Workforce dropouts


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Hundreds of thousands have dropped out of the workforce and thousands of them are students leaving summer jobs and returning to college that affect the unemployment rate.
Obama’s first years with a democrat senate and congress did pass polices that worked and is still working. Then the “obstructionist” congress showed it’s ugly face and threw in roadblocks that keep Obama from keeping some of his 08 promises.
The “obstructionist” congress need to take some responsibility in the recession and they need to recognize the part Bush played in the recession and continued into the Obama administration. They have “instant brain freeze” whenever Bush’s name is mentioned.
Welcome To The Home Of Intelligence For Your Life – With John Tesh :: Young Women Leaving Workforce Return To School
Why Older Adults are Going Back to School |
Hundreds of thousands have dropped out of the workforce and thousands of them are students leaving summer jobs and returning to college that affect the unemployment rate.
Obama’s first years with a democrat senate and congress did pass polices that worked and is still working. Then the “obstructionist” congress showed it’s ugly face and threw in roadblocks that keep Obama from keeping some of his 08 promises.
The “obstructionist” congress need to take some responsibility in the recession and they need to recognize the part Bush played in the recession and continued into the Obama administration. They have “instant brain freeze” whenever Bush’s name is mentioned.
Welcome To The Home Of Intelligence For Your Life – With John Tesh :: Young Women Leaving Workforce Return To School
Why Older Adults are Going Back to School |

Oh brother more calls from the Obama kneepads.

So the new excuse is college students leaving summer jobs......:lmao:
Hundreds of thousands have dropped out of the workforce and thousands of them are students leaving summer jobs and returning to college that affect the unemployment rate.
Obama’s first years with a democrat senate and congress did pass polices that worked and is still working. Then the “obstructionist” congress showed it’s ugly face and threw in roadblocks that keep Obama from keeping some of his 08 promises.
The “obstructionist” congress need to take some responsibility in the recession and they need to recognize the part Bush played in the recession and continued into the Obama administration. They have “instant brain freeze” whenever Bush’s name is mentioned.
Welcome To The Home Of Intelligence For Your Life – With John Tesh :: Young Women Leaving Workforce Return To School
Why Older Adults are Going Back to School |

It must be nice living in a complete and total Fantasy land where 1 side is evil and the other is all that is good in the world.
Dems can't admit their European style Socialist economic ideas are failing as badly here as they fail in Greece and Spain. Moreover, they cannot tolerate political opposition and prefer a Dictatorship. One who will tel them how great his plans are working
Hundreds of thousands have dropped out of the workforce and thousands of them are students leaving summer jobs and returning to college that affect the unemployment rate.
Obama’s first years with a democrat senate and congress did pass polices that worked and is still working. Then the “obstructionist” congress showed it’s ugly face and threw in roadblocks that keep Obama from keeping some of his 08 promises.
The “obstructionist” congress need to take some responsibility in the recession and they need to recognize the part Bush played in the recession and continued into the Obama administration. They have “instant brain freeze” whenever Bush’s name is mentioned.
Welcome To The Home Of Intelligence For Your Life – With John Tesh :: Young Women Leaving Workforce Return To School
Why Older Adults are Going Back to School |

The rates are seasonally adjusted.

As far as the obstructionist BS, the Senate has FIFTEEN jobs bills sitting, never looked at, never talked about, never negotiated, just sitting.
Hundreds of thousands have dropped out of the workforce and thousands of them are students leaving summer jobs and returning to college that affect the unemployment rate.
Obama’s first years with a democrat senate and congress did pass polices that worked and is still working. Then the “obstructionist” congress showed it’s ugly face and threw in roadblocks that keep Obama from keeping some of his 08 promises.
The “obstructionist” congress need to take some responsibility in the recession and they need to recognize the part Bush played in the recession and continued into the Obama administration. They have “instant brain freeze” whenever Bush’s name is mentioned.
Welcome To The Home Of Intelligence For Your Life – With John Tesh :: Young Women Leaving Workforce Return To School
Why Older Adults are Going Back to School |

Oh brother more calls from the Obama kneepads.

So the new excuse is college students leaving summer jobs......:lmao:

It's only 1 PM here in the East. Check with her at 2 PM, she'll have another excuse.
I thought unemployment stimulated the Obama economy? Can you fuckers ever pick ONE lie and stick with it?

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