CDZ Would you flip the coin?


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
Imagine you are offered a 50/50 coin toss. If you win, you will be the world's first trillionaire, you will be 25 years old and never age, you will be immune to all diseases and cancer. If you lose, the entire planet explodes. Would you risk it?
Imagine you are offered a 50/50 coin toss. If you win, you will be the world's first trillionaire, you will be 25 years old and never age, you will be immune to all diseases and cancer. If you lose, the entire planet explodes. Would you risk it?
Who the hell wants to be 25 forever and have everyone they know and love grow old and die before they do? Nope.
Who are you?....Rod Serling?....

No. I am RandomPoster. Would you risk it?
No...what good would trillions be without Rodeo Rd......or Best

They would still be there if you won. They and you would only explode if you lost.

No...still I say no...the main thing I enjoy about money is the pride I feel when I due to hard work can provide a good living for the ones I love...the look in my daughters eyes when I secured her college dream...the love from my wife when we finally could afford the Alaskan cruise she wanted so badly...
The ability to care for my mother and father in law in their time of sir...I'll stay doesn't take trillions to be takes hard work devotion and love....
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Imagine you are offered a 50/50 coin toss. If you win, you will be the world's first trillionaire, you will be 25 years old and never age, you will be immune to all diseases and cancer. If you lose, the entire planet explodes. Would you risk it?
Whoever is offering that to me is lying.
Imagine you are offered a 50/50 coin toss. If you win, you will be the world's first trillionaire, you will be 25 years old and never age, you will be immune to all diseases and cancer. If you lose, the entire planet explodes. Would you risk it?
Sounds like a win-win. :04:
Imagine you are offered a 50/50 coin toss. If you win, you will be the world's first trillionaire, you will be 25 years old and never age, you will be immune to all diseases and cancer. If you lose, the entire planet explodes. Would you risk it?
Only a true fool would take that gamble. Either way, YOU LOSE!! Sure it would be great to be 25 forever, never get sick and be rich beyond imagination. However, as those you love age, get sick, and die, you would find yourself in a very lonely position. Conversely, you would gain far more wisdom and knowledge than anyone else, and would be intellectually isolated, forever wishing there was someone on your level... Truly, you would lose.

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