Worldwide, There Has Been Very, Very Little Good News Since November 8, 2016


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

The only good news exists in the “alternative reality” where conservatives spend their cloistered lives. Theirs is a world where they “win” when the United States alienates its allies and embraces a ruthless dictator with compliments like a great personality, very smart, very talented, and, while completely ignoring the massive number of human rights violations by the Kim regime.

However, before conservatives totally commit to their love of Nazis, the KKK, and other white supremacist groups, they should look at events happening around the world. Even though the idiot trump’s supporters are white, today’s Nazism doesn’t guarantee they will all be “winners” in a fascist state catering to powerful white men.

The United States and Western allies have long turned a blind eye to totalitarian regimes guilty of long lists of human-rights violations. Often, it was in the name of stability and at the expense of millions of people suffering in those countries. But American leaders have mostly been mindful to choose their words carefully to maintain some semblance of a moral higher ground.

But the idiot trump can only heap praise on autocrats and scorn on leaders of our allies. One of the idiot trump’s heroes is Philippine leader, Rodrigo Duterte, whose violent crackdown on drugs left more than 7,000 of his countrymen dead before his first year in power ended. Despite propaganda, there were many innocent people killed.

Another despot idolized by the idiot trump was Saddam Hussein for his efficient killing of terrorists (and innocent bystanders).

In 2008, Donald Trump Jr. said: "Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia." So, the idiot trump had nothing but compliments for Putin, and since Russian interference in the United States’ 2016 elections, the idiot trump has become Putin’s puppet.

China’s Xi Jinping, employs strong-arm tactics to maintain Communist Party power, and for this, he receives total devotion from the idiot trump, "He [Xi Jinping] certainly doesn't want to see turmoil and death. He doesn't want to see it. He is a good man. He is a very good man and I got to know him very well." The idiot trump’s mindless minions don’t want to see “it" either, even though it is Xi Jinping causing “it”.

Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi of Egypt, rose to power in a bloody coup. Some 800 protesters were killed in a single day. The idiot trump is a big fan of this mass murderer. The idiot trump is equally enamored with Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s iron-fisted despot, Benito Mussolini, and Moammar Gaddafi.

Undoubtedly, there will be more merciless dictators for the idiot trump to revere in the coming months.

All of this is great news in the conservatives’ “alternative reality”, but for people of reason it shows the rapid decline of our society since January 20, 2017.

What is certainly good news in the conservatives’ “alternative reality”, is the White House accusing the media of “misinformation”, falsely stating that it is required to separate families by law, rather than its own decision to do so. The President of the United States, before the idiot trump was referred to as “the leader of the free world”. Now, the contemptible a$$hole in the White House refers to people “infesting” the USA, the most blatant form of dehumanizing language.

Around the world conservatism is in full bloom. In Italy, the far-right interior minister called for a “register” of the country’s Roma population, with the overt aim of expelling as many as possible. “Unfortunately we’ll need to keep Roma with Italian citizenship,” he said – drawing horrified condemnation from groups, including Jewish groups, calling them illegal policies reminiscent of the country’s fascist past.

In Hungary, far-right prime minister Victor Orban consolidating his hold on the country, his primary opposition now a rival far-right party as the left and liberal groups fall even further back. Simultaneously, as independent media in the country struggles for survival, a university founded by a Holocaust survivor is facing losing its license – in part because of its founder’s support for the refugees fleeing violence in Syria.

As this takes place across the world, a world we would once have referred to as stable, Western democracies, billions of people’s focus will be on the spectacle of the World Cup. Hosting the games is a propaganda coup for Russia, exculpating it even as it persecutes gays, turns a blind eye to domestic violence, annexes its neighbors, and manipulates and undermines Western democracy.

World events like these are becoming commonplace, and with an admitted admirer of Nazis as POTUS, it inspires the conservatives’ claim they are “winning”.

While rational people around the world want to look away, we absolutely must not. Our parents and grandparents watched and lived through a similar tide in politics and world events in the 1930s.

Today, inaction by people of good conscience world wide, can only lead us to another crisis like that in 1939.

Martin Niemöller was a prominent Protestant pastor who emerged as an outspoken public foe of Adolf Hitler and spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camps.

His words are as relevant today as when he first spoke them in the 1930s:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Donald Trump's 9 Shout-Outs to Notorious Dictators - The Atlantic

Far-right Italy minister vows 'action' to expel thousands of Roma

Viktor Orbán's grip on government is suffocating democracy in Hungary | Viktor Pál

Singapore Summit: Trump Praises Kim Jong Un - The Atlantic

These photos show how the World Cup is being used to whitewash everything terrible about Russia


Another unhinged racist lefty post today? You people all in the same support group or something?

The only good news exists in the “alternative reality” where conservatives spend their cloistered lives. Theirs is a world where they “win” when the United States alienates its allies and embraces a ruthless dictator with compliments like a great personality, very smart, very talented, and, while completely ignoring the massive number of human rights violations by the Kim regime.

However, before conservatives totally commit to their love of Nazis, the KKK, and other white supremacist groups, they should look at events happening around the world. Even though the idiot trump’s supporters are white, today’s Nazism doesn’t guarantee they will all be “winners” in a fascist state catering to powerful white men.

The United States and Western allies have long turned a blind eye to totalitarian regimes guilty of long lists of human-rights violations. Often, it was in the name of stability and at the expense of millions of people suffering in those countries. But American leaders have mostly been mindful to choose their words carefully to maintain some semblance of a moral higher ground.

But the idiot trump can only heap praise on autocrats and scorn on leaders of our allies. One of the idiot trump’s heroes is Philippine leader, Rodrigo Duterte, whose violent crackdown on drugs left more than 7,000 of his countrymen dead before his first year in power ended. Despite propaganda, there were many innocent people killed.

Another despot idolized by the idiot trump was Saddam Hussein for his efficient killing of terrorists (and innocent bystanders).

In 2008, Donald Trump Jr. said: "Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia." So, the idiot trump had nothing but compliments for Putin, and since Russian interference in the United States’ 2016 elections, the idiot trump has become Putin’s puppet.

China’s Xi Jinping, employs strong-arm tactics to maintain Communist Party power, and for this, he receives total devotion from the idiot trump, "He [Xi Jinping] certainly doesn't want to see turmoil and death. He doesn't want to see it. He is a good man. He is a very good man and I got to know him very well." The idiot trump’s mindless minions don’t want to see “it" either, even though it is Xi Jinping causing “it”.

Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi of Egypt, rose to power in a bloody coup. Some 800 protesters were killed in a single day. The idiot trump is a big fan of this mass murderer. The idiot trump is equally enamored with Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s iron-fisted despot, Benito Mussolini, and Moammar Gaddafi.

Undoubtedly, there will be more merciless dictators for the idiot trump to revere in the coming months.

All of this is great news in the conservatives’ “alternative reality”, but for people of reason it shows the rapid decline of our society since January 20, 2017.

What is certainly good news in the conservatives’ “alternative reality”, is the White House accusing the media of “misinformation”, falsely stating that it is required to separate families by law, rather than its own decision to do so. The President of the United States, before the idiot trump was referred to as “the leader of the free world”. Now, the contemptible a$$hole in the White House refers to people “infesting” the USA, the most blatant form of dehumanizing language.

Around the world conservatism is in full bloom. In Italy, the far-right interior minister called for a “register” of the country’s Roma population, with the overt aim of expelling as many as possible. “Unfortunately we’ll need to keep Roma with Italian citizenship,” he said – drawing horrified condemnation from groups, including Jewish groups, calling them illegal policies reminiscent of the country’s fascist past.

In Hungary, far-right prime minister Victor Orban consolidating his hold on the country, his primary opposition now a rival far-right party as the left and liberal groups fall even further back. Simultaneously, as independent media in the country struggles for survival, a university founded by a Holocaust survivor is facing losing its license – in part because of its founder’s support for the refugees fleeing violence in Syria.

As this takes place across the world, a world we would once have referred to as stable, Western democracies, billions of people’s focus will be on the spectacle of the World Cup. Hosting the games is a propaganda coup for Russia, exculpating it even as it persecutes gays, turns a blind eye to domestic violence, annexes its neighbors, and manipulates and undermines Western democracy.

World events like these are becoming commonplace, and with an admitted admirer of Nazis as POTUS, it inspires the conservatives’ claim they are “winning”.

While rational people around the world want to look away, we absolutely must not. Our parents and grandparents watched and lived through a similar tide in politics and world events in the 1930s.

Today, inaction by people of good conscience world wide, can only lead us to another crisis like that in 1939.

Martin Niemöller was a prominent Protestant pastor who emerged as an outspoken public foe of Adolf Hitler and spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camps.

His words are as relevant today as when he first spoke them in the 1930s:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Donald Trump's 9 Shout-Outs to Notorious Dictators - The Atlantic

Far-right Italy minister vows 'action' to expel thousands of Roma

Viktor Orbán's grip on government is suffocating democracy in Hungary | Viktor Pál

Singapore Summit: Trump Praises Kim Jong Un - The Atlantic

These photos show how the World Cup is being used to whitewash everything terrible about Russia

View attachment 200624

ROTFL... Since when are we concerned about creating good news in the rest of the world? We have been inundated with US good news since Nov. 16 and some are almost on the verge of getting bored with 'winning'... lol It's great when international good news also positively effects the US... but that's the extent of it, save for humanitarian crises that are so compelling that the American populace is largely behind extending unreciprocated aid.

The jovial, moronic Santa Clause that has been the US is NOT so much so under Trump... that should piss off all those around the world that have been carte' blanche' receiving gifts from the 'Great Santa' USA. lol...! In a very real sense, the more 'Bitching' we hear from around the world... the better our health metric is as a nation!
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Good news, everybody! You wont need heaters anymore, global warming will see to that. And in more good news, overpopulation ensures that businesses will have plenty of cheap labor! More good news, overpopulation will end soon due to an ensuing wars , collapse of the entire ecocycle, crop failure, diseases or other unforeseen consequences! More good news to follow!
Things are great in my neck of the woods.

Sucks to be the rest of the world.

Ignored the long winded rant at the first Nazi
I love it when Leftists start threads so they can publicly let out a good cry... Love it! And this is one of the better ones. Thank you for that! The only way it could be better is...
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Good news, everybody! You wont need heaters anymore, global warming will see to that. And in more good news, overpopulation ensures that businesses will have plenty of cheap labor! More good news, overpopulation will end soon due to an ensuing wars , collapse of the entire ecocycle, crop failure, diseases or other unforeseen consequences! More good news to follow!
Don't the Bilderberg's love it when a plan comes together...
Good news, everybody! You wont need heaters anymore, global warming will see to that. And in more good news, overpopulation ensures that businesses will have plenty of cheap labor! More good news, overpopulation will end soon due to an ensuing wars , collapse of the entire ecocycle, crop failure, diseases or other unforeseen consequences! More good news to follow!
Don't the Bilderberg's love it when a plan comes together...
Up until it collapses like a house of cards, than they die and stuff. Good news everybody! No more Illuminati conspiracy when the human race goes extinct! News at 11.

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