

Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
Little known knowledge about the disciples and people of Jesus Christ era is that the common spoken language was Sanskrit. These areas as he walked and where he walked in the carnal flesh before he was crucified the flesh mostly spoke in Semitic Sanskrit.
Revelation 8:11 is speaking in terms of the actual waters of the planet being poisoned;
it is twofold as it is also speaking about the spiritual water being poison which causes death.
Meaning some are totally unaware that there is a soul in them, it can be spiritually being asleep or unaware that there is spiritual portions in oneself that must be overcome while living in earthly bodies.
Sanskrit for wormwood has two definitions:

nAgadamanI the name for common wormwood. It is also called Artemisia Vulgaris. The common name for this plant genus is also Silver Mound

nAgadamanI also means serpent-spell

Artemisia; also the name of the queen of Halicarnassus the spelling variations include Halikarnas, Alikarnassós (under authority of the greek it is called The New Halicarnassus) this is also referencing to HalasIra ploughshare which is located in Southwest Caria a portion of the Persia Empire (Medes in their own splendor a splendid horse or simply devoted to splendor, dull taste, lustful, etc.). Confusion comes by way of fable writers through the ages with mythology from miry ones claiming Artemis as a deity or as an equivalent to Diana purportedly the Roman high deity.

The etymology and locations in relation with these words also include HelugrAma, meaning village of hell. These Sanskrit references include HulAgrakA which is village of hell being used as a weapon.
I am sure anyone with a spirit of truth can figure the rest of that out if they care to research it.

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Little known knowledge about the disciples and people of Jesus Christ era is that the common spoken language was Sanskrit. These areas as he walked and where he walked in the carnal flesh before he was crucified the flesh mostly spoke in semetic Sanskrit.
Revelation 8:11 is speaking in terms of the actual waters of the planet being poisoned;
it is twofold as it is also spaking about the spiritual water being poison which causes death.
Meaning some are totally unaware that there is a soul in them, it can be spiritually being asleep or unaware that there is spiritual portions in oneself that must be overcome while living in earthly bodies.
Sanskrit for wormwood has two definitions:

nAgadamanI the name for common wormwood. It is also called Artemisia Vulgaris. The common name for this plant genus is also Silver Mound

nAgadamanI also means serpent-spell

Artemisia; also the name of the queen of Halicarnassus the spelling variations include Halikarnas, Alikarnassós (under authority of the greek it is called The New Halicarnassus) this is also referencing to HalasIra ploughshare which is located in Southwest Caria a portion of the Persia Empire (Medes in their own splendor a spledid horse or simply devoted to splendor, dull taste, lustful, etc.). Confusion cames by way of fable writers through the ages with mythology from mirey ones claiming Artemis as a diety or as an equivaliant to Diana purportedly the Roman high diety.

The etymology and locations in relation with these words also include HelugrAma, meaning village of hell. These Sanskrit references include HulAgrakA which is village of hell being used as a weapon.
I am sure anyone with a spirit of truth can figure the rest of that out if they care to research it.

great for absinth or mixing with cannabis. Other herb can be added to improve the flavor or smooth the breath.
Used in place of hops for beer and in wine as well.

Grows wild in many places.

induces a floating feeling in higher doses
great for absinth or mixing with cannabis. Other herb can be added to improve the flavor or smooth the breath.
Used in place of hops for beer and in wine as well.
Grows wild in many places.
induces a floating feeling in higher doses

I'll pass, thank you anyhow. In the high content alchohol mixture called absinthe there is an herbal oil called thujone. It has a molecular structure similar to that of another terpenoid essential oil, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
It is toxic.
quote: before he was crucified

Which christ you just exposed there's more then 1 in your figure's accounts.
NT says stoned and hanged not crucified:

Acts 5:30 "Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 10:39 "whom they slew and hanged on a tree"
Acts 13:29 "they took him down from the tree"
1 Peter 2:24 "who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree"
Galatians 3:13 "Christ... being made a curse upon us... Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree"

Under Rabbinic Law, criminals are to be stoned (John 8:3-11.) The 'Jesus' mythos was stoned (slew) and then hung on a tree -- which is what the Christanic mythologies say.

One of the historical figures used for his image Yeshu son of Mary sentenced on passover
was stoned & hanged around 85bc according to historical accounts and NT accts, but it was another Christ Yehuda the Galilean of 6bc and Theudas by the Jordan died 45ad which were crucified by Rome.
BY CONTRADICTING YOUR TEXTS AND HISTORY YOU PROVE THE convergance of Christs in the created image Jesus. This is why you resort to not using his historic name because converged characters don't have their own name nor own birthdates thus new ones are given for the created image.
quote: before he was crucified
Apparently you must have something to share with people other than commenting on what this thread is about, "WORMWOOD".
Instead of trolling certain Christians Michael why not just create a thread of your own and give everyone your theories about Jesus Christ and who you think this is. If you are unwilling to do that your postings are really not worth reading and they do do edify the spirit within.
You brought up the subject, it was mistaken, I corrected it, you proved my prior points about human ego not accepting correction and affiliation pride causing you to hate and lash out instead of love. I'd say this affiliation pride over truth is what causes this poison =wormwood.
You can disagree all you want but everyone else noticed that 1) you did not refute the subject you brought up in the first place.
2)that you mimicked my post on wormwood.
3)that you contradict history and the Bible and that devalues your reliability and opinions in any theological discussion= why you displaced with your smokescreen technique.
4)you contradict your own standard to keep on topic thus proved yourself a hypocrit.
5)you contradict your prior comments about wasting time with people who will never care what you say.
Not to interupt but hebrew is a poetic languegue and slang term for waters is peoples or faithes because they flow like a river....israel was compared to the land and the non jewish population compared to the waters...one wave would rise up above another and then fall back and then another would rise up...the waves being nations...it is interesting that during passover we are commanded to eat bitter herbs to rember our affliction not only in egypt but elsewhere as well.... These bitter herbs are made from a number of ingrediants depending on ones background but the one i found most interesting was the one made of horseradish and romaine lettuce... Now romaine lettuce is not bitter on its own but mixed with horseradish it is most bitter....got that it is the roman lettuce that is part of the bitter experience....the roman vegtable turns bitter When it is mixed with horse......t.....i will let you figure out that last part....
Not to interupt but hebrew is a poetic languegue and slang term for waters is peoples or faithes because they flow like a river....israel was compared to the land and the non jewish population compared to the waters...one wave would rise up above another and then fall back and then another would rise up...the waves being nations...it is interesting that during passover we are commanded to eat bitter herbs to rember our affliction not only in egypt but elsewhere as well.... These bitter herbs are made from a number of ingrediants depending on ones background but the one i found most interesting was the one made of horseradish and romaine lettuce... Now romaine lettuce is not bitter on its own but mixed with horseradish it is most bitter....got that it is the roman lettuce that is part of the bitter experience....the roman vegtable turns bitter When it is mixed with horse......t.....i will let you figure out that last part....

Thanks for the information about a tradition of the Jewish religion and the herbal thing Shimon. I would disagree with your entire description of what the Hebrew language is though. Mom told told the story often about when my brother and I were very small we spoke a language that neither she nor anyone else could understand. She said to her it sounded like gibberish and she wondered about it a great deal so she would stand back and just watch us. She would see us sitting here playing and just watch while she was taking mental notes. One day she saw us both call the new television they had just purchased a certain name. She said we both used the same phrases and terms but she never knew what these words all meant even though we understood one another as we talked. One day as an adult she asked me what that one particular word meant that we described the television with. The word basically meant 'confused pride'.
The Hebrew language is a language spoken in and from the regions beyond, it is that place in the spirit (spiritual as having wings).
Which is why the forbidden tree is in the garden where the 2 rivers crossed forming the mark of death, mixing knowledge of good (holy water)and evil(poisonous bitter and deadly water).
Rodishi you can disagree if you like it is your perogative to do so... There is another piece of scripture where it is mentioned that the waters will be above the mountains.... Some would say that is easy to explain as the rain in the clouds are above the mountain peaks but that is not the case ... In hebrew symbolism it means one day the waters/ the peoples are faithes with be above the governments which is represented as mountains because they are on top of the people.......once you crack the code as to the symbolism you have the key to the true meanings not the mistaken meanings we have today....
Rodishi you can disagree if you like it is your perogative to do so... There is another piece of scripture where it is mentioned that the waters will be above the mountains.... Some would say that is easy to explain as the rain in the clouds are above the mountain peaks but that is not the case ... In hebrew symbolism it means one day the waters/ the peoples are faithes with be above the governments which is represented as mountains because they are on top of the people.......once you crack the code as to the symbolism you have the key to the true meanings not the mistaken meanings we have today....
Yes it is my prerogative, thank you for acknowledging that. Mountains are also places within the human spirit (location in the mind) we must overcome. People here in the United States are supposed to be what rules the government here. A government by the people for the people is the way it was setup to be. By the spiritual powers of the people in the United States we make choices as to what the country should be within the confines of our Constitution and laws. If the people corporately choose in error then the people suffer so accordingly also.
If the people choose to follow the ‘angels of hell’ they will also suffer what goes in the camps of hell (an angel told me that when I was a young girl). Pretty cool when one can wrap their minds around it all and see what the scriptures are saying in the prophetic aspect of it all.
Yeah people made that connection only because they didn't know Wormwood was a poisonous herb.
However like I said before there are layers in this case there is no historical so spiritual reference to the fallen messenger (star) and historical emulation is therefore possible but then so is any event poisoning our waters, including red tide.
Yeah people made that connection only because they didn't know Wormwood was a poisonous herb.
However like I said before there are layers in this case there is no historical so spiritual reference to the fallen messenger (star) and historical emulation is therefore possible but then so is any event poisoning our waters, including red tide.

>>used for various digestion problems such as loss of appetite, upset stomach, gall bladder disease, and intestinal spasms. Wormwood is also used to treat fever, liver disease, and worm infections; to increase sexual desire; as a tonic; and to stimulate sweating.<<
Aren't worms A-sexual? Are they able to self birth?
The giant worm wrapped around the tree or placed on wood crosses promising them eternal life to just
Bel/lie/Eve in him is the Genesis warning on the serpent/false prophet aka fallen star.

Lastly they use worms to bait the hook line and sinker to catch these fishies and bring them to Dagon (the fishman god's) son who was Baal who's son the morning star (fallen star poisoning 1/3) had to die to supplant his father Baal on the throne.
(Canaanite dying god ritual)
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I wonder now if we missed something regarding worms after all the dung beetle, the pig, the ravens of the field, the fish in the sea have all played their part so maybe looking into worms will be another clue...
Well here's something to think about;
Sawfish (fish that looks like carpenters) can have virgin births.
Also stingless wasps, little fire ants and some fish, the need for sex to reproduce and even their gender, can be changed by fungal infection or bacteria.
The Ishtar (easter) mythology of the Morning star being born from a fish out of a giant egg that fell is stuff out of the history channels ancient aliens theory. Mary's virgin birth is due to a parasite. Yeah the Romans making up the story being that parasite.
Well here's something to think about;
Sawfish (fish that looks like carpenters) can have virgin births.
Also stingless wasps, little fire ants and some fish, the need for sex to reproduce and even their gender, can be changed by fungal infection or bacteria.
The Ishtar (easter) mythology of the Morning star being born from a fish out of a giant egg that fell is stuff out of the history channels ancient aliens theory. Mary's virgin birth is due to a parasite. Yeah the Romans making up the story being that parasite.

Myths and religion are just ways to explain what the teller does not understand or cannot fully explain.
It is god's will. God creates all things. god's anger. god miracles....................

Like magic, when we know how the trick if does it is not longer magic, just entertainment
I agree, I always say there isn't such a thing as miracles since everything has a process, those miracles are just processes we've yet to figure out or fathom or in many cases selective recognition that people don't consider.
All the Moses "miracles" on paper seem miraculous but can be explained by his having knowledge of things and surroundings that we never knew about.
Like getting water from the rock...streams flow through rock formations in that region and can be broken at points to let water flow out.
Manna from the sky, migrating birds droped from exhaustion in That region so litterally food fell from the sky.
Moses knew through his education about these timed things including passage times through waterways.

Selective recognition is an illusion used by preachers to fool it's flock are things like this true event I saw.
A MLB game has a batter lose his bat and it hit a lady in the 3rd baseline stands, the next time that batter is up once again he loses the bat and guess what, it hit the same exact lady again. Wow to those viewing this strsnge event miracle but really how many millions of games occured where this never happened and we just
selectively recognize the odd time it did.
Now what if that lady getting hit in the head gets a free catscan done courtesy of the stadium/team and she found a tumor, everyone would say the event happened as a purpose to get her to get checked and find the tumor thus call it a divine intervention or miracle. But it would still he an illusion through selectively recognized events, a numbers game.
I know this belongs in the Benny Hinn post right? *L*
that lady was pretty tough to get hit thr first time and stick around a number of innings to get hit a second time...i guess she didnt learn her lesson to duck when she had her chance...just like so many people ..how does that saying go fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me.....maybe a worm had been chewing that wood and made it all soft and mushy...and that is why she could take it lol...yah thats it wormwood....

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