‘Worse Than Watergate’: ‘Shocking’ House Intel Memo Allegedly Reveals FISA Abuse by Senior DOJ & FBI

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Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
‘Worse Than Watergate’: ‘Shocking’ House Intel Memo Allegedly Reveals FISA Abuse by Senior DOJ and FBI Officials

Members of the House on Thursday said they viewed a “shocking” classified memo allegedly detailing abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) by senior Justice Department and Federal Bureau of Investigations officials in relation to the investigation of the Trump campaign and called for it to be declassified and available to the public immediately.

“It’s troubling. It is shocking,” Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC)
told Fox News. “Part of me wishes that I didn’t read it because I don’t want to believe that those kinds of things could be happening in this country that I call home and love so much.”

“The facts contained in this memo are jaw-dropping and demand full transparency. There is no higher priority than the release of this information to preserve our democracy,”
said Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), a member of the Judiciary Committee, which oversees the DOJ and the FBI.

I have read the memo. The sickening reality has set in. I no longer hold out hope there is an innocent explanation for the information the public has seen. I have long said it is worse than Watergate. It was
#neverTrump & #alwaysHillary. #releasethememo
— Steve King (@SteveKingIA) January 19, 2018

The classified report compiled by House Intelligence is deeply troubling and raises serious questions about the upper echelon of the Obama DOJ and Comey FBI as it relates to the so-called collusion investigation.
— Ron DeSantis (@RepDeSantis)
January 18, 2018

“You think about, ‘is this happening in America or is this the KGB?’ That’s how alarming it is,” Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) told Fox News.

“It is so alarming the American people have to see this,” Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), a senior member of the Judiciary Committee, also said to network.

"I think that this will not end just with firings. I believe there are people who will go to jail,”

'Worse Than Watergate': 'Shocking' House Intel Memo Reveals FISA Abuse by Senior DOJ and FBI Officials
Almost as shocking as Jade Helm.
We'll see how it plays out, the underground info sources are going nuts about this. The Left won't believe any of it. You could find a Hillary/Putin sex tape (I just threw up in my mouth a little bit) and they wouldn't care.
Well, in all fairness, jaywalking is more serious than watergate.
We'll see how it plays out, the underground info sources are going nuts about this. The Left won't believe any of it. You could find a Hillary/Putin sex tape (I just threw up in my mouth a little bit) and they wouldn't care.

The underground info sources? You mean like Alex Jones, or Louie Gohmert, or that Okeefe liar? I hate to tell you, but they aren't going nuts. They have been nuts for quite a while.
We'll see how it plays out, the underground info sources are going nuts about this. The Left won't believe any of it. You could find a Hillary/Putin sex tape (I just threw up in my mouth a little bit) and they wouldn't care.

The underground info sources? You mean like Alex Jones, or Louie Gohmert, or that Okeefe liar? I hate to tell you, but they aren't going nuts. They have been nuts for quite a while.

Nope I don't mean those at all.
We'll see how it plays out, the underground info sources are going nuts about this. The Left won't believe any of it. You could find a Hillary/Putin sex tape (I just threw up in my mouth a little bit) and they wouldn't care.

The underground info sources? You mean like Alex Jones, or Louie Gohmert, or that Okeefe liar? I hate to tell you, but they aren't going nuts. They have been nuts for quite a while.
Gohmert is a hoot! Great videos out there of the tons of stupid stuff he says.
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