Would the U.S. Foreign Politics Be Different, If Another Person Sits In The Oval Office???

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
Having been watching the American foreign policy for at least half a century, I am unwittingly asking myself what is the actual role of this or that personality of a President in developing the foreign policy course and in making decisions which are crucial for the nation, the whole (or its part) mankind in crisis situations.

The answer is definite: it is not really great, with the possible exception of one case known to the "mere mortals" in modern history - the Caribbean crisis, when the leaders of the two empires - quasi-socialist - the USSR and quasi-democratic - the United States had the mind to stop in time and not unleash an atomic conflict, which, even with the then available arsenal of atomic weapons, would no doubt put humanity on the brink of survival.

The personality of the current President of the United States, Mr. Trump, is no exception ... When people sigh today, making the analysis of the actual U.S. foreign policy, that all this today’s mess in current international relations is the result of the fact that an amateur, the man not experienced in international politics came to the supreme executive power - it only causes a sympathetic smile. These statements lack the main thing: the understanding that foreign policy is a concentrated expression of economic policy, and decisions are made collectively and not on Capitol Hill or at the White House. That is, everything looks, of course, as if it is otherwise, but the American reality is different ... It is inconceivable to presume that this or that U.S. President makes a decision contrary to the opinion and desire of the winning part of the country's economic oligarchy. Or that he makes a decision that fundamentally infringes on the interests of a part of the ruling class, which is a "loser" in the elections: such a president in our country, as our own history shows, will not be a tenant in this world for long...

Yes, undoubtedly, the influence of the president's closest political and psychological environment cannot be discounted, and whether the president is "henpecked" or a rake - is an important factor in making a decision in one or another configuration. Let us recall, at least, the pernicious role of Mrs. Clinton, who forced her husband to begin the bombing of Yugoslavia…

But the nation or its exclusive part faces old or new problems, the relevance of which does not depend on the opinion of the President or his advisers – in the present socioeconomic system they must be solved in any case. And the solution of them, say, in the international sphere, is traditionally sought from the position of strength - this is the "template" of the thinking of the American cryptoneosionist political elite. They simply cannot think otherwise - they always forced someone to make a favorable decision to them, threatened someone, or killed someone. This provides a vicious continuity in U.S. foreign policy. I met such people - they really believe in their exclusivity and the right given by the Jewish god to do whatever they want in the world and with the world.

If the President or his political close political circle is hesitant or unwilling to take responsibility for unleashing a conflict (American economic and political systems are not unimaginable without creating international conflicts, political and military blackmailing, conspiracies, aggression, and dropping an enemy away, off the political “chessboard”), they will be "helped" by the Pentagon: not so long ago, three leading political analysts came to the unanimous opinion that the White House ... does not control the Pentagon.

The latter is extremely dangerous. The representatives of the top echelon of the American military, who appeared to be the product of the cryptoneozionist system of brainwashing, lack the concept of humanism. They are deprived of the basic human feelings of compassion, remorse or charity. They really believe that even in the event of a nuclear conflict, they and their families will stay in bomb shelters designed for long years of isolation and survive. Well, the rest of the Americans – they see them simply as a collateral damage in their policy of preservation of the world cryptoneozionist domination.

The degree of probability of unleashing a military, nuclear conflict with North Korea is extremely high as never before.
Damned Trump. I was just getting used to the daily ISIS beheading videos, when Obama was President.
The answer is yes. Under Hillary, for example, Muslims and terror would be our new normal too. Open borders and Muslim immigration on steroids. She was all set to hand us over to the UN. American land would be owned by different countries and our resources strewn all over the world for everyone but us. We have gone from funding terror during the Obama Administration, to defeating it in Iraq. (You are welcome Iraq)
So, keep listening, the degree of corruption in the previous administration is starting to be peeled back layer by layer.
In the meantime time our GDP is growing, our resources are flowing, the Market is glowing, and all's right with the world.
91% of what you hear from our media, about Trump is negative. Ignore them and keep an eye on our growth, if you want the truth...
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The answer is yes. Under Hillary, for example, Muslims and terror would be our new normal too. Open borders and Muslim immigration on steroids. She was all set to hand us over to the UN. American land would be owned by different countries and our resources strewn all over the world for everyone but us. We have gone from funding terror during the Obama Administration, to defeating it in Iraq. (You are welcome Iraq)
So, keep listening, the degree of corruption in the previous administration is starting to be peeled back layer by layer.
In the meantime time our GDP is growing, our resources are flowing, the Market is glowing, and all's right with the world.
91% of what you hear from our media, about Trump is negative. Ignore them and keep an eye on our growth, if you want the truth...

Tell me honestly, do you REALLY BELIEVE in this cryptoneosionist nonsense ?! How do you see the possibility of transferring the United States to UN administration, if the UN itself is completely controlled by American cryptoneosessionists ???

Do you really think that Muslims are a threat to peace ??? And what exactly is this threat? Please be specific! How many world wars were started by Muslims?

If Muslims are a threat, then why does Bush the Senior and Bush the Alcoholic are close friends of princes of the House of Saud?

Have you ever thought that some of the terrorist attacks are somehow too much FAVOR the interests of the American cryptoneozionist elite, which attacks other rich countries, under the guise of a "terrorist threat" ?!

Have you ever thought about the fact that it is the American cryptoneozionism that is a threat both to the world and to the Americans themselves?

The GDP is growing - that is good news... But... are POOR Americans today BETTER off? Do they get out of debt slavery?
Is out world SAFER today?

I heard the Pentagon guys that are actually out of the White House control are ready to attack North Korea and A BIG "proxy war" of the American cryptoneozionists against Russia is about to start in Donbass where quasy Ukrainian nationalists trained by the American instructors (actually mercenaries of Kiev сryptoneozionists who sold Ukraine to their accomplices from America) for the fourth consecutive year shoot the Russian-speaking population of Donbass?!

Or once again it is a "collatoral damage" of the American cryptoneozionist global expansion?
Stop with the crypto crap. Do you not listen to the candidates when they speak? Hillary approving of Hemisphere 1. Open borders, Muslim diaspora. If it comes out of their mouths we had better start listening. The world sees our country as up for grabs. Republicans and Democrats see and welcome the same thing. They are one and the same. For this country to survive, it is us against all of them. They all lie. Wise up.
Damned Trump. I was just getting used to the daily ISIS beheading videos, when Obama was President.

Who cares ? I thought you enjoyed muslims killing muslims ?

Remember cons getting all mad cause our troops weren’t dying in the Mid East ?

Well isis is all but done. And the Muslim countries were on the front line .
Damned Trump. I was just getting used to the daily ISIS beheading videos, when Obama was President.

Who cares ? I thought you enjoyed muslims killing muslims ?

Remember cons getting all mad cause our troops weren’t dying in the Mid East ?

Well isis is all but done. And the Muslim countries were on the front line .

Of course they were on the front lines. But they didn't have the leadership, organizational skills, or air support to wipe out ISIS. That's where we came in.
Damned Trump. I was just getting used to the daily ISIS beheading videos, when Obama was President.

Who cares ? I thought you enjoyed muslims killing muslims ?

Remember cons getting all mad cause our troops weren’t dying in the Mid East ?

Well isis is all but done. And the Muslim countries were on the front line .

Of course they were on the front lines. But they didn't have the leadership, organizational skills, or air support to wipe out ISIS. That's where we came in.

Helping without getting our guys killed ! That’s a win - win .
Damned Trump. I was just getting used to the daily ISIS beheading videos, when Obama was President.

Who cares ? I thought you enjoyed muslims killing muslims ?

Remember cons getting all mad cause our troops weren’t dying in the Mid East ?

Well isis is all but done. And the Muslim countries were on the front line .

Of course they were on the front lines. But they didn't have the leadership, organizational skills, or air support to wipe out ISIS. That's where we came in.

Helping without getting our guys killed ! That’s a win - win .

Well all I can say is, that's how it's supposed to work when we let the military be the military. :biggrin:
Stop with the crypto crap. Do you not listen to the candidates when they speak? Hillary approving of Hemisphere 1. Open borders, Muslim diaspora. If it comes out of their mouths we had better start listening. The world sees our country as up for grabs. Republicans and Democrats see and welcome the same thing. They are one and the same. For this country to survive, it is us against all of them. They all lie. Wise up.

That is what I was trying to say: they are THE SAME when it comes to the special interests' groups among which the cryptoneozionist one is the leading and the most dangerous.

"The world sees our country as up for grabs" - really? And HOW to explain then THIS:

"With the US military having withdrawn many of its forces from Iraq and Afghanistan, most Americans would be forgiven for being unaware that hundreds of US bases and hundreds of thousands of US troops still encircle the globe. Although few know it, the United States garrisons the planet unlike any country in history, and the evidence is on view from Honduras to Oman, Japan to Germany, Singapore to Djibouti...
...As distinct from other peoples, most Americans do not recognize—or do not want to recognize—that the United States dominates the world through its military power. Due to government secrecy, our citizens are often ignorant of the fact that our garrisons encircle the planet.”

To the extent that Americans think about these bases at all, we generally assume they’re essential to national security and global peace. Our leaders have claimed as much since most of them were established during World War II and the early days of the Cold War. As a result, we consider the situation normal and accept that US military installations exist in staggering numbers in other countries, on other peoples’ land. On the other hand, the idea that there would be foreign bases on US soil is unthinkable..

While there are no freestanding foreign bases permanently located in the United States, there are now around 800 US bases in foreign countries. Seventy years after World War II and 62 years after the Korean War, there are still 174 US “base sites” in Germany, 113 in Japan, and 83 in South Korea, according to the Pentagon. Hundreds more dot the planet in around 80 countries, including Aruba and Australia, Bahrain and Bulgaria, Colombia, Kenya, and Qatar, among many other places. Although few Americans realize it, the United States likely has more bases in foreign lands than any other people, nation, or empire in history".

Read THIS and comment:
Has More Foreign Military Bases Than Any Other People, Nation, or Empire in History

And it’s doing us more harm than good.
By David Vine

The United States Probably Has More Foreign Military Bases Than Any Other People, Nation, or Empire in History.
Damned Trump. I was just getting used to the daily ISIS beheading videos, when Obama was President.

Вo not lose optimism: judging by how this administration begins to pursue its foreign policy, soon it will be necessary to get used to the "barbecue" of human flesh baked in the heat of exploding atomic warheads ... And not only in Korea, God forbid
Damned Trump. I was just getting used to the daily ISIS beheading videos, when Obama was President.

Who cares ? I thought you enjoyed muslims killing muslims ?

Remember cons getting all mad cause our troops weren’t dying in the Mid East ?

Well isis is all but done. And the Muslim countries were on the front line .

Of course they were on the front lines. But they didn't have the leadership, organizational skills, or air support to wipe out ISIS. That's where we came in.

When you talk so leniently about the people of Islam, please take into account the fact that it was thanks to ISLAMIC culture and science that the scientific and technological revolution started in medieval Europe. The Arabs were the START STAGE for the rise of the transatlantic civilization. This fact is simply deliberately silenced by the press and publishing houses which are in full control of cryptoneosionists. Maybe this fact will make you a little more respect for representatives of another civilization

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