Would you support a Catholic church being built anywhere


no fly list
Jan 6, 2007
Extreme controversy surrounds any discussion of the Catholic Church's role in genocide and crimes against humanity. Several issues need to be highlighted in seeking to unravel this controversy. First is the allegation that the Church was directly responsible for the drive toward colonialism in issuing papal bulls that commanded states such as Portugal to spread Catholicism. One might argue that these declarations led European nation-states to believe that it was their right to acquire territories abroad. The fact that crimes against humanity were committed during colonial conquest is uncontested. A second criticism often leveled against the Church is that it has failed in its moral duty to condemn or guide leaders and populations in curbing genocidal tendencies. Such an argument claims that the Church, by virtue of its proclaimed aim of spiritual guidance, ought to have played a more significant role in the prevention of crimes against humanity and genocide. The third and fiercest criticism of the Church, however, is that it has furthered genocidal tendencies. This remains the harshest criticism and goes beyond moral arguments to an examination of evidence suggesting that elements of the Church have colluded with forces perpetrating crimes against humanity and genocide.

Catholic Church: Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity
Priest charged with sex crimes, had been removed from Ohio ministry for alleged molestation
By The Associated Press (CP) – Aug 7, 2010

COLUMBUS, Ohio — A Roman Catholic priest who was removed from ministry in Columbus, Ohio, in 1993 for allegedly molesting a teenage boy has been charged with sex crimes in Canada.

The Canadian Press: Priest charged with sex crimes, had been removed from Ohio ministry for alleged molestation

Octogenarian Dutch priest heard in child sex abuse case Published on 17 August 2010 - 2:49pm

Priest Charged in U.S. Is Still Serving in India


POLICE have swooped on a former St Stanislaus College brother at his Sydney home as their pedophile investigation dramatically widened.

John Gaven, 66, a Vincentian brother, was led from his church lodgings in Vincentia St, Marsfield, shortly after midday today.

The dramatic arrest comes a day after 65-year-old former priest Brian Joseph Spillane, from Sydney, had 33 charges of sexually abusing students at the Bathurst college during the 1980s upgraded to a total of 93 charges.

Priest charged in sex swoop | The Daily Telegraph

18 June 2010 Last updated at 19:13 ET Share this pageFacebookTwitterShareEmailPrint
Italian priest charged with molesting youngsters

Pierino Gelmini founded the drug rehabilitation centre in 1963
A high-profile former Roman Catholic priest in Italy has been charged with sexual abuse.

Pierino Gelmini, 85, is alleged to have abused 12 young people at a drug rehabilitation centre he had founded.

He denies the charges. Mr Gelmini left the priesthood two years ago to defend himself.

The Comunita Incontro, which runs drug rehabilitation centres worldwide, has enjoyed the support of powerful figures in Italian politics.

BBC News - Italian priest charged with molesting youngsters
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Church blasts gay priests leading 'double life'
By NICOLE WINFIELD (AP) – Jul 23, 2010
ROME — The Catholic Church in Italy, still reeling from the clerical sex abuse scandal, lashed out Friday at gay priests who are leading a double life, urging them to come out of the closet and leave the priesthood.
The Diocese of Rome issued the strongly worded statement after the conservative Panorama newsweekly said in a cover story and accompanying video that it had interviewed three gay priests in Rome and accompanied them to gay clubs and bars and to sexual encounters with strangers, including one in a church building.
One of the priests, a Frenchman identified only as Paul, celebrated Mass in the morning before driving the two escorts he had hired to attend a party the night before to the airport, Panorama said.

The Associated Press: Church blasts gay priests leading 'double life'
i notice in your article that the transgressions by the church are being prosecuted by the church and that people are being arrested and fired.....

would you be able to povide me a source where the muslim "leadership" is arresting investigating imam that support terrorism and attacks on civilians....

thanks so much....
Extreme controversy surrounds any discussion of the Catholic Church's role in genocide and crimes against humanity. Several issues need to be highlighted in seeking to unravel this controversy. First is the allegation that the Church was directly responsible for the drive toward colonialism in issuing papal bulls that commanded states such as Portugal to spread Catholicism. One might argue that these declarations led European nation-states to believe that it was their right to acquire territories abroad. The fact that crimes against humanity were committed during colonial conquest is uncontested. A second criticism often leveled against the Church is that it has failed in its moral duty to condemn or guide leaders and populations in curbing genocidal tendencies. Such an argument claims that the Church, by virtue of its proclaimed aim of spiritual guidance, ought to have played a more significant role in the prevention of crimes against humanity and genocide. The third and fiercest criticism of the Church, however, is that it has furthered genocidal tendencies. This remains the harshest criticism and goes beyond moral arguments to an examination of evidence suggesting that elements of the Church have colluded with forces perpetrating crimes against humanity and genocide.

Catholic Church: Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity

Man you are grasping for straws. Would I "support" it? No, because I am not a Catholic so whatever they do is their business. Would I mind it? No, just as I don't mind mosques being built. I do have a problem, however, with a mosque being at the site where that specific religion rejoiced over the murder of thousands of innocent Americans and with the intent of dedicating it on 9/11, and with the term "Cordoba initiative" involved.
Extreme controversy surrounds any discussion of the Catholic Church's role in genocide and crimes against humanity. Several issues need to be highlighted in seeking to unravel this controversy. First is the allegation that the Church was directly responsible for the drive toward colonialism in issuing papal bulls that commanded states such as Portugal to spread Catholicism. One might argue that these declarations led European nation-states to believe that it was their right to acquire territories abroad. The fact that crimes against humanity were committed during colonial conquest is uncontested. A second criticism often leveled against the Church is that it has failed in its moral duty to condemn or guide leaders and populations in curbing genocidal tendencies. Such an argument claims that the Church, by virtue of its proclaimed aim of spiritual guidance, ought to have played a more significant role in the prevention of crimes against humanity and genocide. The third and fiercest criticism of the Church, however, is that it has furthered genocidal tendencies. This remains the harshest criticism and goes beyond moral arguments to an examination of evidence suggesting that elements of the Church have colluded with forces perpetrating crimes against humanity and genocide.

Catholic Church: Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity

when did this catholic genocide occur? 400 years ago? ok, if the imam will wait til 2411 to build the mosque, he'll have my support.

i think next the jews should go after egypt for enslaving moses.
i notice in your article that the transgressions by the church are being prosecuted by the church and that people are being arrested and fired.....

would you be able to povide me a source where the muslim "leadership" is arresting investigating imam that support terrorism and attacks on civilians....

thanks so much....

actually..they often only gave internal discipline and transfered the priest to more remote areas and did everything they could to coverup the raping of children... hence...the millions of dollars in lawsuits

Moroccan authorities have rounded up a terrorist group accused of planning al-Qaida-type attacks ...... Italian police investigating an alleged cell of a far-left Turkish .... UK troops in Iraq warned of 'inevitable' terror attack

Terrorist Attacks - Reign of Terror | Buzzle.com
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Extreme controversy surrounds any discussion of the Catholic Church's role in genocide and crimes against humanity. Several issues need to be highlighted in seeking to unravel this controversy. First is the allegation that the Church was directly responsible for the drive toward colonialism in issuing papal bulls that commanded states such as Portugal to spread Catholicism. One might argue that these declarations led European nation-states to believe that it was their right to acquire territories abroad. The fact that crimes against humanity were committed during colonial conquest is uncontested. A second criticism often leveled against the Church is that it has failed in its moral duty to condemn or guide leaders and populations in curbing genocidal tendencies. Such an argument claims that the Church, by virtue of its proclaimed aim of spiritual guidance, ought to have played a more significant role in the prevention of crimes against humanity and genocide. The third and fiercest criticism of the Church, however, is that it has furthered genocidal tendencies. This remains the harshest criticism and goes beyond moral arguments to an examination of evidence suggesting that elements of the Church have colluded with forces perpetrating crimes against humanity and genocide.

Catholic Church: Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity

when did this catholic genocide occur? 400 years ago? ok, if the imam will wait til 2411 to build the mosque, he'll have my support.

i think next the jews should go after egypt for enslaving moses.

No it was a little more modern than that the catholic church played a major role in the eugenics and genocide on the native Americans throughout the 20th century and are still raping their children to this day
Extreme controversy surrounds any discussion of the Catholic Church's role in genocide and crimes against humanity. Several issues need to be highlighted in seeking to unravel this controversy. First is the allegation that the Church was directly responsible for the drive toward colonialism in issuing papal bulls that commanded states such as Portugal to spread Catholicism. One might argue that these declarations led European nation-states to believe that it was their right to acquire territories abroad. The fact that crimes against humanity were committed during colonial conquest is uncontested. A second criticism often leveled against the Church is that it has failed in its moral duty to condemn or guide leaders and populations in curbing genocidal tendencies. Such an argument claims that the Church, by virtue of its proclaimed aim of spiritual guidance, ought to have played a more significant role in the prevention of crimes against humanity and genocide. The third and fiercest criticism of the Church, however, is that it has furthered genocidal tendencies. This remains the harshest criticism and goes beyond moral arguments to an examination of evidence suggesting that elements of the Church have colluded with forces perpetrating crimes against humanity and genocide.

Catholic Church: Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity

when did this catholic genocide occur? 400 years ago? ok, if the imam will wait til 2411 to build the mosque, he'll have my support.

i think next the jews should go after egypt for enslaving moses.

No it was a little more modern than that the catholic church played a major role in the eugenics and genocide on the native Americans throughout the 20th century and are still raping their children to this day

where was the church involved in genocide against native americans in 20th century?
Extreme controversy surrounds any discussion of the Catholic Church's role in genocide and crimes against humanity. Several issues need to be highlighted in seeking to unravel this controversy. First is the allegation that the Church was directly responsible for the drive toward colonialism in issuing papal bulls that commanded states such as Portugal to spread Catholicism. One might argue that these declarations led European nation-states to believe that it was their right to acquire territories abroad. The fact that crimes against humanity were committed during colonial conquest is uncontested. A second criticism often leveled against the Church is that it has failed in its moral duty to condemn or guide leaders and populations in curbing genocidal tendencies. Such an argument claims that the Church, by virtue of its proclaimed aim of spiritual guidance, ought to have played a more significant role in the prevention of crimes against humanity and genocide. The third and fiercest criticism of the Church, however, is that it has furthered genocidal tendencies. This remains the harshest criticism and goes beyond moral arguments to an examination of evidence suggesting that elements of the Church have colluded with forces perpetrating crimes against humanity and genocide.

Catholic Church: Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity

I would support a church being built anywhere in the United states. I love this country and it was founded on freedom of religion.
Extreme controversy surrounds any discussion of the Catholic Church's role in genocide and crimes against humanity. Several issues need to be highlighted in seeking to unravel this controversy. First is the allegation that the Church was directly responsible for the drive toward colonialism in issuing papal bulls that commanded states such as Portugal to spread Catholicism. One might argue that these declarations led European nation-states to believe that it was their right to acquire territories abroad. The fact that crimes against humanity were committed during colonial conquest is uncontested. A second criticism often leveled against the Church is that it has failed in its moral duty to condemn or guide leaders and populations in curbing genocidal tendencies. Such an argument claims that the Church, by virtue of its proclaimed aim of spiritual guidance, ought to have played a more significant role in the prevention of crimes against humanity and genocide. The third and fiercest criticism of the Church, however, is that it has furthered genocidal tendencies. This remains the harshest criticism and goes beyond moral arguments to an examination of evidence suggesting that elements of the Church have colluded with forces perpetrating crimes against humanity and genocide.

Catholic Church: Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity

I would support a church being built anywhere in the United states. I love this country and it was founded on freedom of religion.

INDEED....but I would be keepin an eye on the buggers
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Extreme controversy surrounds any discussion of the Catholic Church's role in genocide and crimes against humanity. Several issues need to be highlighted in seeking to unravel this controversy. First is the allegation that the Church was directly responsible for the drive toward colonialism in issuing papal bulls that commanded states such as Portugal to spread Catholicism. One might argue that these declarations led European nation-states to believe that it was their right to acquire territories abroad. The fact that crimes against humanity were committed during colonial conquest is uncontested. A second criticism often leveled against the Church is that it has failed in its moral duty to condemn or guide leaders and populations in curbing genocidal tendencies. Such an argument claims that the Church, by virtue of its proclaimed aim of spiritual guidance, ought to have played a more significant role in the prevention of crimes against humanity and genocide. The third and fiercest criticism of the Church, however, is that it has furthered genocidal tendencies. This remains the harshest criticism and goes beyond moral arguments to an examination of evidence suggesting that elements of the Church have colluded with forces perpetrating crimes against humanity and genocide.

Catholic Church: Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity

when did this catholic genocide occur? 400 years ago? ok, if the imam will wait til 2411 to build the mosque, he'll have my support.

i think next the jews should go after egypt for enslaving moses.

No it was a little more modern than that the catholic church played a major role in the eugenics and genocide on the native Americans throughout the 20th century and are still raping their children to this day

eots how'd you get stuck on this Catholic Church thing?
when did this catholic genocide occur? 400 years ago? ok, if the imam will wait til 2411 to build the mosque, he'll have my support.

i think next the jews should go after egypt for enslaving moses.

No it was a little more modern than that the catholic church played a major role in the eugenics and genocide on the native Americans throughout the 20th century and are still raping their children to this day

eots how'd you get stuck on this Catholic Church thing?

well the question arose on the appropriateness of a mosque at the wtc and It got me to thinking if I had to choose would want a mosque next door or a bunch of priest...

Genocide in Canada
BC United Church source confirms program to systematically destroy documents related to crimes against First Nations including rape, torture, murder, sexual sterilization, organ removal, and an organized pedophile and sex slavery network.

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