Women's March Organizer to Speak Alongside Terrorist


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Did ya see, those women were batshit nuts...
Women's March Organizer to Speak Alongside Terrorist Who Helped Murder 2 Jewish College Students
February 7, 2017
Daniel Greenfield

Linda Sarsour is a vile bigot. She was also one of the organizers of the anti-Trump "Women's March" and has become a central figure on the left.

Rasmea Odeh is a terrorist. This is what she was involved in.


Now they're coming together at the misleadingly named Jewish Voice for Peace 2017 National Member Meeting.

JVP is an anti-Semitic hate group that is neither Jewish nor for peace, but obsessed with destroying Israel and hating Jews. Its alliance with CAIR, an Islamist hate group, has produced favorable media coverage about a "Jewish-Muslim alliance against Islamophobia". Odeh's presence at JVP's meeting is however a handy reminder that it's an anti-Semitic hate group that celebrates the murder of Jews.


Also on the panel will be JVP anti-Israel BDS activist Alissa Wise and Nyle Fort, a Ferguson activist. They will be sharing a panel with a woman who helped murder two college students because they were Jewish.

This is a reminder of what JVP is. And what Linda Sarsour is.

We've had a lot of talk about "normalizing" bigotry lately. This isn't normalizing bigotry. It's normalizing the murder of Jews.

Any positive coverage of JVP is normalizing the murder of Jews.

Any collaboration with JVP normalizes the murder of Jews.

Any platform for Linda Sarsour normalizes the murder of Jews.

It's that simple.

Women's March Organizer to Speak Alongside Terrorist Who Helped Murder 2 Jewish College Students
Was Convicted Palestinian-American Rasmea Yousef Odeh Allowed a Fair Defense?

Women's March Organizers include Homophobic, Anti-Semitic, Racist Killers
February 27, 2017
Daniel Greenfield

The anti-Trump Women's March events were supposed to represent a call for human rights. Instead you can't seem to have one without a celebrity meltdown and a murderer.

Here's the last monster to speak at the previous Women's March.

The Women’s March on Washington last week featured as a speaker convicted felon Donna Hylton who, along with several others, kidnapped a man and then tortured him to death.


So the Women's March organizers include a homophobic killer, an anti-Semitic killer and a racist killer.


Women's March Organizers include Homophobic, Anti-Semitic, Racist Killers
I think you need to look up the definition of Semite if you're calling Semites for hating other Semites

Jewish supremacists get what they deserve

No one would be crying for white supremacists
I think you need to look up the definition of Semite if you're calling Semites for hating other Semites

Jewish supremacists get what they deserve

No one would be crying for white supremacists
You can probably email him here Daniel Greenfield, other wise your pissing in the wind...:piss2:

I don't think you understand how this works

You post it, you take ownership of it

edit - Why post it if you think the author is a fuckwit? lol

Because you agree and don't know what the fuck you're talking about
I think you need to look up the definition of Semite if you're calling Semites for hating other Semites

Jewish supremacists get what they deserve

No one would be crying for white supremacists
You can probably email him here Daniel Greenfield, other wise your pissing in the wind...:piss2:

I don't think you understand how this works

You post it, you take ownership of it

edit - Why post it if you think the author is a fuckwit? lol

Because you agree and don't know what the fuck you're talking about
Tyipcal libtart responses, carry on rookie...
I think you need to look up the definition of Semite if you're calling Semites for hating other Semites

Jewish supremacists get what they deserve

No one would be crying for white supremacists
You can probably email him here Daniel Greenfield, other wise your pissing in the wind...:piss2:

I don't think you understand how this works

You post it, you take ownership of it

edit - Why post it if you think the author is a fuckwit? lol

Because you agree and don't know what the fuck you're talking about
Tyipcal libtart responses, carry on rookie...

What is a semite?

Do you know?


Doesn't sound like you do
Women's March Organizers include Homophobic, Anti-Semitic, Racist Killers
February 27, 2017
Daniel Greenfield

The anti-Trump Women's March events were supposed to represent a call for human rights. Instead you can't seem to have one without a celebrity meltdown and a murderer.

Here's the last monster to speak at the previous Women's March.

The Women’s March on Washington last week featured as a speaker convicted felon Donna Hylton who, along with several others, kidnapped a man and then tortured him to death.


So the Women's March organizers include a homophobic killer, an anti-Semitic killer and a racist killer.


Women's March Organizers include Homophobic, Anti-Semitic, Racist Killers
The American Yahoo with his Storefront type link. You neonazis don't even try to hide your affiliations. Sell it bro.
I think you need to look up the definition of Semite if you're calling Semites for hating other Semites

Jewish supremacists get what they deserve

No one would be crying for white supremacists
You can probably email him here Daniel Greenfield, other wise your pissing in the wind...:piss2:

I don't think you understand how this works

You post it, you take ownership of it

edit - Why post it if you think the author is a fuckwit? lol

Because you agree and don't know what the fuck you're talking about
Tyipcal libtart responses, carry on rookie...
Libtart? What are you like 14 years old?
I think you need to look up the definition of Semite if you're calling Semites for hating other Semites

Jewish supremacists get what they deserve

No one would be crying for white supremacists
You can probably email him here Daniel Greenfield, other wise your pissing in the wind...:piss2:

I don't think you understand how this works

You post it, you take ownership of it

edit - Why post it if you think the author is a fuckwit? lol

Because you agree and don't know what the fuck you're talking about
Tyipcal libtart responses, carry on rookie...

What is a semite?

Do you know?


Doesn't sound like you do
Everybody knows everything unless liberal google ain't worth a fuck...
later moron...:bye1:
I think you need to look up the definition of Semite if you're calling Semites for hating other Semites

Jewish supremacists get what they deserve

No one would be crying for white supremacists
You can probably email him here Daniel Greenfield, other wise your pissing in the wind...:piss2:

I don't think you understand how this works

You post it, you take ownership of it

edit - Why post it if you think the author is a fuckwit? lol

Because you agree and don't know what the fuck you're talking about
Tyipcal libtart responses, carry on rookie...

What is a semite?

Do you know?


Doesn't sound like you do
Everybody knows everything unless liberal google ain't worth a fuck...
later moron...:bye1:
Liberal google?
Ha ha ha haha
You really are an Alex Jones conspiracy theorist nutball.
Thanks for confirming.
I think you need to look up the definition of Semite if you're calling Semites for hating other Semites

Jewish supremacists get what they deserve

No one would be crying for white supremacists
You can probably email him here Daniel Greenfield, other wise your pissing in the wind...:piss2:

I don't think you understand how this works

You post it, you take ownership of it

edit - Why post it if you think the author is a fuckwit? lol

Because you agree and don't know what the fuck you're talking about
Tyipcal libtart responses, carry on rookie...

What is a semite?

Do you know?


Doesn't sound like you do
Everybody knows everything unless liberal google ain't worth a fuck...
later moron...:bye1:

is that a response? lol

Bro I come back to this site every few months, you're still frantically posting the same bull seemingly 24/7

America first, hahaha
Meet the terrorist behind the next women’s march
By Kyle Smith
February 25, 2017


Here’s the left’s next great idea for bringing down President Trump: another women’s march. Which means another public instance of Trump haters shouting slogans to one another and mistaking it for constructive politics. What progressives need to defeat Trump is outreach, but all they have is outrage.

On March 8, organizers seem to be aiming for a different vibe than the librarians-in-pussy-hats element that made the first women’s march after Trump’s inauguration so adorable.

Instead of milling around Washington, organizers have in mind a “general strike” called the Day without a Woman. In a manifesto published in The Guardian on Feb. 6, the brains behind the movement are calling for a “new wave of militant feminist struggle.” That’s right: militant, not peaceful.

The document was co-authored by, among others, Rasmea Yousef Odeh, a convicted terrorist. Odeh, a Palestinian, was convicted in Israel in 1970 for her part in two terrorist bombings, one of which killed two students while they were shopping for groceries. She spent 10 years in prison for her crimes. She then managed to become a US citizen in 2004 by lying about her past (great detective work, INS: Next time, use Google) but was subsequently convicted, in 2014, of immigration fraud for the falsehoods. However, she won the right to a new trial (set for this spring) by claiming she had been suffering from PTSD at the time she lied on her application. Oh, and in her time as a citizen, she worked for a while as an ObamaCare navigator.


Rasmea Yousef Odeh spent 10 years in prison for her
part in two terrorist bombings.

You can see why she’s a hero to the left. Another co-author, Angela Davis, is a Stalinist professor and longtime supporter of the Black Panthers. Davis is best known for being acquitted in a 1972 trial after three guns she bought were used in a courtroom shootout that resulted in the death of a judge. She celebrated by going to Cuba.


Angela Davis

According to The Guardian piece, women should spend their day “blocking roads, bridges, and squares, abstaining from domestic, care and sex work” and “boycotting” pro-Trump businesses. Also every woman is supposed to wear red in solidarity.



She needs to be deported to hell...:bye1:

March 24, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

Bad news for the Women's March and JVP. Their favorite terrorist is due to be deported for lying about... terrorism.


Now there will be a Day Without a Terrorist. This is also bad news for Jewish Voice for Peace, an anti-Israel hate group that is neither Jewish nor peaceful, which had her booked as a speaker.

Odeh played a role in a bombing which killed two Hebrew University college students. Their names are never mentioned in the media articles about Odeh. Because Jewish lives don't matter. Only Muslim terrorists do.


This is what the left supports. Never forget that.

This is what JVP supports. This is what J Street which invited JVP in supports. They can lie and weasel all they want, but what they really stand for is the murder of Jews. The families of Odeh's victims have gotten a limited and partial justice. But the media will keep on lying about it. At the bottom rung is the Detroit Free Press whose Niraj Warikoo managed to do an extensive article without once mentioning the victims or even directly quoting the prosecutors, but that consists almost entirely of excuses from Odeh's lawyer and her defenders. This is what normalizing anti-Semitism really looks like.

Women's March Terrorist Takes Plea Bargain in Terror Case

She needs to be deported to hell...:bye1:

March 24, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

Bad news for the Women's March and JVP. Their favorite terrorist is due to be deported for lying about... terrorism.


Now there will be a Day Without a Terrorist. This is also bad news for Jewish Voice for Peace, an anti-Israel hate group that is neither Jewish nor peaceful, which had her booked as a speaker.

Odeh played a role in a bombing which killed two Hebrew University college students. Their names are never mentioned in the media articles about Odeh. Because Jewish lives don't matter. Only Muslim terrorists do.


This is what the left supports. Never forget that.

This is what JVP supports. This is what J Street which invited JVP in supports. They can lie and weasel all they want, but what they really stand for is the murder of Jews. The families of Odeh's victims have gotten a limited and partial justice. But the media will keep on lying about it. At the bottom rung is the Detroit Free Press whose Niraj Warikoo managed to do an extensive article without once mentioning the victims or even directly quoting the prosecutors, but that consists almost entirely of excuses from Odeh's lawyer and her defenders. This is what normalizing anti-Semitism really looks like.

Women's March Terrorist Takes Plea Bargain in Terror Case
Good news maybe some common sense will be returning to the country all around.

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