Wow. A huge leap over the line

You've read these prepared notes a million times already, lefty. No new material?
You've read these prepared notes a million times already, lefty. No new material?

not my fault the GOP is being stupid. I've watched them be stupid for years.

My state, the GOP used to be strong enough to elect governors. Now we have a tax raising idiot who replaced the guy who got impeached, and he STILL got re-elected because the state GOP is so in love with religious crazy they can't see straight.

With a 44% approval rating and 60% thinking the country is on the wrong track, ANYONE the GOP puts up should be running circles around Obama. Instead, we are seriously talking about how a weird Mormon Robot is more electable than real conservatives.

Really? Really?

The GOP has real problems, it's in serious danger of going the way of the Whigs. Or just becoming a regional party.

Now, I'm not sure how old you are, but I think back to my first election, 1980. The GOP had a wealth of really quality guys back then. Reagan, Bush the Elder, Baker, Connoley, Bob Dole.

Now we have the Romney, Gingrich and Roooooon Paulllllllll.... Seriously?
Let me know when you start using any, OCD lefty bigot.
Santorum couldn't win reelection in PA, a very moderate state, in Iowa his rigid and often bizarre religious values has appeal to the republicans who caucus and believe similarly. He doesn't have a chance nationally, but it would be nice if he were the candidate as then we would have four more years of a little bit of progress. America under republicans and many useless democrats has fallen far enough.
Santorum couldn't win reelection in PA, a very moderate state, in Iowa his rigid and often bizarre religious values has appeal to the republicans who caucus and believe similarly. He doesn't have a chance nationally, but it would be nice if he were the candidate as then we would have four more years of a little bit of progress. America under republicans and many useless democrats has fallen far enough.

I think we can do without the progress we've had under Obama, thank you very much.

But Santorum won twice before he was defeated for a seat in a very LIBERAL state. Even won his seat when Bush lost the state in 2000.

I think he would be a stronger candidate than Romney. For starters, he doesn't belong to an insane cult.

He also connects with working people. Romney really doesn't. He hasn't done anything to really offend hispanics.
The OCD lefty bigot just can't stop beating that drum...
Does the OCD make it harder or easier to stomach those sour grapes, bigot?
No sour grapes. I knew Obama was probably going to win regardless of who the GOP put up.

Which is why all the really qualified guys- Jeb Bush, Daniels, THune, Christie, Huckabee - opted out this time.

It would be nice if the GOP actually fought for conservative principles and drew a line in the sand, rather than just put up a squishy guy who needs to check with a focus group to see what his views are....

But, hey, man, it's your suicide pact, not mine. Enjoy the Koolaid.
You're done even pretending to be a Republican finally? Good step, lefty. Now go get some help for your OCD and you'll just be left with being a filthy fucking bigot. What progress!

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