Working in the golden state


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
all these left-wing political ideas are a big scam, and you can look at California for proof.

35 years ago , in Los Angeles, cops were complaining because they started at 25k while plumbers, union or not, were making 50k+
the post office started at 10 to 12 and no one wanted to work there.
the average company had to decide if they were going to keep you within 3 months, because there was some kind of regulation about firing people, where companies were reluctant to do so.

then ,California opened the doors to illegals and all the left-wing crazy politics.

California was a "Right to work" state but changed the name because illegals were suing the sate ,claiming they had a right to work.
now, California is an "At will" state, which is worse.

people talk about how "Right to work" and "At will" have an effect on unions, but the average company has the ability to fire people when ever they want, without reason.

you'll notice that California is run by Democrats and they WANT the "At will" AKA "Right to work" policy.

most of the work has been given to illegals, and it's not uncommon to see plumbers and other "craftsmen" working for minimum wage. craftsmanship quality has taken a massive drop.
most of the regular unions kept raising their wages benefits until companies were forced to move over-seas.

now, most of the union jobs are government related, which falls in line with Socialist policy that only people involved with the government should be making money.

cops start at 60k and no longer eat doughnuts, every day is Sizzler for them.
teachers start at around the same pay to sit in the class with their feet up, regurgitating Socialist politics.
we had a big outcry recently because lifeguards were getting paid 150k to sit on the beach.

the people who do all the work are at minimum wage.
and getting into a Socialist union job is a gift from Satan himself, a lot of the applications say on it "who do you know?", like the one i had when i applied for HVAC/plumbing union some years back.

we went for a while with these government unions making big money, but now the state is broke and union jobs no longer pay what their older employees made.
the city bus department dropped their wages, "next tier" drivers don't have the wages or the benefits the people they work with do.
people get hired into unions then get dropped 6 months later.

why should people who struggle at 20k pay for somone else to live at 80k?

it's game over for this BS.

no one can blame the Republicans here.
people in my area don't even call themselves "Republicans", they are liberals who run for which ever is available.

the only way people can fix this is to bring back a serious nationalist attitude

Do they not teach that sentences start with capital letters in California?
Sure, let's all put the right wing ideology on the national level and turn the country into a dump like mississippi :rolleyes:
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The Government Pay Boom -

The Orange County Register reports that California has 3,000 retired teachers and school administrators, who stopped working as early as age 55, collecting at least $100,000 a year in pensions for the rest of their lives.

Union-savvy California out-pays workers over Texas - SFGate

California union to parents: Stop volunteering! « Hot Air

Last year, it was the unionization of babysitting. This year, it’s the unionization of volunteering. What’s next?

you have to be shitting me, babysitting?

But it's true: Cukoo's nest time
Babysitting bill in Calif. Legislature |
Do they not teach that sentences start with capital letters in California?

Amazing how often the tactic of attacking grammar or punctuation is posted in lieu of any discussion on the content. I guess when you have nothing else........................

everyone agrees California is run by Democrats.
there is no one here to blame but them.

the fate of the job market is here in California, right now, and it's coming to you.

California used to have good jobs for the average worker.
the rich business owners got together and thought of ways to drop their employee expenses as low as possible.
they simply passed a law that said they can pay what ever they want, and fire people when ever they want, how did they do it?

the problem with California and the rest of the country is not the free market, which the Socialists call "Capitalist" , the problem is the Socialists who took over the businesses.

the Socialist business owner says " were making 75k per year, but since this is a Capitalist nation, i don't have to pay you that, i'm going to pay you minimum wage ...aren't you glad the Socialists passed minimum wage laws?"

the politicians gave you two death options,
1) you continue to support the unions, which causes debt, ever increasing taxes, and jobs moving over-seas because of expenses.
2) you support "Right to work" , which allows business owners to do what ever the fk they want, AKA not pay you.

our 100% corrupt media only brings up the issue of "Right to work" when talking about unions, but the law has a terrible effect on everyone, ...which the media does not talk about.
why? because the media wants you to support "Right to work"

Republicans are completely ignorant about this issue.

the Democrats say "look! the Republicans support Right to Work, which means you have no working rights"
but this whole thing was created by Democrats, which is the reason Democrat controlled California is an "At will" work state, which is the same thing as "Right to work"

California simply changed the name from "Right to work" to "At will", which is the same thing.
the media NEVER mentions "At will"
people get on TV and say "Republican states are Right to Work", the corrupt media does not clarify.


unions are wrong, "Right to work" "At will" is worse.
stop the politicians from giving you options where you can't win.
i no longer vote for any politician that gives me no option to win.

all these left-wing political ideas are a big scam, and you can look at California for proof.

35 years ago , in Los Angeles, cops were complaining because they started at 25k while plumbers, union or not, were making 50k+
the post office started at 10 to 12 and no one wanted to work there.
the average company had to decide if they were going to keep you within 3 months, because there was some kind of regulation about firing people, where companies were reluctant to do so.

then ,California opened the doors to illegals and all the left-wing crazy politics.

California was a "Right to work" state but changed the name because illegals were suing the sate ,claiming they had a right to work.
now, California is an "At will" state, which is worse.

people talk about how "Right to work" and "At will" have an effect on unions, but the average company has the ability to fire people when ever they want, without reason.

you'll notice that California is run by Democrats and they WANT the "At will" AKA "Right to work" policy.

most of the work has been given to illegals, and it's not uncommon to see plumbers and other "craftsmen" working for minimum wage. craftsmanship quality has taken a massive drop.
most of the regular unions kept raising their wages benefits until companies were forced to move over-seas.

now, most of the union jobs are government related, which falls in line with Socialist policy that only people involved with the government should be making money.

cops start at 60k and no longer eat doughnuts, every day is Sizzler for them.
teachers start at around the same pay to sit in the class with their feet up, regurgitating Socialist politics.
we had a big outcry recently because lifeguards were getting paid 150k to sit on the beach.

the people who do all the work are at minimum wage.
and getting into a Socialist union job is a gift from Satan himself, a lot of the applications say on it "who do you know?", like the one i had when i applied for HVAC/plumbing union some years back.

we went for a while with these government unions making big money, but now the state is broke and union jobs no longer pay what their older employees made.
the city bus department dropped their wages, "next tier" drivers don't have the wages or the benefits the people they work with do.
people get hired into unions then get dropped 6 months later.

why should people who struggle at 20k pay for somone else to live at 80k?

it's game over for this BS.

no one can blame the Republicans here.
people in my area don't even call themselves "Republicans", they are liberals who run for which ever is available.

the only way people can fix this is to bring back a serious nationalist attitude


Don't like it....leave. We would appreciate the fewer cars on the freeway. TIA.

The Government Pay Boom -

The Orange County Register reports that California has 3,000 retired teachers and school administrators, who stopped working as early as age 55, collecting at least $100,000 a year in pensions for the rest of their lives.

Union-savvy California out-pays workers over Texas - SFGate

California union to parents: Stop volunteering! « Hot Air

Last year, it was the unionization of babysitting. This year, it’s the unionization of volunteering. What’s next?

you have to be shitting me, babysitting?

But it's true: Cukoo's nest time
Babysitting bill in Calif. Legislature |

ENVY is one of the seven deadly sins

The Government Pay Boom -

The Orange County Register reports that California has 3,000 retired teachers and school administrators, who stopped working as early as age 55, collecting at least $100,000 a year in pensions for the rest of their lives.

Union-savvy California out-pays workers over Texas - SFGate

California union to parents: Stop volunteering! « Hot Air

Last year, it was the unionization of babysitting. This year, it’s the unionization of volunteering. What’s next?

you have to be shitting me, babysitting?

But it's true: Cukoo's nest time
Babysitting bill in Calif. Legislature |

ENVY is one of the seven deadly sins

Envy is easier than actually going out and getting work that pays.

The Government Pay Boom -

The Orange County Register reports that California has 3,000 retired teachers and school administrators, who stopped working as early as age 55, collecting at least $100,000 a year in pensions for the rest of their lives.

Union-savvy California out-pays workers over Texas - SFGate

California union to parents: Stop volunteering! « Hot Air

Last year, it was the unionization of babysitting. This year, it’s the unionization of volunteering. What’s next?

you have to be shitting me, babysitting?

But it's true: Cukoo's nest time
Babysitting bill in Calif. Legislature |

ENVY is one of the seven deadly sins

You obvisouly dont know what envy is, there was none of it in my post

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