World Wind Turbines To Cross 300,000 Megawatt Mark


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America

World Wind Turbines To Cross 300,000 Megawatt Mark

June 17, 2013 Cynthia Shahan

Wind turbines are here to stay. They are increasing in numbers every day, and industry figures show that the amount of energy they are able to generate has reached tremendous levels.

The 19th century belonged to coal, the 20th to oil, and the 21st century belongs to clean energy, with wind energy being one of the foundations of that.

“This is the big one, the centerpiece, the dominant source of energy in the new economy is wind,” believes Lester Brown, a world-leading environmental analyst.
Read more at World Wind Turbines To Cross 300,000 Megawatt Mark | CleanTechnica
Great.. So we should be expecting about 100,000 MWatts on average. With sporadic frequency of production and no match to peak load demands.

They'd make great advertising sign posts on the highway exits..
100gw is about 20 large nuclear plants ;)

Believe me I'd rather it be 20 nuclear plants.

Ok -- that's about 3 nukey plants for each of the 7 major country investors.

One problem is -- it's been building now for nearly 20 yrs and probably 20% of that "capacity" is probably junk and outdated by now. You can look at pictures of wind farms and see 1st, 2nd, 3rd generation towers .. The 1st generation towers aren't even worth SITING in that field anymore.. THey are just IN THE WAY of the producing towers.
100gw is about 20 large nuclear plants ;)

Believe me I'd rather it be 20 nuclear plants.

Ok -- that's about 3 nukey plants for each of the 7 major country investors.

One problem is -- it's been building now for nearly 20 yrs and probably 20% of that "capacity" is probably junk and outdated by now. You can look at pictures of wind farms and see 1st, 2nd, 3rd generation towers .. The 1st generation towers aren't even worth SITING in that field anymore.. THey are just IN THE WAY of the producing towers.

The first generation nukes are causing us much more grief than the first generation wind turbines.
Liberals care as much about birds as the do pre-born human beings.

Ummmmm..... radiation kills everything, not just birds :eusa_whistle:

What's the half-life of the air coming out the back end of a wind turbine again?

World Wind Turbines To Cross 300,000 Megawatt Mark

June 17, 2013 Cynthia Shahan

Wind turbines are here to stay. They are increasing in numbers every day, and industry figures show that the amount of energy they are able to generate has reached tremendous levels.

The 19th century belonged to coal, the 20th to oil, and the 21st century belongs to clean energy, with wind energy being one of the foundations of that.

“This is the big one, the centerpiece, the dominant source of energy in the new economy is wind,” believes Lester Brown, a world-leading environmental analyst.
Read more at World Wind Turbines To Cross 300,000 Megawatt Mark | CleanTechnica

Wow! That's 0.0015% of the world's total nameplate capacity, assuming the wind blows all the time!

If the 21st century's going to belong to wind, it better get off its ass.
When you see an article like this you need to consider the source. In this case the source is an op-ed designed to sell wind energy. Look for qualifiers. In this case the headline leads you to believe that wind creates 300,000 megawats but look for the little word (to). It means that they think it will happen. Look for inappropriate words like "tremendous" when they really don't apply. When an op-ed like this gives the political affiliation of a person who is in the business of manufacturing turbine technology it's a dead giveaway that this is a propaganda piece. The jobs created by the wind turbine manufacturing industry have nothing to do with the electric output of manufactured pieces. I wonder where the environmentalists stand on the alleged slaughter of migratory birds so far to produce a piddling amount of electricity that so far has been supported by taxpayers and has never made a profit.
Industry Statistics

The fourth quarter of 2012 saw 8,385 megawatts (MW) of wind power capacity installed, bringing total 2012 installations to 13,131 MW. The U.S. wind industry now totals 60,007 MW of cumulative wind capacity (and more than 45,100 turbines) through the end of December 2012. During 2012, wind energy became the number one source of new U.S. electricity generating capacity for the first time, providing some 42% of all new generating capacity.

Today, the U.S. wind industry represents not only a large market for wind power capacity installations, but also a growing market for American manufacturing. Over 550 manufacturing facilities across 44 states make components for wind turbines.

World Wind Turbines To Cross 300,000 Megawatt Mark

June 17, 2013 Cynthia Shahan

Wind turbines are here to stay. They are increasing in numbers every day, and industry figures show that the amount of energy they are able to generate has reached tremendous levels.

The 19th century belonged to coal, the 20th to oil, and the 21st century belongs to clean energy, with wind energy being one of the foundations of that.

“This is the big one, the centerpiece, the dominant source of energy in the new economy is wind,” believes Lester Brown, a world-leading environmental analyst.
Read more at World Wind Turbines To Cross 300,000 Megawatt Mark | CleanTechnica

Key line here

that the amount of energy they are able to generate

On average wind power only outputs one third of its rated capacity.
It's hard to get a handle on the left unless you consider that Michael Savage might have been right and liberalism is a mental illness. They profess to hate corporate wealth and yet they celebrate the jobs created by corporations when it benefits their agenda. They pretend to care about the environment and yet they refuse to address the environmental impact of gigantic windmill technology. They claim to hate lobbyists and yet they live by left wing lobbying techniques.
Industry Statistics

The fourth quarter of 2012 saw 8,385 megawatts (MW) of wind power capacity installed, bringing total 2012 installations to 13,131 MW. The U.S. wind industry now totals 60,007 MW of cumulative wind capacity (and more than 45,100 turbines) through the end of December 2012. During 2012, wind energy became the number one source of new U.S. electricity generating capacity for the first time, providing some 42% of all new generating capacity.

Today, the U.S. wind industry represents not only a large market for wind power capacity installations, but also a growing market for American manufacturing. Over 550 manufacturing facilities across 44 states make components for wind turbines.

Wind Powering America: U.S. Installed Wind Capacity

It's really unsettling to me that the fate of the avian community is not seriously addressed in discussions about wind-generated electricity.

Exxon Fined for Causing Bird Deaths -

$600,000 for the deaths of 85 migratory birds.

And to date, not a single fine levied as a result of millions of annual bird deaths from wind turbines.
Liberals care as much about birds as the do pre-born human beings.

If you truly loved birds you'd be pushing hard for wind power being a larger part of America's total energy package because-----because according to carbon lighthouse, "At Carbon Lighthouse we love both renewable energy and birds (though some of our team members’ love of pigeons is debatable), but we also love data and information-driven analysis. So we conducted a literature review of about 20 peer reviewed academic papers studying the effects of wind turbines. A selection of these papers is listed in the bibliography below. These papers not only carefully studied the effects of wind farms on birds and bats across the world, they studied those effects for years, sometimes even a decade or longer.
The results were clear: it turns out wind farms kill ten times fewer birds than fossil fuel power plants. Specifically, wind farms and nuclear power plants kill only 0.3 to 0.4 birds per GWh of electricity generated, while oil, gas, and coal power plants kill 5.4 birds per GWh of electricity generated. [2]

If we simply count up the birds based on the amount of electricity generated by each source, it means Wind Farms kill about 7,000 birds per year, Nuclear power plants kill about 327,000 birds per year, and coal and natural gas plants combined kill about 14,500,000 birds per year. [2]

These number are part of the reason why the National Audubon society “strongly supports” wind power."

Do wind farms and wind turbines kill birds | Carbon Lighthouse
When you see an article like this you need to consider the source. In this case the source is an op-ed designed to sell wind energy. Look for qualifiers. In this case the headline leads you to believe that wind creates 300,000 megawats but look for the little word (to). It means that they think it will happen. Look for inappropriate words like "tremendous" when they really don't apply. When an op-ed like this gives the political affiliation of a person who is in the business of manufacturing turbine technology it's a dead giveaway that this is a propaganda piece. The jobs created by the wind turbine manufacturing industry have nothing to do with the electric output of manufactured pieces. I wonder where the environmentalists stand on the alleged slaughter of migratory birds so far to produce a piddling amount of electricity that so far has been supported by taxpayers and has never made a profit.

They don't give a shit about the birds, just like they don't give a shit about the dead zone on the Gulf of Mexico caused by ag runoff from corn production for mandatory ethanol standards.

Environmentalism has little to do with the environment. It's about government control over individual lives.
When you see an article like this you need to consider the source. In this case the source is an op-ed designed to sell wind energy. Look for qualifiers. In this case the headline leads you to believe that wind creates 300,000 megawats but look for the little word (to). It means that they think it will happen. Look for inappropriate words like "tremendous" when they really don't apply. When an op-ed like this gives the political affiliation of a person who is in the business of manufacturing turbine technology it's a dead giveaway that this is a propaganda piece. The jobs created by the wind turbine manufacturing industry have nothing to do with the electric output of manufactured pieces. I wonder where the environmentalists stand on the alleged slaughter of migratory birds so far to produce a piddling amount of electricity that so far has been supported by taxpayers and has never made a profit.
You don't have a clue as to what you're talking about.
Liberals care as much about birds as the do pre-born human beings.

If you truly loved birds you'd be pushing hard for wind power being a larger part of America's total energy package because-----because according to carbon lighthouse, "At Carbon Lighthouse we love both renewable energy and birds (though some of our team members’ love of pigeons is debatable), but we also love data and information-driven analysis. So we conducted a literature review of about 20 peer reviewed academic papers studying the effects of wind turbines. A selection of these papers is listed in the bibliography below. These papers not only carefully studied the effects of wind farms on birds and bats across the world, they studied those effects for years, sometimes even a decade or longer.
The results were clear: it turns out wind farms kill ten times fewer birds than fossil fuel power plants. Specifically, wind farms and nuclear power plants kill only 0.3 to 0.4 birds per GWh of electricity generated, while oil, gas, and coal power plants kill 5.4 birds per GWh of electricity generated. [2]

If we simply count up the birds based on the amount of electricity generated by each source, it means Wind Farms kill about 7,000 birds per year, Nuclear power plants kill about 327,000 birds per year, and coal and natural gas plants combined kill about 14,500,000 birds per year. [2]

These number are part of the reason why the National Audubon society “strongly supports” wind power."

Do wind farms and wind turbines kill birds | Carbon Lighthouse

That's the same politically correct BS that the Royal Soc. Protection of Birds was putting out when they decided to go into the wind turbine biz to raise funds..

How much of a bird brain do you have to be to set up TURBINES in a nature preserve?

This article was discussed last week in this forum under the title "Awww........ Shit".. And you never weighed in --- didya?

Birdwatchers see rare swift killed by wind turbine - Telegraph

Birdwatchers see rare swift killed by wind turbine.
Dozens of birdwatchers who travelled to a Scottish island to see an extremely rare swift have been left distraught after it was killed by a wind turbine.

The White-throated Needletail was first seen by two bird spotters from Northumberland on Monday Photo: Steve DuffieldBy Simon Johnson
2:44PM BST 27 Jun 2013
Around 40 people were watching the White-throated Needletail, the world's fastest flying bird, on the Isles of Harris when the tragedy happened.

Sightings of the bird have only been recorded eight times in the UK in nearly 170 years, most recently in 1991, prompting around 80 ornithologists to visit the island in the hope of catching a glimpse.

Your quote is utter rubbish, since the only birds killed by nuclear power must have been living over one of the GOVERNMENTS criminally managed nuclear WEAPONS waste dumps AND NOT because of commercial nuclear power..

This is an assessment from just ONE WIND FARM in the San Fran Bay...

Oakland, CA – Judge Ronald Sabraw of the Alameda County Superior Court today ruled that the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) and its co-plaintiff Peter Galvin can go forward with their lawsuit against wind power companies responsible for killing tens of thousands of eagles, hawks, falcons, owls and other protected birds with wind power turbines in the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area (Altamont) in the San Francisco Bay Area of California. Judge Sabraw ruled that, although the enactment of Proposition 64 in November 2004 applied retroactively to bar CBD and Mr. Galvin from
bringing suit on behalf of the general public, CBD and Mr. Galvin could continue to pursue their claims against the wind power companies for destroying wildlife because they, like all other Californians, have a property interest in the wildlife the wind power companies are destroying. The Judge also invited Attorney General Bill Lockyer or the Alameda County District Attorney to join the lawsuit to pursue these claims on behalf of the general public as well.
The lawsuit was filed in state court on November 1, 2004, seeking remedies for the killing of tens of thousands of raptors in flagrant criminal violation of state and federal wildlife protection laws. Wind turbines at Altamont have killed an estimated 880 to 1,330 golden eagles, hawks, owls and other protected raptors each year for the past 20 years, in violation of numerous California Fish and Game Code provisions as well as the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle Protection Act.

You really are gullible.. But I really can overlook the bird kill for now, because there is a larger issue.. Wind power is USELESS as an alternative energy source.. It will never be the backbone of an electrical grid in an advanced society..

Can you read a graph Sky???? If you need help -- lemme know..


We don't need much more of that flaky unreliable power generation -- do we? Neither do the birds..

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