Woodrow Wilson,traiter and facist.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
No surprise in the least of course since our egghead history buffs always rank him as one of the top five very best.:rolleyes:No surprise in the least since they ALWAYS rank the most corrupt and traiterous ones as the best.

Thomas Woodrow Wilson, the 28th US president, often makes the top ten in rankings of the best US presidents. In the well-known polls taken by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Sr. in 1948 and 1962, Wilson was ranked #4 behind Lincoln, Washington, and FDR. By the end of this post, I hope you will agree with me that he belongs in the bottom rung and was one of our worst presidents ever, if not THE worst.
amen to that.this writer has done his homework.:beer::thup::yes_text12:
Woodrow Wilson: America’s Worst and First Fascist President

Wilson harshly suppressed dissent and resistance among citizens and the press.
At Wilson’s urging, a Sedition Act (not unlike the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 ) forbade Americans from criticizing their own government in a time of war. Citizens could not “utter, print, write or publish any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language” about the government or the military. The Postmaster General was given the authority to revoke the mailing privileges of those who disobeyed. About 75 periodicals were were shut down by the government in this way and many others were given warnings.

sounds a lot like BOTH warmonger traiters Bush AND OBAMA.ya think?:D
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All in all it is estimated that about 175,000 Americans were arrested for failing to demonstrate their patriotism in one way or another.

that ^pretty much sounds like the policys of Bush and Obama. Thanks to woodrow wilson and our corrupt congress of 1913,we have been a facist dictatership ever since then.

the article forgot to mention as well how he and congress were traiterous snakes to america with the federal reserve act.

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No surprise in the least of course since our egghead history buffs always rank him as one of the top five very best.:rolleyes:No surprise in the least since they ALWAYS rank the most corrupt and traiterous ones as the best.

Thomas Woodrow Wilson, the 28th US president, often makes the top ten in rankings of the best US presidents. In the well-known polls taken by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Sr. in 1948 and 1962, Wilson was ranked #4 behind Lincoln, Washington, and FDR. By the end of this post, I hope you will agree with me that he belongs in the bottom rung and was one of our worst presidents ever, if not THE worst.
amen to that.this writer has done his homework.:beer::thup::yes_text12:
Woodrow Wilson: America’s Worst and First Fascist President

Wilson harshly suppressed dissent and resistance among citizens and the press.
At Wilson’s urging, a Sedition Act (not unlike the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 ) forbade Americans from criticizing their own government in a time of war. Citizens could not “utter, print, write or publish any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language” about the government or the military. The Postmaster General was given the authority to revoke the mailing privileges of those who disobeyed. About 75 periodicals were were shut down by the government in this way and many others were given warnings.

sounds a lot like BOTH warmonger traiters Bush AND OBAMA.ya think?:D

Wilson's been overrated for decades. Mostly because of the history revisionism project by Edith. Basically a racist asshole who trounced us around the world fucking with countries we had no business being in. Had troops in Russia into 1920. By the end of his second term he was so despised that Warren Harding barely had to campaign at all and won in what was then the biggest landslide ever.

What you're referring to here is the Palmer Raids btw (1919).

And 1918 was the year Earnest Starr was cornered by a mob and ordered to kiss the flag. When he refused he (Starr), and not the mob, was sent to hard labor in prison. For not obeying the mob.

It was a fucked-up time. The Klan got re-formed in 1915 and spread nationwide; race riots ran rampant, especially in the "Red Summer" of 1919; pacifist Hutterites who refused military service were tortured to death; the national anthem started getting played at baseball games and dachshunds were ripped from their owners and stoned to death in the street on the basis that their breed name was German. And German Shepherds got renamed "Police Dogs" in exactly the same way some wags tried to morph "French fries" out of their own butthurt that France wouldn't follow our mob.

History repeats.
No surprise in the least of course since our egghead history buffs always rank him as one of the top five very best.:rolleyes:No surprise in the least since they ALWAYS rank the most corrupt and traiterous ones as the best.

Thomas Woodrow Wilson, the 28th US president, often makes the top ten in rankings of the best US presidents. In the well-known polls taken by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Sr. in 1948 and 1962, Wilson was ranked #4 behind Lincoln, Washington, and FDR. By the end of this post, I hope you will agree with me that he belongs in the bottom rung and was one of our worst presidents ever, if not THE worst.
amen to that.this writer has done his homework.:beer::thup::yes_text12:
Woodrow Wilson: America’s Worst and First Fascist President

Wilson harshly suppressed dissent and resistance among citizens and the press.
At Wilson’s urging, a Sedition Act (not unlike the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 ) forbade Americans from criticizing their own government in a time of war. Citizens could not “utter, print, write or publish any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language” about the government or the military. The Postmaster General was given the authority to revoke the mailing privileges of those who disobeyed. About 75 periodicals were were shut down by the government in this way and many others were given warnings.

sounds a lot like BOTH warmonger traiters Bush AND OBAMA.ya think?:D

Wilson's been overrated for decades. Mostly because of the history revisionism project by Edith. Basically a racist asshole who trounced us around the world fucking with countries we had no business being in. Had troops in Russia into 1920. By the end of his second term he was so despised that Warren Harding barely had to campaign at all and won in what was then the biggest landslide ever.

What you're referring to here is the Palmer Raids btw (1919).

And 1918 was the year Earnest Starr was cornered by a mob and ordered to kiss the flag. When he refused he (Starr), and not the mob, was sent to hard labor in prison. For not obeying the mob.

It was a fucked-up time. The Klan got re-formed in 1915 and spread nationwide; race riots ran rampant, especially in the "Red Summer" of 1919; pacifist Hutterites who refused military service were tortured to death; the national anthem started getting played at baseball games and dachshunds were ripped from their owners and stoned to death in the street on the basis that their breed name was German. And German Shepherds got renamed "Police Dogs" in exactly the same way some wags tried to morph "French fries" out of their own butthurt that France wouldn't follow our mob.

History repeats.

Our corrupt history classes of course teach us that Warren Harding was one of the worst ever since he tried to clean up wilsons corruption and sadly,many sheep in america bought into it hook,line,and sinker same as they did on FDR being a great president..

Thats a great description of FDR as well as being overrated for decades.History revision at work on him in our corrupt schools as well of course.not to get off topic but that article did mention him in there with that other fellow traitor and mass murderer same as him.
The best way to measure the worst Presidents is by the number of Americans who died under his watch:

1. Lincoln
2. FDR
3. Wilson
4. Johnson
5. Truman

No other Presidents come close.
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The best way to measure the worst Presidents is by the number of Americans who died under his watch:

1. Lincoln
2. FDR
3. Wilson
4. Johnson
5. Truman

No other Presidents come close.
Very true.

Isn't it ironic that of those five war criminals you mention, many historians rake them as great or near great?
Wilson was the warm up for the most evil


His list of atrocities are only comparable to the likes of stalin and mao

for once in your life you are actually posting something that is not juvenile and stupid,the world must be coming to an end.:abgg2q.jpg:

I found it comical that crusader retard liked post# 4 of mine but something else that needs to be added to it is his hero Ronnie Reagan for sure makes that list as well with wilson and FDR ALSO committing atrocities comparable to the likes of Hitler and stalin,that is WHY "HE" is always ranked in the top 20 somewhere.
when crusader retards heres those pesky facts on his distant cousin and hero,he goes into melt down mode and throw tantrems and fits in frustration knowing he gets his ass handed to him on a platter on this and taken to school everyday on his corruption by me and many others.
Wilson was the warm up for the most evil



The only two to throw innocent Americans into concentration camps.

:cough: Guantánamo :cough:

That’s not a concentration camp, idiot.

Of course it is.
Oh you need more?
  • Ross' Landing/Fort Payne/Fort Cass (1838) (van Buren)
  • Camp Release/Fort Snelling (1862) (Lincoln)
  • Fort Sumner (1863-1868) (Lincoln)
  • Batangas (Philippiines, 1901) (T Roosevelt)
This is also of interest:
>> Per the Emergency Detention Act (Title II of the McCarran Internal Security Act of 1950), six concentration camps were constructed in 1952 in the event that the U.S. government declare a state of emergency. They were originally intended to contain alleged socialists, anti-war activists, civil rights militants, and other dissidents. They were maintained from the 1950s to the 1960s, but they were never used for their intended purpose.[168] (Truman, who vetoed it)
Ain't that great? We set up our own Dachau(en) just like Hitler did, for the same elements.

Oh and leave us not forget those myriad camps along the Mexico border in the service of breaking up families right now...

You don't get away with puerile gainsaying on my watch, idiot.
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Wilson was the warm up for the most evil



The only two to throw innocent Americans into concentration camps.

:cough: Guantánamo :cough:

That’s not a concentration camp, idiot.

Of course it is.

No, it’s not. Words have meaning, you idiot. You don’t understood the English language very well.

POW camps are not concentration camps.
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Oh my, yet another junk conspiratard thread that will be allowed to stay in the 'History' Forum. How Speshul.

Time to delete this forum; it's useless and vacant; we already have a "Conspiracy' Forum.
Oh my, yet another junk conspiratard thread that will be allowed to stay in the 'History' Forum. How Speshul.

Time to delete this forum; it's useless and vacant; we already have a "Conspiracy' Forum.

Don't let the door...
Oh my, yet another junk conspiratard thread that will be allowed to stay in the 'History' Forum. How Speshul.

Time to delete this forum; it's useless and vacant; we already have a "Conspiracy' Forum.

Don't let the door...
Oh my, yet another junk conspiratard thread that will be allowed to stay in the 'History' Forum. How Speshul.

Time to delete this forum; it's useless and vacant; we already have a "Conspiracy' Forum.

Don't let the door...

This treehouse for conspirators doesn't have any doors.
Oh look
Oh my, yet another junk conspiratard thread that will be allowed to stay in the 'History' Forum. How Speshul.

Time to delete this forum; it's useless and vacant; we already have a "Conspiracy' Forum.

Don't let the door...

yep the trolls are showing up now,first this one then the last one that posted here before this post,they cant refute the evidence posted in the OP,they hate that truth being exposed about their hero knowing they got their asses owned,so they can only insult after being taken to school.

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