Work Force


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
How many people were in the US work force in 2008 before the collapse and how many now?

I know the 9 percent unemployment number is bogus. It only reflects those still getting benefits right?
How many people were in the US work force in 2008 before the collapse and how many now?

I know the 9 percent unemployment number is bogus. It only reflects those still getting benefits right?
Not necessarily is the answer to your second question. Moves and turning off cell phones as a budgetary move does screw up the unemployment survey. People who are unemployed and cannot be contacted or who simply cannot make it to the state unemployment office to apply for benefits screw up the survey too. The self employed and independent contractors not to mention people from temp agencies are also excluded from the count. The fineprint in the UE report excludes a lot of people with or without benefits so it is more implicitly bogus than explicitly bogus.

As to your first question there are a slew of people who can answer that better than me.
It is my understanding that those who are receiving unemployment benefits or welfare checks are the primary source of statical information, any who run out of benefits or leave government assistance become invisible statistically to our bureaucracy and lose social relevance,,,, relevance meaning one pays into the system or is a beneficiary of the system, either or.
The IRS would have employment estimates subject to what a specific government program needs number wise. In my opinion government numbers are rounded out, discounted or discarded for specific program requirements and guidelines or shaded for the general economic confidence.
There is a plus or minus factor in every government statistic,,, BS in BS out.
I believe the truth is managed as a political commodity and bureaucratic necessity by government.
How many people were in the US work force in 2008 before the collapse and how many now?

I know the 9 percent unemployment number is bogus. It only reflects those still getting benefits right?
Not necessarily is the answer to your second question. Moves and turning off cell phones as a budgetary move does screw up the unemployment survey.
Not really. Moves don't affect the number much at all (it's the house that's tracked, not the individuals), and personal visits will occur if there's no answer on the phone.

People who are unemployed and cannot be contacted
Not a huge's accounted for in the calculations.
or who simply cannot make it to the state unemployment office to apply for benefits screw up the survey too.
Huh? You know that benefits have nothing to do with the survey. Going to the UI office isn't necessary.
The self employed and independent contractors not to mention people from temp agencies are also excluded from the count. [/qutoe] Yes they are, why would you think they're not?
It is my understanding that those who are receiving unemployment benefits or welfare checks are the primary source of statical information, any who run out of benefits or leave government assistance become invisible statistically to our bureaucracy and lose social relevance,,,, relevance meaning one pays into the system or is a beneficiary of the system, either or.
Nope. It's a monthly survey of 60,000 households. Benefits have nothing to do with it.
Strange that in my entire life I have never been contacted about an employment survey.

Has anyone else here ever been contacted for an unemployment survey?
Strange that in my entire life I have never been contacted about an employment survey.

Has anyone else here ever been contacted for an unemployment survey?

Why is it strange? Have you ever had a Nielsen box?

Every year, around 202,500 households throughout the entire country are surveyed. The odds are low that yours gets selected.
Strange that in my entire life I have never been contacted about an employment survey.

Has anyone else here ever been contacted for an unemployment survey?
A statistical representation of employers, including independent contractors, and other small companies are surveyed, IF they have filed forms 940, 941, and UC-1 in the past. The contacts are made by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

And yes, I have been so contacted - by phone.
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Strange that in my entire life I have never been contacted about an employment survey.

Has anyone else here ever been contacted for an unemployment survey?

Why is it strange? Have you ever had a Nielsen box?

Every year, around 202,500 households throughout the entire country are surveyed. The odds are low that yours gets selected.

I have participated in a couple of Neilson surveys, kept a viewing log they paid me $5.
Me. I was working in 2008. I was not in 2009. Or 2010. Or now in 2011. Most are laying people off and running their own businesses the best they can. And landlords are idiots because their rentals for new shops that could bring in revenue are still too expensive. They never lowered the rents to keep up with the market. So the town looks pretty sad with CLOSED and/or FOR RENT on them.
I don't think there is a really an accurate measure. Hopefully we want get into a discussion U1-U6.

The hardcore unemployed that can not work and those that have given up looking are not included in the unemployment rate reported by the press. These are never included in rate the news media reports. If you include these people, it would have to be at least 5% higher because 5% is usually consider by economist as being fully employed.
How many people were in the US work force in 2008 before the collapse and how many now?

I know the 9 percent unemployment number is bogus. It only reflects those still getting benefits right?
turning off cell phones as a budgetary move

People would let their home foreclose before they'd ever let their cell phone service lapse.
True, that is why they turn the phones off when not in use to make outgoing calls. It saves on the expense of people blowing up your bill.

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