World health organisation warns of mystery killer disease x


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has put scientists and health workers around the globe on alert for a new and potentially deadly pathogen - Disease X.

World Health Organisation warns of mystery killer Disease X

Engineered whatever gave you that idea, oh wait the gov. would never engineer some disease that could wipe out half the population. Nawwww they love us to much to see that happen.
No such thing as crazy scientist LOL

Or it's to scare the hell out of people ...... this day an age it would be anything. Taking pre cautions never hurts I suppose.


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Worthless article.

Yeah staying in the dark, as you touch grocery carts that kids spit on, shit in, slobbber one, pick their noses on yeah not knowing and touching everything and anything in the public as you blissfully are clueless is way better. lol

Oh wait there's a shot for that right ahahha, lets take a VACCINE FOR SOMETHING THEY HAVE NO FKN CLUE ABOUT. yeah that's leftist thinking.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has put scientists and health workers around the globe on alert for a new and potentially deadly pathogen - Disease X.

World Health Organisation warns of mystery killer Disease X

Engineered whatever gave you that idea, oh wait the gov. would never engineer some disease that could wipe out half the population. Nawwww they love us to much to see that happen.
No such thing as crazy scientist LOL

Or it's to scare the hell out of people ...... this day an age it would be anything. Taking pre cautions never hurts I suppose.

According to Rush Limbaugh this deadly disease
has been identified as Liberalism.

Trump has already called to build stronger walls and defense
to keep this evasive intrusion out before it infects more of the population.

But the bacterial invaders have mutated ability to Refuse and Resist any known cure.
Penicillin doesn't work like it does on other socially transmitted diseases!
Worthless article.

Yeah staying in the dark, as you touch grocery carts that kids spit on, shit in, slobbber one, pick their noses on yeah not knowing and touching everything and anything in the public as you blissfully are clueless is way better. lol

Oh wait there's a shot for that right ahahha, lets take a VACCINE FOR SOMETHING THEY HAVE NO FKN CLUE ABOUT. yeah that's leftist thinking.
I stay in no dark. Germs are around us no matter what. They and the virus were around long before man. Viruses are interwoven into our DNA. Yes...YOU are part virus. The fact that they do, can and will mutate into new forms has been a known fact for many years. This article is moot.
  • Thread starter
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  • #7
Worthless article.

Yeah staying in the dark, as you touch grocery carts that kids spit on, shit in, slobbber one, pick their noses on yeah not knowing and touching everything and anything in the public as you blissfully are clueless is way better. lol

Oh wait there's a shot for that right ahahha, lets take a VACCINE FOR SOMETHING THEY HAVE NO FKN CLUE ABOUT. yeah that's leftist thinking.
I stay in no dark. Germs are around us no matter what. They and the virus were around long before man. Viruses are interwoven into our DNA. Yes...YOU are part virus. The fact that they do, can and will mutate into new forms has been a known fact for many years. This article is moot.

Oh you are in the dark more than you even know. Trust us the parental Government won't be saving you either.
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The World Health Organisation (WHO) has put scientists and health workers around the globe on alert for a new and potentially deadly pathogen - Disease X.

World Health Organisation warns of mystery killer Disease X

Engineered whatever gave you that idea, oh wait the gov. would never engineer some disease that could wipe out half the population. Nawwww they love us to much to see that happen.
No such thing as crazy scientist LOL

Or it's to scare the hell out of people ...... this day an age it would be anything. Taking pre cautions never hurts I suppose.

Scientists Warn “Disease X” Could Wipe Out Humanity!
Worthless article.

Yeah staying in the dark, as you touch grocery carts that kids spit on, shit in, slobbber one, pick their noses on yeah not knowing and touching everything and anything in the public as you blissfully are clueless is way better. lol

Oh wait there's a shot for that right ahahha, lets take a VACCINE FOR SOMETHING THEY HAVE NO FKN CLUE ABOUT. yeah that's leftist thinking.
I stay in no dark. Germs are around us no matter what. They and the virus were around long before man. Viruses are interwoven into our DNA. Yes...YOU are part virus. The fact that they do, can and will mutate into new forms has been a known fact for many years. This article is moot.

Oh you are in the dark more than you even know. Trust us the parental Government won't be saving you either.
The virus/bacteria is JUMPING SPECIES dumbass that is where the problem is at.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has put scientists and health workers around the globe on alert for a new and potentially deadly pathogen - Disease X.

World Health Organisation warns of mystery killer Disease X

Engineered whatever gave you that idea, oh wait the gov. would never engineer some disease that could wipe out half the population. Nawwww they love us to much to see that happen.
No such thing as crazy scientist LOL

Or it's to scare the hell out of people ...... this day an age it would be anything. Taking pre cautions never hurts I suppose.

Here MindWars, a doctor at Harvard lays out the issue of world preparedness to stop epidemics like Ebola:

The looming epidemic threat | Jonathan Quick

Dr Jonathan D Quick, of the Harvard Medical School, is Chair of the Global Health Council, and author of The End of Epidemics.

^ I'd like to approach this doctor and his council with the idea of refinancing global health
by spreading the cure for mental and criminal illness through spiritual healing, as researched
on Rheumatoid Arthritis by the Templeton Foundation using the effective methods taught
and practiced by Drs. Francis and Judith MacNutt as well
as neurosurgeon Dr. Phillip Goldfedder who changed his practice
to this field after he saw demonstrated proof that it worked to address, treat and cure the root causes not just symptoms.

Currently state budgets spend billions of tax dollars on failed criminal justice and mental health systems that make more people sicker and/or keep them placated or addicted to costly prescription drugs that treat symptoms without curing the causes of their diseases or disorders. If Dr. Quick is outraged over lack of health care preparedness, how outrageous would he be to find that the method to cure the causes is free while suppressing the symptoms with medications has cost billions of dollars, including lives lost to homocide or suicide.

Dr. Scott Peck also wrote his book "Glimpses of the Devil" after observing two schizophrenic patients
undergo the deep spiritual healing therapy process that has been practiced by Catholic priests for centuries
to remove demonic illnesses caused by infestations, similar to the scientific method of identifying a virus and
applying the right antidote for each particular case.

Dr. Quick describes how outraged he is that more isn't being done to take global threats seriously.
How do you think I felt when I first found out that Christianity already found the answer and solution,
but this wasn't being taught and understood?

Do you know how "crazy making" it feels to post this solution to share online, and ask support for medical research into
spiritual therapy that can cure diseases by early intervention, from cancer to schizophrenia, before these become deadly,
ONLY to be met with criticism and refusal. Because no one has seen proof, they assume this can't be real; thus is
ridiculous to bring up, much less ask for scientific research.

The human mind in its resistance to change, coupled with
the ego and fear of being made wrong, and having to change
all patterns of thought and how society would work if these
changes were implemented, seeks to block any message or
messenger that would otherwise compel change until more minds are prepared to receive it.

Fortunately the very process of spiritual healing that removes these blockages
of fear from the human mind so that the body can heal, also works on
healing relations and society as part of the same process.

We cannot remove the blocks to healing until we find out where they are,
where the openings are to work for removal, so that the changes can happen
inside and out.

I am happy to reach out to Dr. Quick and see if he might discuss this
approach with Drs. MacNutt and Dr. Goldfedder.

Since Trump has called for opioid epidemic outreach and research,
and has extended this to address drug trafficking and restitution for
criminal damages and deaths charged to wrongdoers to pay for
developments on the border, we could call to set up teaching
hospitals, military prisons, and production centers for
rehabilitation and restitution work programs, to turn epidemics
from addictions and related crimes into global centers for
treatment, cure and recovery.

Everyone is yelling and outraged over problems.
Why not pool together our best minds and solutions
and focus there?
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