Women's march praises cop killing terrorist as sign of resistance


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Women’s March Praises Cop-Killing Terrorist As ‘Sign Of Resistance’

The Women’s March praised a cop-killing terrorist as a “sign of resistance” on Sunday.

Assata Shakur, whose real name is Joanne Chesimard, has been on the FBI’s Most Wanted list for decades after escaping from a New Jersey prison in 1979, where she was serving out a life sentence for murdering a police officer execution style. Shakur, a wanted terrorist, has become a hero to many on the anti-police left.


Researching the history of people such as this woman, Bill Ayers etc tells you who and what they are made of what their motives are. So when people don't know their history or the history of certain leaders and their groups it proves how the public has purposely been kept dumbed down, not taught history etc. Because if they actually learned about them, or actually researched it all rather than relying on MSN to tell them then maybe they wouldn't continue to support and act like the terrorist they are. Including the idiot leftist who cant quite wake up yet.
mmm .. I thought gender dysphoria was the pc walking order for the liberal Democrat nut cases, why are they calling themselves women, sheesh?.

.. and Democrats are big on killing cops, supporting terrorists, rioting and political assassinations, these are the realities that they're willing to shout on the streets and it's sick..
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mmm .. I thought gender dysphoria was the pc walking order for the liberal Democrat nut cases, why are they calling themselves women, sheesh?.

.. and Democrats are big on killing cops, supporting terrorists, rioting and political assassinations, these are the realities that they're willing to shout on the streets and it's sick..
You make a very good point. These are the same people who have come out as man haters, haters of all authority figures, haters of life, demanding the right to murder babies and sell their body parts on the market, a most despicable demon possessed bunch if I've ever seen one!
mmm .. I thought gender dysphoria was the pc walking order for the liberal Democrat nut cases, why are they calling themselves women, sheesh?.

.. and Democrats are big on killing cops, supporting terrorists, rioting and political assassinations, these are the realities that they're willing to shout on the streets and it's sick..
You make a very good point. These are the same people who have come out as man haters, haters of all authority figures, haters of life, demanding the right to murder babies and sell their body parts on the market, a most despicable demon possessed bunch if I've ever seen one!

I can only agree...;)

....and it's a mystery to me.. who were you in a USMB past life? (pm's OK)
mmm .. I thought gender dysphoria was the pc walking order for the liberal Democrat nut cases, why are they calling themselves women, sheesh?.

.. and Democrats are big on killing cops, supporting terrorists, rioting and political assassinations, these are the realities that they're willing to shout on the streets and it's sick..
You make a very good point. These are the same people who have come out as man haters, haters of all authority figures, haters of life, demanding the right to murder babies and sell their body parts on the market, a most despicable demon possessed bunch if I've ever seen one!

I can only agree...;)

....and it's a mystery to me.. who were you in a USMB past life? (pm's OK)
Formerly my screen name was Jeremiah but some mistook it as my name and not my referring to the Book of Jeremiah so I changed it. I'm a woman and I believe the Book of Jeremiah has many lessons (and warnings) for this generation. I remember you from the old board. Nice to see you, Lumpy!
mmm .. I thought gender dysphoria was the pc walking order for the liberal Democrat nut cases, why are they calling themselves women, sheesh?.

.. and Democrats are big on killing cops, supporting terrorists, rioting and political assassinations, these are the realities that they're willing to shout on the streets and it's sick..
You make a very good point. These are the same people who have come out as man haters, haters of all authority figures, haters of life, demanding the right to murder babies and sell their body parts on the market, a most despicable demon possessed bunch if I've ever seen one!

I can only agree...;)

....and it's a mystery to me.. who were you in a USMB past life? (pm's OK)
Formerly my screen name was Jeremiah but some mistook it as my name and not my referring to the Book of Jeremiah so I changed it. I'm a woman and I believe the Book of Jeremiah has many lessons (and warnings) for this generation. I remember you from the old board. Nice to see you, Lumpy!

Okay so I do know and respect you with good cause, I just wanted to be sure...:)

Bless You Darlin..
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