
Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
WORK Act Would Give Low-Income Moms The Same Option As Ann Romney (For 3 Years)

Under current law, raising children does not count toward the required "work activity" that must be performed by recipients of Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, the federal program that emerged from the 1996 welfare reform. Some states make an exception for mothers with children less than a year old.

The Women's Option to Raise Kids (WORK) Act, a copy of which was provided to HuffPost in advance of its introduction, would allow mothers with children ages 3 and under to stay at home with their children and continue receiving benefits.

The act was inspired by the recent kerfuffle, in which the political establishment, from President Barack Obama to Mitt Romney, took great umbrage at the suggestion by Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen that Ann Romney had not "worked a day in her life."

"All moms are working moms," Mitt Romney responded.

If that's the case, then it's unfair to apply a different standard to low-income women, reasoned Rep. Pete Stark of California, a top Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee.

"Mitt Romney was for forcing mothers into the workforce before he decided that 'all moms are working moms,'" Stark told The Huffington Post. "I think we should take Mr. Romney at his most recent word and change our federal laws to recognize the importance and legitimacy of raising young children. That's why I'm introducing the WORK Act to provide low-income parents the option of staying home to raise young children without fear of being pushed into poverty."

I'm not even sure if they're serious, but this sure will be fun to watch it all unfold.
Oh this one is easy ---

If you're a D, you'll see how you can make it work to benefit the most children and their mothers.

If you're an R, you'll bellow, LET THE DAMN SOCIALISTS EAT CAKE and step over the bodies of hungry babies to to give more welfare to Big Oil.
The Women's Option to Raise Kids (WORK) Act, a copy of which was provided to HuffPost in advance of its introduction, would allow mothers with children ages 3 and under to stay at home with their children and continue receiving benefits.

Prior to welfare reform the exemption applied to children under six, so don’t expect passage, among many other reasons.

Besides, those eligible for TANF are also eligible for Federally subsidized daycare, so there’s no reason not to go to work and school.
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The Women's Option to Raise Kids (WORK) Act, a copy of which was provided to HuffPost in advance of its introduction, would allow mothers with children ages 3 and under to stay at home with their children and continue receiving benefits.

Prior to welfare reform the exemption applied to children under six, so don’t expect passage, among many other reasons.

Besides, those eligible for TANF are also eligible for Federally subsidized daycare, so there’s no reason not to go to work and school.

Ya think I'm right, it's a sort of legislative tongue-in-cheek shot at Romney?
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Try to keep up. I figure it for a joke.

They can't be serious. Some women would be popping out babies every three years like clockwork until their tired, dead uterus falls out.

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