Women, how neanderthal do you want your guy?

I want that balance of Neanderthal and gentleman. My boyfriend is actually pretty much perfect for me in that regard. He's possessive in the sense that he doesn't want to share me romantically or sexually with another man, but not so possessive that he drives me insane with his jealousy, doesn't get all bent out of shape because he *thinks* I looked at another guy. I know he'd do battle for me if needed, but he also lets me fight my own battles. He's there to back me up, and he'll step in and fight the fight with/for me if I can't do it alone. As for the "sammich"...."please get me a sammich" works much better (and eliminates the potential of a frying pan connecting with the back of his head), but as long as I know he isn't trying to be a jerk, I'll get him one. Only because I know he'd do the same for me, if I asked.

Dragging me off....well, if he's gonna do that, it better be to the bed, and it better be worth it, cause I'm really not into the whole "caveman" bit. And as for the mouse...yeah, he's gonna have to deal with it, because I won't. My 9 & 6 yr old sons are learning to deal with things like that, because I won't. I'm a girly girl when it comes to that.

I like to do the little "Holly Homemaker" bit, so to a degree I like him to be the big tough guy. But I also need the sweet, gentle guy who will just hold me and tell me he loves me, or cook dinner if I'm sick, stuff like that.
Of course a man needs to be a neanderthal in bed too.

The lady needs to be flipped over into the flint-age of her fucking desire.

You got to get rough, yet wake up gentle.

Give her the glory of her beauty, sing her praise in the morning.

That really is the best part, the morning glory of her light.

Don't know about all of that.

I figure I'll make her orgasm about 20 or 30 times real hard.

The rest is easy.
Noticing in my dramas that guys think it is all right to grab the woman and drag her off, and be very possessive of her, even if she is agreable.....

Do you want your guy to do battle for you?

Are you ok with "where's my sammich?"

are you glad when someone deals with the mouse?

I want my guy to trust that I am his equal and the only way we need to be dependent on each other is in bed.
Of course a man needs to be a neanderthal in bed too.

The lady needs to be flipped over into the flint-age of her fucking desire.

You got to get rough, yet wake up gentle.

Give her the glory of her beauty, sing her praise in the morning.

That really is the best part, the morning glory of her light.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbDEconEcAM]YouTube - Tenacious D - Fuck Her Gently ( with lyrics )[/ame]
"Of course a man needs to be a neanderthal in bed too."

Yes, primal and in control....
I think I am a comfortable mix of Neanderthal and hetero-erectus.... LOL
There is very little Neanderthal in me. Neanderthal is a guy who's thoughtless and always wants his own way. He always wants the remote.....well I guess I have some Neanderthal in me.

But if I want a sammich GD it I can get up and get one myself.

I have legs.
okay i dont want some metro guy saying 'please pass the pussy' nor do i want one of these jerks that you wake up and he is on top of ya....

i run my mouth....i mean to anyone....you get my opinion of you and what you are doing..real damn quick..

soooooooooo early on man tells me....you be running your mouth dont expect me...to be backing you up ...he made it clear he was not wading into settle things after i got them started...i got no problem with that....i also got no problem with the fact that i have seen him pick up a table saw....flip it end of end in anger. i see the triangles that form in his face...i swear his whole face changes....i know when he is ready to explode and it doesnt bother me that i am the only person on earth who can calm him down.
Noticing in my dramas that guys think it is all right to grab the woman and drag her off, and be very possessive of her, even if she is agreable.....

Do you want your guy to do battle for you? A noble cause I'm sure, so yes! But, I have always been an independent soul, able to fight my own battles. There is just something so sexy about a man doing battle for a woman.

Are you ok with "where's my sammich?" Much depending on my mood and what he has been doing. If he's been sitting his lazy ass on the couch watching football all day and has the balls to ask such a question, the answer ain't going to be pretty. I have no problem making a sandwich or any meal or dessert for my man. He does so much for me.

are you glad when someone deals with the mouse? Yes. And the trash and the dishwasher and the pool and the spiders and the dead critters my cats bring home.

"Are you ok with "where's my sammich?""

I would not be with someone who used the word, sammich. lol Nor, the phrase, "where's my." [unless we had just come from a very hot and intimate mutual experience, where I was his sandwich, which in that case, I am still his flushed slave ]"Right here honey."
"Are you ok with "where's my sammich?""

I would not be with someone who used the word, sammich. lol Nor, the phrase, "where's my." [unless we had just come from a very hot and intimate mutual experience, where I was his sandwich, which in that case, I am still his flushed slave ]"Right here honey."

Ok I am no longer worth a shit in here LOL..... TY AquaAthena, you made my day :lol:
"Are you ok with "where's my sammich?""

I would not be with someone who used the word, sammich. lol Nor, the phrase, "where's my." [unless we had just come from a very hot and intimate mutual experience, where I was his sandwich, which in that case, I am still his flushed slave ]"Right here honey."

I agree. "Where's my sammich?" is incorrect.

It should be "Where's my sammich at?"
I want him to do all the yucky things...get the mouse, roach, spider, take out the trash, get the cars inspected :)

I want him to drag me off to have his way with me...:)

And i will tend to his booboos...cook dinner....clean clothes....be a homemaker.

on all personal and financial matters, we are equal

What she said, but I also think it's sexy as hell when he cooks dinner for me.

The first domesticated animal is not so domesticated as the last domesticated animal
HEAR and attend and listen; for this befell and behappened and became and was, O my Best Beloved, when the Tame animals were wild. The Dog was wild, and the Horse was wild, and the Cow was wild, and the Sheep was wild, and the Pig was wild--as wild as wild could be--and they walked in the Wet Wild Woods by their wild lones. But the wildest of all the wild animals was the Cat. He walked by himself, and all places were alike to him.

Of course the Man was wild too. He was dreadfully wild. He didn't even begin to be tame till he met the Woman, and she told him that she did not like living in his wild ways. She picked out a nice dry Cave, instead of a heap of wet leaves, to lie down in; and she strewed clean sand on the floor; and she lit a nice fire of wood at the back of the Cave; and she hung a dried wild-horse skin, tail-down, across the opening of the Cave; and she said, 'Wipe you feet, dear, when you come in, and now we'll keep house.'

That night, Best Beloved, they ate wild sheep roasted on the hot stones, and flavoured with wild garlic and wild pepper; and wild duck stuffed with wild rice and wild fenugreek and wild coriander; and marrow-bones of wild oxen; and wild cherries, and wild grenadillas. Then the Man went to sleep in front of the fire ever so happy; but the Woman sat up, combing her hair. She took the bone of the shoulder of mutton--the big fat blade-bone--and she looked at the wonderful marks on it, and she threw more wood on the fire, and she made a Magic. She made the First Singing Magic in the world.

Out in the Wet Wild Woods all the wild animals gathered together where they could see the light of the fire a long way off, and they wondered what it meant.

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