Women Make Up Half of AIDS Patients


Senior Member
Aug 5, 2004

LONDON, England (Reuters) -- Women make up nearly half of the 37.2 million adults living with HIV and in sub-Saharan Africa the proportion rises to almost 60 percent, according to a U.N. report released on Tuesday.

"Increasingly the face of AIDS is young and female," said Dr. Kathleen Cravero, deputy executive director of the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).

In every region of the globe, the number of women infected with the deadly virus has risen during the past two years. East Asia had the highest jump with 56 percent, followed by Eastern Europe and Central Asia with 48 percent.

Over 3 million people died of the illness this year.
I read somewhere that because of AIDS, and other problems, the life expectancy in Zimbabwe is 35 yrs.

The people living in these african countries would be doing themselves a world of good if they would stop worrying about the whites owning property and elect officials who arn't corrupt. They need to stabilize the economy so they can start taking care of the problems that they face.
Who on earth would believe that a group that makes up over half the population of the world would be a group that half the AIDs victims. Who would have thunk it.
Avatar4321 said:
Who on earth would believe that a group that makes up over half the population of the world would be a group that half the AIDs victims. Who would have thunk it.

No kidding. What's the point?
The point is that AIDS patients used to be almost all homosexual men. In sub-Saharan Africa, promiscuity is so rampant that men are spreading it around to women - and women to men - at a blistering pace.
Here is the key:

In this time of Thanksgiving and holiday spirit, we need to remember the struggle of women and girls who have very few of the same progressive rights our American and European women have. These women often do not have a say in whether their husband wears a condom or not. If they refuse to have sex with their husband, they are beaten. In many areas, divorce is unheard of, perhaps not even legal, and can also be dangerous, as well as casting a women out of an already crumbling society that often puts all the power and "breadwinner" status in the man's hands.

AIDS in Africa is wiping out a generation of people, creating tens of millions of oprhans, and overburdening already collapsed social and health systems.

Its easy to assign blame or scoff at the backwardness and ignorance of people who do not share our good fortune (birthplace, leadership, security, financial/social independence, education, healthcare), but what is not easy is to open your eyes, witness the dying, see the orphans and ponder what all this means for the future of Africa and the rest of the developing world (China, India, Eastern Europe) in the coming years.

We cannot ignore the emergency in sub-Saharan Africa. And thank god, Pres. Bush and many, many Americans are not doing that. They are taking action, like Pres. Bush's visionary and brave 15 billion dollar funding of anti-AIDS programs, and the millions of Americans in churches, student groups and social activist circles who are crossing partisan, cultural and religious lines to save lives and change a dire future.
NATO AIR said:
Here is the key:

In this time of Thanksgiving and holiday spirit, we need to remember the struggle of women and girls who have very few of the same progressive rights our American and European women have. These women often do not have a say in whether their husband wears a condom or not. If they refuse to have sex with their husband, they are beaten. In many areas, divorce is unheard of, perhaps not even legal, and can also be dangerous, as well as casting a women out of an already crumbling society that often puts all the power and "breadwinner" status in the man's hands.

AIDS in Africa is wiping out a generation of people, creating tens of millions of oprhans, and overburdening already collapsed social and health systems.

Its easy to assign blame or scoff at the backwardness and ignorance of people who do not share our good fortune (birthplace, leadership, security, financial/social independence, education, healthcare), but what is not easy is to open your eyes, witness the dying, see the orphans and ponder what all this means for the future of Africa and the rest of the developing world (China, India, Eastern Europe) in the coming years.

We cannot ignore the emergency in sub-Saharan Africa. And thank god, Pres. Bush and many, many Americans are not doing that. They are taking action, like Pres. Bush's visionary and brave 15 billion dollar funding of anti-AIDS programs, and the millions of Americans in churches, student groups and social activist circles who are crossing partisan, cultural and religious lines to save lives and change a dire future.

Are you aware that diarrhea kills 10 times the number of people that AIDS kills? (P.J. O'Rouke is the source of all these facts) 2,866,000 people die a year from diarrhea, 2,474,000 of them children. All of them can be saved by treating their drinking water with Oral Rehydration Salt tablets. They cost 8-10 cents apiece. Two are needed to save a child from dehydration. That is between sixteen to twenty cents per child. To save all the child victim's of semicomic diarrhea, it would cost $500,000. Bush's 15 billion dollars are funding education, as there is no cure for the disease. Holy shit. How much does it cost to cram a bunch of people into a room and tell them that if they get AIDS then they will die, and then explain to them how they can get AIDS.
Hell, they don't even have to cram them in a room. Even African's listen to the radio and watch T.V. (I know, only the urban well-off ones) But 15 billion dollars is just another sick political scheme to make him seem like he cares. I would personally rather he not care than waste so much fucking money, and yes it is a waste because if we are looking to save lives then only a fraction is needed to save ten times the amount from actual and definite death. But oh well, I guess that is the game of politics; picking and choosing your crusade to make yourself seem righteous. Wow, and I like President Bush.
The reason why these women are leading in HIV infections is because of RAPE. The UN had found out years ago that a deadly rumor was spreading amongst the african tribes.

It was told that if you were to have sex with a virgin, you will be cured of AIDS. The origin of this rumor is unknown, but the aftershock is devastating. Prince Harry recently attended a village consisting of nothing but children; all of them orphaned as the result of AIDS related deaths.

If GW wants to fight AIDS in Africa, he needs to invest in AIDS EDUCATION in Africa first.

"Ignorance is the true Weapon of Mass Destruction. The world would be a better place if we rid all nations of such WMDs"
JohnGalt said:
Are you aware that diarrhea kills 10 times the number of people that AIDS kills? (P.J. O'Rouke is the source of all these facts) 2,866,000 people die a year from diarrhea, 2,474,000 of them children. All of them can be saved by treating their drinking water with Oral Rehydration Salt tablets. They cost 8-10 cents apiece. Two are needed to save a child from dehydration. That is between sixteen to twenty cents per child. To save all the child victim's of semicomic diarrhea, it would cost $500,000. Bush's 15 billion dollars are funding education, as there is no cure for the disease. Holy shit. How much does it cost to cram a bunch of people into a room and tell them that if they get AIDS then they will die, and then explain to them how they can get AIDS.
Hell, they don't even have to cram them in a room. Even African's listen to the radio and watch T.V. (I know, only the urban well-off ones) But 15 billion dollars is just another sick political scheme to make him seem like he cares. I would personally rather he not care than waste so much fucking money, and yes it is a waste because if we are looking to save lives then only a fraction is needed to save ten times the amount from actual and definite death. But oh well, I guess that is the game of politics; picking and choosing your crusade to make yourself seem righteous. Wow, and I like President Bush.

its not just diarrhea, but simple things to prevent through vaccines and clean water like malaria, cholera and the flu. these are awful, needless and preventable deaths. more money should be spent on these types of killers.

i do think bush truly cares. i think the 15 billion can make a difference, and here is the most important thing of all: AIDS is destablizing sub-saharan Africa, so much so that our National Security Council under both Billy Bob and Pres. Bush have declared it a serious threat to world prosperity, peace and stability. Its unnaturally killing tens of millions, orphaning tens of millions and causing a mess that will make sub-Saharan Africa and possibly China, India and Eastern Europe/Russia look like the Book Of Revalations in a decade or two unless we take action. that's something that emotional and moral issues aside, affects every American's bottom line: our wallet. the world economy and our own would suffer greatly if this were to come to pass, and we cannot allow that to happen.

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