World Trade Center



Another old one about 9/11.

The Turning Point

“Do you enjoy your life? Do you enjoy your wealth?” the beggar had asked me on my way to work today; or maybe it should be said, my path to death. I walked to work today, just as every other day, knowing the fact that I am a businessman working in a world of non-production; a world of beggars that take no advantage of their lives, and live off the people who have.
I realize, as I stand in my office that today is just as dull as any other day. I work here producing for the people I hate, while pushing on toward my death. Only today I am moving on toward it somewhat faster.
I stand here, hearing the people’s screams around me, and the expanding of cracking metal about to collapse in the presence of rising heat. A plane has hit my building; my building is the World Trade Center. The plane was flown by either the incompetent or the destructive. It could either be the stupidity of our world or the non-living of our world. It could be hit by people who live for the sake of power, power over the mind. The people known as terrorists, dictators, and murderers. The people trying to destroy the word “trade” in “trade center”. The people trying to kill the world to know that their mind is right and the rest are wrong.
If these are the two types of people left among the most of our world, then I no longer wish to live in a world such as this. That is why I stand here, not running amuck like the rest of my co-workers. They are running for the inescapable of an imploding building. They are running from the building into an inescapable world falling to pieces. This building is much like their minds, holding on only by the skeleton structure of its frame just as they’re mind is holding on to the last drop of intelligence: the fear of non-existence.
They are hoping for the escape off of a floor 58 stories off the ground with an airplane sticking into the building about 10 stories higher. They hope not for the sake of themselves but the sake of their families. Unlike them, I have no value higher than myself. I have no immediate family or friends. So I am here, and I will die with no struggle. I will die with the thought that I am leaving a place of self-destruction. They will die with the thought that they are leaving the people they love. I think I am the better off.
I have no more than a few drops of time left, and I will soon die with the thought that I have had a satisfying life. I have been successful in what I have set out to do. And I will die with all that I have achieved in this building. This is the end, the turning point, and the simplification of my existence. Simplification in that I can look back and see all that I have accomplished. It is enough and it is my time to go.
This office is now filling with smoke. I have lost the sense of feeling in my head. I feel as if I were not living this death, but inhaling it with the smoke. The beams are trembling. I am no longer fully aware. But now I see yet another plane coming in my direction outside the window. It is another plane heading for this tower. And I will die with the thought that maybe this plane is a plane of deliverance.
That was the most depressing thing I have read in a long time!

Very good though!!! :clap:
Well I didn't really mean for it to be depressing, but okay.
Well, it was very touching!!! but a great job!

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