would you watch a suicide

I would not voluntarily watch the light go out in another man's eyes again. For a loved one, I would be there to comfort them if they desired it. As far as suicide goes, there are times that it is the only reasonable way out. I had a cousin that had a series of heart attacks. After the last one, he was told that he would be on life sustaining machinery for the rest of his life. As soon as the nurse and doctor left, he managed to reach the power cord for the machinery and pulled it out of the wall. His son was bitter toward the hospital staff. But I thought that he did the reasonable thing. There is simply a time when life no longer makes sense.
I've watched people die, and it's nothing really amazing anyway.

That might sound incredibly cruel and heartless, but I assure you, I am neither.

As a person dies, their eyes fix, sometimes they widen, sometimes they close. The breathing slows, into a weak, long exhale, and the heart stops. Then that last exhale stops. Then, nothing.

Death is a fact. It's WHOSE death, that's important. This man was a stranger to almost everyone who viewed this. But take any one of those viewers, and have it be their closest loved one, see if they feel so keen about it anymore.

We can watch, because humans like to SEE pain, in order to know how good they have it. It's disgusting, but it's what we've become. I can see you're as sick of it as I am. All I can say is read my posts.
Beckett said it best, the thing he didn't like about death was he wouldn't be able to enjoy it. But watching death, like watching birth is a natural thing, both messy and more of a concern to loved ones. Legally I see no reason a person could not choose to die, cognizant of their final moment. And slippery slope nonsense is out of place in death unless you're some sort of fanatic.

Watching death on TV for entertainment is what's fanatical. Attempting to whitewash such morbid curiosity is worse.

I'm not sure how I feel about self-terminationm assisted or otherwise, but I have no such question about it being on the boob tube.
Non consentual euthanasia is acceptable to me depending on the situation.

For instance, if someone is in a permanent vegetative state with no chance of recovery, then I say pull the plug on them. No point wasting precious resources to keep someone alive by a machine or feeding tube.

Sure, blow your brains out. It's all the more horrible for whoever discovers you. Then there'll be an autopsy. You might miss and end up with brain damage - assuming you didn't have brain damage to begin with.
Take pills, why not? Just make sure you take enough to actually kill yourself because you don't want to wake up in hospital and find the attempt has failed.
Hang yourself, sounds all well and good. Face turns purple, eyes bulge out of your head, tongue protrudes and turns black. Skin mottled, blood gathers at the lower point of the body, in this case, the legs and ankles, making them swell. Cut them down, body bag, autopsy. Sure, sounds great, doesn't it?

Or, you can have a medical professional with you to administer the drugs, so you can die peacefully, surrounded by loved ones.

I know which I would prefer.

Would you require a medical professional to do it? or would they have a choice?
plus doctors have helped patients die for a long time...normally a simple script with the warning...dont take over 3 or 4 of these at once....it was just not public...a terminally ill friend of mine offed himself with morphine supporsitories...he knew just how many it would take

allie the gun thing doesnt always work....when someone lives thru a botched gun shot wound it can be devastating...plus it does not leave a good body for the family...
Yes it was shown on tv here last night.While I support the right to die for certain individuals I couldn't bring myself to watch the man die in the name of entertainment.There is an ever growing lobby pushing for the right to assist in the suicides of those loved ones who wish it without fear of prosecution.It is a contentious and emotional issue which in my opinion warrants debate at the highest government level.I hope I never find myself in such a position.

I agree that it's not entertainment. Seems a bit odd that somebody and their family would take something that personal and emotional and then be willing to broadcast it.
I disagree that the government needs to get involved in a debate about suicide for people of sound mind. The government just needs to leave people alone and get out of our way.

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