Woman of the Apocalypse

The sins you mentioned above were sins before the Law of Moses even existed.
Entire cities were destroyed over immoral behavior.

The sins you mentioned above were sins before the law of Moses even existed. Entire cities were destroyed over immoral behavior.

If you are referring to Sodom and Gomorrah the reason specified as the cause for their destruction was violence.
Who are these men that we may know them
Is a direct reference sodomy
Pity and the Dragon

In the Thomas Harris adapted film Red Dragon, a curious detective searches for an elusive and terrifying serial killer known as the Tooth-Fairy with the help of an incarcerated cannibalistic psychiatrist-turned-murderer named Dr. Hannibal Lecter.

Perhaps the Tooth-Fairy (who is compared to a 'red dragon') represents a modern age pedestrianism terrorist such as a Neo-Nazi, and therefore, the woman wrapped up in the Dragon could be someone confounded by jurisprudence sloth (or moral laziness/apathy).

Maybe the Biblical passage about this woman simply refers to a kind of 'necessary pity.'

Red Dragon

The Heroine

I was thinking of the modern age problems regarding traffic and globalization (i.e., illegal immigration) and how these problems create angst towards jurisprudence.

If the woman is Israel (as people on this thread have mentioned), could the Dragon be an adversary of temperance (rather than cruelty)?

American comic books present various female characters that typify self-determined justice (i.e., vigilantism) and represent anxieties about justice in a world gone haywire with mismanaged traffic and terrorism.

What does the Woman of the Apocalypse tell us about the problem of gender violations (i.e., rape) as it relates to unsatisfying social contracts (i.e., chauvinistic governments)?

Is rape a sign of moral apathy or insanity? Is there really a difference?

The Word is not obsolete. The prophet Jerimiah said he found the Word and did eat it. Ezekiel was told to write a scroll on both sides and eat it. Jesus is the Word made flesh. The Lord has been telling us for a long time to eat the Word. It is clear to me that no one may speak the Word in the spirit except he eat it first. Even those dry biscuits taste better than a paper scroll. Praise the Lord.
Savagery Iconography

I agree, scriptural teachings can never become obsolete since they mean something to those who make rituals surrounding them sacred.

Let us entertain some apocryphal ideas (for the sake of argument) and suppose that the Hindu goddess Kali (symbol of feminine rage) holds authority not only over vengeance and intuition (as the Hindu priests have suggested) but also over a hypothetical metaphysical force/entity called "Paranorma."

Paranorma let's suppose is a feminine-oriented mystical force that endows people with an incredible sense of curiosity about wolfish behaviour, loud confidence, and extreme self-absorption.

When we celebrate vanity-predator films such as Wolfen, are we suggesting that campfire spiritual storytelling (e.g., "Kali's command over the fictional entity Paranorma") about misogynistic arrogance releases self-control demons?

The Biblical story of the Woman of the Apocalypse wrapped up in the Dragon suggests that humanity should be conscious of pride itself, which is why (as many have stated on this thread) the woman represents Israel.

Wolfen (Film)

Gender Grudge: Machina

Here's another note ---

If we look at the depiction of the Dark Phoenix, the anti-heroine of pure devastating psychic energy from Marvel Comics, we find a great deal of intriguing symbolism regarding gender cynicism, so could such a characterization of 'gender angst' hint at the gender barbarity of the Biblical harlot of Babylon?


Is there a precise way to coordinate feminism with anthropological (and mythology/world history) dissection?

Here's a mock-dialogue between the Lady of the Lake (mythic gift-giving muse of the water from Arthurian legend), Lancelot the knight (master-knight and romantic wanderer and controversial philosopher also from Arthurian legend), and the Whore of Babylon (Biblical 'Devil's Advocate' of feminism/labor) about 'modernism sentiments.'

Signing off,


LADY OF THE LAKE: Men of the modern age idolize avatars in cinema (e.g., Conan the Barbarian).
LANCELOT: In older times, humanity appreciated romantic characterizations of the gods (e.g., Aphrodite).
WHORE OF BABYLON: Perhaps the traffic of the modern city creates a greater demand for 'junk food.'

LADY OF THE LAKE: You can invest in the Planet Hollywood restaurant franchise on Wall Street!
LANCELOT: It's crazy; I wonder how modern civilization should 'valuate' the Statue of Liberty...
WHORE OF BABYLON: I like consumerism feminism debate 'totems' such as Barbie and Supergirl.

LADY OF THE LAKE: The new warrior is the capitalism-baron (e.g., Donald Trump).
LANCELOT: The new terrorist is the Internet hacker.
WHORE OF BABYLON: New age films about old world mythologies represent a focus on 'malady modernization.'

LADY OF THE LAKE: There are two films about ancient gods with the same title --- The Clash of the Titans (1981/2010).
LANCELOT: Yes, and I suppose the new 'wandering-knight' (or 'ronin') is the Yuppie-urbanite.
WHORE OF BABYLON: That's really what the Mary Harron modernism film American Psycho is all about!

LADY OF THE LAKE: I suppose there will be many 'low-brow' Internet-chatroom jokes about 'pornography.'
LANCELOT: Aphrodite (Greek goddess of love) will become the eco-terrorist Poison Ivy (DC Comics)...
WHORE OF BABYLON: When industry transforms, concepts about labor and leadership change (e.g., Michelle Obama).

LADY OF THE LAKE: The three of us can build a 'media' discussion (Facebook, Wall Street, Oprah Winfrey Show).
LANCELOT: What will be timeless is the human instinct to rebel (e.g., Hackers)...
WHORE OF BABYLON: I'll recruit 'Internet priests' to talk about feminism in the public domain (e.g., Ellen DeGeneres).


{from left: Lady of the Lake / Lancelot the knight / Whore of Babylon}


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