum is now getting the Christian Conservative votes. I did see last night where Gingrich tried to go after the media on a totally unrelated question. It was really sort of sad.

Don't count out the Gingrich effect. He brought down the US government. The man is not nothing if not destructive.

He wanted to do a "Buchanan" and win at least one state. Iowa would have been it.

Now he's mad.

Now that I can agree with; his only role is to be a spoiler. The problem is that there is already another spoiler on the scene--Santorum.

In most years, I could see it working but the election of 2012 will be more about economics than any other election in recent memory. I don't see his embracing of family values--a philandering twice divorced man-child--at the 11th hour playing in this atmosphere.

I count him out but he may hang around longer than I predict.

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