Women really should stop catching Uber alone after this latest story

I know the cab company has to meet standards for its vehicles and drivers set by the state

So do Uber and Lyft

I know I have legal redress rights against a cab company

As you do with Uber and Lyft

I know cab companies have to have insurance

Uber and Lyft are insured and some states require additional insurance for drivers

Uber is not a transportation company and the drivers do not have to go through any type of training or carry any additional insurance

The drivers go through background checks, driving record checks, and car inspections. As for training, how much training does one need to drive to an address and pick someone up.

You might as well be hitchhiking if you take a fucking uber

There is zero truth to that whatsoever. You're making an uninformed opinion of a business you clearly have little knowledge about and making assumptions based on your own biased lack of facts. You've never even taken an Uber or Lyft ride, have you?

And I rarely take cabs and I never take a bus

I'd rather drive myself

That's certainly your choice.
1. I am 82 years old.

2. I am male.

3. I do not have a smart phone. (Just a dumb phone that I occasionally use to call home.)

4. I like taking taxis, but recently I have been having difficulty getting taxis because some drivers do not want to accept senior discount cards. They want immediate cash.

5. My dumb-phone company has just set up a telephone number so that old people like me can use any kind of telephone to request a ride-sharing car,

6. I am afraid to try it, but I may be forced to if I cannot get a regular taxi to take me to the doctor's [office].

7. The police department in my city reported that in 2018, there were hundreds of incidents involving ride-sharing cars. About 70% of the incidents involved bad passengers.
Women really should stop catching Uber alone after this latest story

Yes, because everyone knows this one incident is indicative of the millions of Uber and Lyft rides taken every single day around the world.
It only takes one time to ruin your life
Only if you let it ruin your life. Why should the perpetrator be given that much of a reward for what they are guilty of? Instead of letting their choice of action eat away at your life, a person should do whatever they can to make sure that the horror doesn't happen to anyone else.

God bless you always!!!


Have you ever met anyone who was raped?

I have and what you just said is condescending as all hell
Women really should stop catching Uber alone after this latest story

Yes, because everyone knows this one incident is indicative of the millions of Uber and Lyft rides taken every single day around the world.
It only takes one time to ruin your life
Only if you let it ruin your life. Why should the perpetrator be given that much of a reward for what they are guilty of? Instead of letting their choice of action eat away at your life, a person should do whatever they can to make sure that the horror doesn't happen to anyone else.

God bless you always!!!

Have you ever met anyone who was raped?

I have and what you just said is condescending as all hell
I was only trying to say that letting such a thing ruin your life means that the perpetrator officially wins. Being condescending was never once my intention. To answer what you ask me here, yes, I used to work with a girl who was a victim of it.

God bless you and her always!!!


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