Would You Believe That The Church Is Dishonest and Deceptive?


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2011
They are methodically searching the Internet and rewriting their own messages with algorithims and meta files which will cause their messages to come up on a search at the top of the heap. I Can Prove It!

"Money Talks And Bullshit Walks!" If the church didn't have all the tax free income they would have to compete on a level playing field but when can anybody remember equality and fairness?
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Keep up up your stupidity, I like a good laugh.

Compared to the invisible man in the sky who has to take money from widows and old people's social security checks I'm a genius. At least I've always managed my money well.
They are methodically searching the Internet and rewriting their own messages with algorithims and meta files which will cause their messages to come up on a search at the top of the heap. I Can Prove It!

"Money Talks And Bullshit Walks!" If the church didn't have all the tax free income they would have to compete on a level playing field but when can anybody remember equality and fairness?

You don't understand.

Of course there are many who say they are in the church that are deceptive.

It's a biblical truth; the Lord tells us in His Word about the false teachers/prophets, etc. And it's only going to get worse.

Matthew 24:24
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Matthew 7
14Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

15Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

16Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

Think about it. If you were Satan, what's the best way to try to divert people from The Loving God who saves them? LIE, lie, lie, deceive, deceive, deceive, trickery. He does it in a sneaky way though. It's not like the 2 horned evil devil you see. Satan comes as an angel of light.

Even so, at the end of the day, it will all pan out. Do you not think that GOD will deal with everyone accordingly including false teachers, prophets?

Can you prove God doesn't exist?

Can't prove a negative.

But that doesn't mean God doesn't exist.

The fact that we can't prove God exists means either God doesn't exist or we don't have the technology and understanding to prove God exists. A thousand years ago, we couldn't prove that protons existed because we didn't have the technology to do so. But that doesn't mean protons didn't exist a thousand years ago.
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Can you prove God doesn't exist?

Can't prove a negative.

But that doesn't mean God doesn't exist.

The fact that we can't prove God exists means either God doesn't exist or we don't have the technology and understanding to prove God exists. A thousand years ago, we couldn't prove that protons existed because we didn't have the technology to do so. But that doesn't mean protons didn't exist a thousand years ago.

Actually god killed his fool self in the big bang. I told his dumb ass to quit screwing around with that plutonium.
Can you prove God doesn't exist?

Can't prove a negative.

But that doesn't mean God doesn't exist.

The fact that we can't prove God exists means either God doesn't exist or we don't have the technology and understanding to prove God exists. A thousand years ago, we couldn't prove that protons existed because we didn't have the technology to do so. But that doesn't mean protons didn't exist a thousand years ago.

Actually god killed his fool self in the big bang. I told his dumb ass to quit screwing around with that plutonium.
Can't prove a negative.

But that doesn't mean God doesn't exist.

The fact that we can't prove God exists means either God doesn't exist or we don't have the technology and understanding to prove God exists. A thousand years ago, we couldn't prove that protons existed because we didn't have the technology to do so. But that doesn't mean protons didn't exist a thousand years ago.

Actually god killed his fool self in the big bang. I told his dumb ass to quit screwing around with that plutonium.


No...you have me in the wrong camp. People who believe this bullshit are the idiots:

The universe was created in six days about 6000 years ago

Two naked teens and a snake in garden determined the fate of the whole human race

There was a flood in which the water level reached a height of 29.000 ft and evaporated within a few weeks

Big fish puked up live men

Walls came tumbling at the sound of a trumpet

A virgin gave birth to the god of the universe

A man was able to walk on water

People were healed of leprosy by laying hands on them

Water was turned into fine wine

5000 hungry men plus women and children who also ate were fed with two fish and five loaves then 12 baskets of leftovers were collected

A man was hung on a cross and bled like a hog only to show up two days later fit as a fiddle

There were basically six acknowledged historians in the world at that time. Not a one of them documented any part of this. It would be like Mickey Mantle and
Roger Maris never being mentioned in the NY Times.
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Actually god killed his fool self in the big bang. I told his dumb ass to quit screwing around with that plutonium.


No...you have me in the wrong camp. People who believe this bullshit are the idiots:

The universe was created in six days about 6000 years ago

Two naked teens and a snake in garden determined the fate of the whole human race

There was a flood in which the water level reached a height of 29.000 ft and evaporated within a few weeks

Big fish puked up live men

Walls came tumbling at the sound of a trumpet

A virgin gave birth to the god of the universe

A man was able to walk on water

People were healed of leprosy by laying hands on them

Water was turned into fine wine

5000 hungry men plus women and children who also ate were fed with two fish and five loaves then 12 baskets of leftovers were collected

A man was hung on a cross and bled like a hog only to show up two days later fit as a fiddle

There were basically six acknowledged historians in the world at that time. Not a one of them documented any part of this. It would be like Mickey Mantle and
Roger Maris never being mentioned in the NY Times.

None of this means God doesn't exist. God may exist but not in the manner of a literal Christian God.
Can you prove God doesn't exist?

Can't prove a negative.

But that doesn't mean God doesn't exist.

The fact that we can't prove God exists means either God doesn't exist or we don't have the technology and understanding to prove God exists. A thousand years ago, we couldn't prove that protons existed because we didn't have the technology to do so. But that doesn't mean protons didn't exist a thousand years ago.

Actually god killed his fool self in the big bang. I told his dumb ass to quit screwing around with that plutonium.

I take it that if you don't believe in God you also don't believe in Satan?
Well...sounds like he has a pretty good hold on you!

No...you have me in the wrong camp. People who believe this bullshit are the idiots:

The universe was created in six days about 6000 years ago

Two naked teens and a snake in garden determined the fate of the whole human race

There was a flood in which the water level reached a height of 29.000 ft and evaporated within a few weeks

Big fish puked up live men

Walls came tumbling at the sound of a trumpet

A virgin gave birth to the god of the universe

A man was able to walk on water

People were healed of leprosy by laying hands on them

Water was turned into fine wine

5000 hungry men plus women and children who also ate were fed with two fish and five loaves then 12 baskets of leftovers were collected

A man was hung on a cross and bled like a hog only to show up two days later fit as a fiddle

There were basically six acknowledged historians in the world at that time. Not a one of them documented any part of this. It would be like Mickey Mantle and
Roger Maris never being mentioned in the NY Times.

None of this means God doesn't exist. God may exist but not in the manner of a literal Christian God.

I'm agnostic...I don't know and you don't either. I'm sure of one thing. If there is something after death each of us will get an equal shot at it and not just those who believe a 2000 year old fairy tale.
Actually god killed his fool self in the big bang. I told his dumb ass to quit screwing around with that plutonium.


No...you have me in the wrong camp. People who believe this bullshit are the idiots:

The universe was created in six days about 6000 years ago

Two naked teens and a snake in garden determined the fate of the whole human race

There was a flood in which the water level reached a height of 29.000 ft and evaporated within a few weeks

Big fish puked up live men

Walls came tumbling at the sound of a trumpet

A virgin gave birth to the god of the universe

A man was able to walk on water

People were healed of leprosy by laying hands on them

Water was turned into fine wine

5000 hungry men plus women and children who also ate were fed with two fish and five loaves then 12 baskets of leftovers were collected

A man was hung on a cross and bled like a hog only to show up two days later fit as a fiddle

There were basically six acknowledged historians in the world at that time. Not a one of them documented any part of this. It would be like Mickey Mantle and
Roger Maris never being mentioned in the NY Times.
No, you are an idiot. You prove it all the time.
No...you have me in the wrong camp. People who believe this bullshit are the idiots:

The universe was created in six days about 6000 years ago

Two naked teens and a snake in garden determined the fate of the whole human race

There was a flood in which the water level reached a height of 29.000 ft and evaporated within a few weeks

Big fish puked up live men

Walls came tumbling at the sound of a trumpet

A virgin gave birth to the god of the universe

A man was able to walk on water

People were healed of leprosy by laying hands on them

Water was turned into fine wine

5000 hungry men plus women and children who also ate were fed with two fish and five loaves then 12 baskets of leftovers were collected

A man was hung on a cross and bled like a hog only to show up two days later fit as a fiddle

There were basically six acknowledged historians in the world at that time. Not a one of them documented any part of this. It would be like Mickey Mantle and
Roger Maris never being mentioned in the NY Times.

None of this means God doesn't exist. God may exist but not in the manner of a literal Christian God.

I'm agnostic...I don't know and you don't either. I'm sure of one thing. If there is something after death each of us will get an equal shot at it and not just those who believe a 2000 year old fairy tale.
No you won't. John 14:6 Jesus said " I am the Truth, the Way, and the Life, no man shall see the father but through me." Jesus is saying that to go to heaven you have to believe in him. Sorry about your luck.

No...you have me in the wrong camp. People who believe this bullshit are the idiots:

The universe was created in six days about 6000 years ago

Two naked teens and a snake in garden determined the fate of the whole human race

There was a flood in which the water level reached a height of 29.000 ft and evaporated within a few weeks

Big fish puked up live men

Walls came tumbling at the sound of a trumpet

A virgin gave birth to the god of the universe

A man was able to walk on water

People were healed of leprosy by laying hands on them

Water was turned into fine wine

5000 hungry men plus women and children who also ate were fed with two fish and five loaves then 12 baskets of leftovers were collected

A man was hung on a cross and bled like a hog only to show up two days later fit as a fiddle

There were basically six acknowledged historians in the world at that time. Not a one of them documented any part of this. It would be like Mickey Mantle and
Roger Maris never being mentioned in the NY Times.

No, you are an idiot. You prove it all the time.

There you go again...instead of supporting the fairy tales you launch a personal attack.
Would You Believe That The Church Is Dishonest and Deceptive?

Magical creation? Ghosts? Spirits? Demons? Angels? Heaven? Hell? Tongues? Faith Healing?

Why would anything think an institution pushing those concepts is "Dishonest and Deceptive"?
If I had a nickel for every preacher/pastor/deacon/organist/choir leader/youth minister/building director/maintenance engineer/women's ministry director and 9 dozen other titles of some church every time they asked to be exempted from sales tax in one of my businesses I could retire.
For many people religion is a business.

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