World wants Obama

What was that about, what did he lie about? Did we end up better off than we would have been otherwise? My memory is not so good as it used to be.
I was thinking CHarles that you are probably right that some people might want the US weak. I was thinking about this when I was putting dinner on.

I wonder if it has to do with different countries. People I know at work are from like south america and mexico, and different places - but they think things are better in the US. Easier to buy a house and stuff. So, they want the US strong not weak. And I know one or two people from europe like I said, and they said that they liked that we had broken with sort of the traditional candidates.

So those sorts of things were what I had in mind. But I am curious for more of your perspective. You are probably right that some people want the US weak, but weak how? Weak militarily or economically or something else?
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I just laugh at how hard the Cons are trying to convince themselves that Europe wants us weak instead of recognizing that this, at it's very core, calls into question their judgment on something so basic, see the truth for what it is.

The truth is Europe has always been happy to allow us to take the lead. Always counted on us as a steadying force in the world, the voice of reason if you will. We've lost that in the last 8 years. The world mistrusts the United States because it must wonder to themselves could we be next? "Could the U.S. government decide to make up stories about our country to justify an invasion?"

They worry because our economy effects their economy. IF Americans are struggling we aren't buying the things they import. We aren't traveling to their country and spending our money which, as a rule, is much more valuable than other currency.

A weak America is bad for the global economy and it's bad for security around the world. Our military is stretched so thin right now we can't effectively defend ourselves at home much less render aide to another country which might be attacked.

No, Europe wants Obama because he'll return us to a position of strength. He'll send a clear message that we're ready to rejoin the global community and we're done bullying other countries.
I just laugh at how hard the Cons are trying to convince themselves that Europe wants us weak instead of recognizing that this, at it's very core, calls into question their judgment on something so basic, see the truth for what it is.

The truth is Europe has always been happy to allow us to take the lead. Always counted on us as a steadying force in the world, the voice of reason if you will. We've lost that in the last 8 years. The world mistrusts the United States because it must wonder to themselves could we be next? "Could the U.S. government decide to make up stories about our country to justify an invasion?"

They worry because our economy effects their economy. IF Americans are struggling we aren't buying the things they import. We aren't traveling to their country and spending our money which, as a rule, is much more valuable than other currency.

A weak America is bad for the global economy and it's bad for security around the world. Our military is stretched so thin right now we can't effectively defend ourselves at home much less render aide to another country which might be attacked.

No, Europe wants Obama because he'll return us to a position of strength. He'll send a clear message that we're ready to rejoin the global community and we're done bullying other countries.

The rest of the world knows full well why we attacked Afghanistan and Iraq. I bet they even FINALLY know it's a real provocative move to attack our embassies, military and country.
Besides--if they know are military is stretched so thin that we can't even defend ourselves ( :rofl::rofl::rofl:) why would anyone be worried about us attacking them ?
The rest of the world knows full well why we attacked Afghanistan and Iraq. I bet they even FINALLY know it's a real provocative move to attack our embassies, military and country.
Besides--if they know are military is stretched so thin that we can't even defend ourselves ( :rofl::rofl::rofl:) why would anyone be worried about us attacking them ?

they understood why we went into Afghanistan, I believe many countries were prepared to go in with us. Iraq? not so much.

All McCain has to do is enact the draft if he wants to get into another war and I wouldn't put it past him to do it either.

I think the world is scared of McCain and what he'll do to further destroy the global community.
they understood why we went into Afghanistan, I believe many countries were prepared to go in with us. Iraq? not so much.

All McCain has to do is enact the draft if he wants to get into another war and I wouldn't put it past him to do it either.

I think the world is scared of McCain and what he'll do to further destroy the global community.

oh the draft rumor:eek:----I knew that was coming up----what would Obama do?
You lost me ninja. How is the rest of the world saying, in essence, "we would follow this guy" a bad thing for Obama?

Having the world follow the US puts the US in an incredible position of strength.

p.s. no I'm a brunette, the picture is at the request of another, very handsome, board member.

You are right on one point here.

Soft power is much more beneficial for the US than the cowardly and outdated use of hard power. ... after all military power cannot do anything effectively apart from make billionaires richer.

If other countries respected the US... it was coming back under Clinton... then yes you are right... it would benefit all americans...

However be very clear... no countries look up to or follow US presidents... why would they do that? very strange.

The poll is hardly surprising.... the world has looked on in amazement for 8 years that ... the US people allowed a clearly incapable and edu
cationally deeply subnormal thing to run their country. They looked on in amazement when the US public supported committing 30 ..yes that is 30! 911s on innocent iraqi civilians.

For Europeans at least... the choice is clear ... Republicans = war, cowardice, stone age beliefs, extremism, uneducated, untravelled, propaganda and fear rhetoric about imaginary threats.

Whilst the democrats are far from perfect... they could be considered ..vaguely normal.
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There is a perception around the world that Democrats are far less imperialist and militaristic than Republicans; people remember FDR, Kennedy, even Carter and Clinton, with much less hatred than Bush I, Bush II and Reagan (even Nixon), so naturally Democrats usually are supported more around the world than Republicans. It's not necessarily a correct perspective (Just take a look at the 'Clinton Doctrine' and compare it to the Bush Doctrine- they both have similarly hawkish aspirations), but that's what most think, I'd say.

The other thing about Obama is that he's black. Around the world, many perceive the US to be somewhat of a 'racist' country, and the fact that one of the candidates is Black is somewhat of a redeeming aspect- after all, his father was from the 'third world', where most people live. He just has that sort of 'underdog' image, which a large part of the world can connect to. That's kind of the picture I've gotten, anyway.
You are right on one point here.

Soft power is much more beneficial for the US than the cowardly and outdated use of hard power. ... after all military power cannot do anything effectively apart from make billionaires richer.

If other countries respected the US... it was coming back under Clinton... then yes you are right... it would benefit all americans...

However be very clear... no countries look up to or follow US presidents... why would they do that? very strange.

The polls is hardly surprising.... the world has looked on in amazement for 8 years that ... the US people allowed a clearly incapable and edu
cationally deeply subnormal thing to run their country. They looked on in amazement when the US public supported committing 30 ..yes that is 30! 911s on innocent iraqi civilians.

For Europeans at least... the choice is clear ... Republicans = war, cowardice, stone age beliefs, extremism, uneducated, untravelled, propaganda and fear rhetoric about imaginary threats.

Whilst the democrats are far from perfect... they could be considered ..vaguely normal.

vaguely normal ?? :rofl::rofl:
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The very fact that the world wants Obama makes me want McCain.

Look at the world, then look at the US and you tell me who's on the right track. So thank you very much, I think we should thankfully decline Obamanization of the US because the "world" wants him. Let the "world" have him. Maybe he can be Honorary Grand High Sheik of the World or something. He might actually be qualified for that.

So you prefer being poor...working twice as hard for half the money?

US standard of living was 43rd in the OECD study. AMericans ..mostly those who cant afford to travel, like yourself.... have this warped image that the US is somehow prosperous? Sure the top 5% are very welathy as they laugh at the rest of you.

This is why the US government has had a long and concerted plan to dumb down the masses. Keep chanting the mantra "land of the free"... even though most countries are much more free than the US.

You prefer living in a country which includes huge swathes of third world regions in the south and midwest?

Where religious extremism is commonplace?

Oh dear ..sounds like me .. someone needs to get out a little bit more and smell the coffee.. take a trip son...if you can afford it or if your boss will give you more than 2 days holiday a year! :eusa_pray::eusa_pray:
The other thing about Obama is that he's black. Around the world, many perceive the US to be somewhat of a 'racist' country, and the fact that one of the candidates is Black is somewhat of a redeeming aspect- after all, his father was from the 'third world', where most people live. He just has that sort of 'underdog' image, which a large part of the world can connect to. That's kind of the picture I've gotten, anyway.

Oh great--the rest of the world want us to elect a black so their self-esteem will be better ????? Why dont they pick them selves up to feel better instead of drag us down ?
The world wanted Kerry.

We went with Bush.

In hindsight, was the world right?

BBC NEWS | Americas | World 'wants Kerry as president'

I hardly think the world wanted the charmless Kerry... however they did prefer him to the obviously retarded terrorist Bush.

I have long put forward the proposal that Europeans should vote in the US election and only perhaps the 10% of americans who are on a similar intellectual plane.

It is insane to allow the educationally backward (at least 50% of the US voting public)...the vote.
which black person has been a major candidate in Europe?

Hey buddy, I'm just saying that's the perception- I never suggested it was actually true. In either case it's not about that- obviously a perception like that would have historical roots (i.e. Slavery, Segregation, the KKK, lynchings that sorta thing). I'd imagine a similar perceptions of Europeans too, considering they started the Slavery in the first place. I guess I'm talking more about developing countries, in that regard.

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