Women Legislators Strike Back At Arrogant Republicans


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2011
Ohio state Sen. Nina Turner introduced a bill aimed at cracking down on prescription drugs like Viagra that treat erectile dysfunction. Turner’s legislation would make men get psychological screenings — before they could obtain the meds.

Over a month ago, when the Virginia Senate was debating a bill to require women seeking an abortion to get an ultrasound, state Sen. Janet Howell introduced an amendment to the bill that would have required men to get a rectal exam and cardiac stress tests before obtaining a prescription for erectile dysfunction medication.

Georgia state Rep. Yasmin Neal proposed a bill to limit men’s access to vasectomies. Her legislation, which would only allow vasectomies for men who would die or suffer serious health consequences without one, was introduced in February........ “Thousands of children are deprived of birth in this state every year because of the lack of state regulation over vasectomies,” Neal said in a video message.

The Republican male lawmakers are like the Taleban in suits and ties. If they could have their way women's rights would be taken back a half century.
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