Would You Support The Reintroduction of Corporal Punishment in Schools?

Would You Support The Reintroduction of Corporal Punishment in Schools?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 52.4%
  • No

    Votes: 10 47.6%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2011
Up on the scaffold
Learning that there can be a negative outcome as a reult of one's actions is as crucial as love and nuture in a child's development. The departure from a physical measure to deter disruptive behaviour in the classroom seems to have manifested itself in the situation faced by teachers across the western world today. They find themselves unable to cope with unruly children who know that their teachers and supervisors' hands are tied when it comes to effectively sanctioning selfish, violent and ultimately disruptive behaviour.

I shall give you a personal example of when and where such a measure would be acceptable.

When I was in school my friends and I were caught firing marbles from a homemade catapult/slingshot at the groundskeeper's tractor. The groundskeeper yelled at us to stop, but my friends dared me to do it again once his back was turned. I did it again but this time hit and shattered the small windshield. I was taken by the groundskeeper to the headmaster who told me that as a result of my actions I would be caned. I knew instantly that I'd crossed a line and that I was going to be dealt with - I was going to be harmed by an adult that wasn't my parent. I began to cry profusely. I was forced to hold out my downturned hands, and I recieved six hard strokes of the cane. I was 10-years-old, and I still remember the pain to this day. I didn't dare risk damaging school property from that day after. True, I was caned a total of four times throughout my time in primary and secondary education, but they certainly sharpened my focus nonetheless (although two occasions were miscarriages of justice, I accept them as collateral damage incurred towards achieving a positive).

So, in light of what I've listed and recounted, what are your views and/or opinions on the reintroduction of corporal punishment to the classroom?
It's not the place of the schools to beat students. Maybe it's no one's place, but it sure isn't the school's. Disruptive students need to be removed from the classroom or ultimately from the school. That's a negative outcome.
It's not the place of the schools to beat students. Maybe it's no one's place, but it sure isn't the school's. Disruptive students need to be removed from the classroom or ultimately from the school. That's a negative outcome.

If they had cut off your fingers you'd probably never have had to suffer through the subsequent 3 beatings.
My kids have had their share of wackjobs for teachers and principals. I don't think I'd trust them with that power.
They already do it.

Except now they just make a 9 year old carry a 50lb fucking back pack rather than using the lockers

Sorry, could you expand upon that? I'm not entirely sure what you're referring to.

The backpacks my grandkids have to lug back and forth to school would make an Army Ranger blush.

No idea why they can't use the lockers, that I see up and down their hallways, between classes. But the weight of these back packs for 9,10, or 11 yr olds is ridiculous.

On topic, though, I have no problem with corporal punishment.
Bust their ass when they do something bad enough to call for it. Don't make them wait 6 hours until I get home.
I'll get their ass then too.
They already do it.

Except now they just make a 9 year old carry a 50lb fucking back pack rather than using the lockers

Sorry, could you expand upon that? I'm not entirely sure what you're referring to.

The backpacks my grandkids have to lug back and forth to school would make an Army Ranger blush.

No idea why they can't use the lockers, that I see up and down their hallways, between classes. But the weight of these back packs for 9,10, or 11 yr olds is ridiculous.

On topic, though, I have no problem with corporal punishment.
Bust their ass when they do something bad enough to call for it. Don't make them wait 6 hours until I get home.
I'll get their ass then too.

It's a security thing.. They don't want kids to use lockers. So their entire belongings sit in the hallway or the classroom where everyone can trip over stuff.

It's either that or bring in the dogs and crowbars to inspect the lockers for "whatever" is illegal in school. (gum, bibles, aspirin, religious symbols, forks, sharps objects, ect,, ect)

These kids are treated like freakin' inmates. They can't have a soda. Don't dare play tag. Might as well just beat them occasionally.. It's either the LEFT nannying them or the RIGHT wanting to flog them..
I went to Catholic school in the 60s and was regularly beaten by the nuns.

I remember once I said "shit" on the playground - was narc'd on by a snitch, then beaten by my nun, the Mother Superior - then sent home - where I was beaten by my Dad.

Look how normal I turned out.
I went to Catholic school in the 60s and was regularly beaten by the nuns.

I remember once I said "shit" on the playground - was narc'd on by a snitch, then beaten by my nun, the Mother Superior - then sent home - where I was beaten by my Dad.

Look how normal I turned out.

Now that is funny!

My uncle was a NYC high school principal for 20 years. Worst part of the district. He'd have me tag along as part of my education. Scared me shitless.

He was threatened daily, sued weekly, lost 3 cars in 20 years to vandalism and his teachers were helpless to enforce discipline..

Got news for you -- kicking them OUT of school is not the proper response.. That's what they think they want in a lot of cases. You need a multi-disciplinary approach to this where the TEACHERS are not the discipline givers. Lock 'em up.. Show educational videos to them in solitary.

There should be 4 or 5 padded cells on every high school campus with a attache from the local police on call.
Sorry, could you expand upon that? I'm not entirely sure what you're referring to.

The backpacks my grandkids have to lug back and forth to school would make an Army Ranger blush.

No idea why they can't use the lockers, that I see up and down their hallways, between classes. But the weight of these back packs for 9,10, or 11 yr olds is ridiculous.

On topic, though, I have no problem with corporal punishment.
Bust their ass when they do something bad enough to call for it. Don't make them wait 6 hours until I get home.
I'll get their ass then too.

It's a security thing.. They don't want kids to use lockers. So their entire belongings sit in the hallway or the classroom where everyone can trip over stuff.

It's either that or bring in the dogs and crowbars to inspect the lockers for "whatever" is illegal in school. (gum, bibles, aspirin, religious symbols, forks, sharps objects, ect,, ect)

These kids are treated like freakin' inmates. They can't have a soda. Don't dare play tag. Might as well just beat them occasionally.. It's either the LEFT nannying them or the RIGHT wanting to flog them..

The ones that are the biggest violators of drugs and weapons, high schoolers, have lockers.
I'm talking about elementary and middle school, though.
I went to Catholic school in the 60s and was regularly beaten by the nuns.

I remember once I said "shit" on the playground - was narc'd on by a snitch, then beaten by my nun, the Mother Superior - then sent home - where I was beaten by my Dad.

Look how normal I turned out.


That was good. :clap2:
I do not believe in corporal punishment. But I do believe in punishment. Unfortunately, that has become a dirty word in schools today.

Same here.

Punishments should be ironic though..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3ZcZ2h4Ths]The Simpsons - Donut Hell - YouTube[/ame]

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