Words matter 2012


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOuzPcz5u4Y]Jobs: Rhetoric or Reality? - YouTube[/ame]
If not why give him a second chance?
They actually think it's funny

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O55aRrvXtio]Obama: Shovel-Ready Not as Shovel-Ready as We Expected - YouTube[/ame]

With all of this, with unemployment still over 8%, with all the problems we still face after Obama's four years, Romney should be leading in the polls 75% to 25%. This race shouldn't even be close.

Why isn't it? There must be a finger to point. Who's to blame?


With all of this, with unemployment still over 8%, with all the problems we still face after Obama's four years, Romney should be leading in the polls 75% to 25%. This race shouldn't even be close.

Why isn't it? There must be a finger to point. Who's to blame?


obama's biggest propagandist the mainstream media

With all of this, with unemployment still over 8%, with all the problems we still face after Obama's four years, Romney should be leading in the polls 75% to 25%. This race shouldn't even be close.

Why isn't it? There must be a finger to point. Who's to blame?


perhaps it's because a) romney has given no indication that he would do anything different than what the bush admin did (and we know how well that worked out); and b) most people like the president and just think things aren't moving quickly enough and given the polls, they blame the do-nothing obstructive Congress for that.

see, it's not enough to say "replace the president", you have to give them someone decent to replace him with.

With all of this, with unemployment still over 8%, with all the problems we still face after Obama's four years, Romney should be leading in the polls 75% to 25%. This race shouldn't even be close.

Why isn't it? There must be a finger to point. Who's to blame?


perhaps it's because a) romney has given no indication that he would do anything different than what the bush admin did (and we know how well that worked out); and b) most people like the president and just think things aren't moving quickly enough and given the polls, they blame the do-nothing obstructive Congress for that.

see, it's not enough to say "replace the president", you have to give them someone decent to replace him with.

Patience Jillian.. Romney and the RNC haven't started yet.. Your boy is finished.

As for the polls..... all being played right now. LMAO!
Watching that video (OP) makes one's stomach turn....

Dear God.

What a fucking Bullshit Artist Obama thinks he is.

Out the fucking door in November.....

With all of this, with unemployment still over 8%, with all the problems we still face after Obama's four years, Romney should be leading in the polls 75% to 25%. This race shouldn't even be close.

Why isn't it? There must be a finger to point. Who's to blame?


perhaps it's because a) romney has given no indication that he would do anything different than what the bush admin did (and we know how well that worked out); and b) most people like the president and just think things aren't moving quickly enough and given the polls, they blame the do-nothing obstructive Congress for that.

see, it's not enough to say "replace the president", you have to give them someone decent to replace him with.

Patience Jillian.. Romney and the RNC haven't started yet.. Your boy is finished.

As for the polls..... all being played right now. LMAO!

I think it's possible that these two theories are not mutually exclusive. For those who don't vote based simply on party affiliation, the alternative just doesn't look very attractive. Plus, for anyone who has been paying attention, it isn't difficult to recall the behavior of the GOP during Obama's administration so far. At the same time, who knows what attacks the GOP has planned, and it has a lot of money to spend. We'll see if they can get even nastier than the Democrats have been. How nice.

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Watching that video (OP) makes one's stomach turn....

Dear God.

What a fucking Bullshit Artist Obama thinks he is.

Out the fucking door in November.....

He'll be selling shoes in the hood soon enough..... oh, Shine for a buck too.

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