Woman dies from Oscar Madison-itis


Senior Member
May 9, 2004
For those of us who are old enough to remember the TV series "The Odd Couple", Oscar Madison was Mr Messy and Felix Unger was the hyper-neat one.

Here is the first known case of a person dying because they didn't clean up after themselves....

Woman Suffocates Under Piles Of Clutter In Home

KarlMarx said:
For those of us who are old enough to remember the TV series "The Odd Couple", Oscar Madison was Mr Messy and Felix Unger was the hyper-neat one.

Here is the first known case of a person dying because they didn't clean up after themselves....

Woman Suffocates Under Piles Of Clutter In Home


i have been known to be a packrat myself, only because my grandmother, whom raised me, was one because she was a child of the depression, and never threw anything away that could even remotely be used more than once.

Then, once we got our house, that part of me disappeared (mostly) because of my desire to have a nice, spaceous, neat, mostly clean (as good as you can get w/a 2yo boy) house to be proud of.

I still find myself double checking whether or not I will use something or find it useful, when I could throw it out or donate it (like clothes or old stuffed animals of mine) and likely not miss it.
You know, I've never heard of anyone dieing from stuff like this, but I found on Snopes a guy who had to be hospitalized because he lived in squalor and never cleand out a small wound on his head. The thing got infected and progressed so far that his scalp and the top of his skull literally rotted off and maggots started growing on his exposed brain. I know what you're thinking, but this was one of the true ones, and they had pictures...gross ones.
Hobbit said:
You know, I've never heard of anyone dieing from stuff like this, but I found on Snopes a guy who had to be hospitalized because he lived in squalor and never cleand out a small wound on his head. The thing got infected and progressed so far that his scalp and the top of his skull literally rotted off and maggots started growing on his exposed brain. I know what you're thinking, but this was one of the true ones, and they had pictures...gross ones.

yeah, i saw that while surfing there once. i only looked at it out of sheer, morbid curiosity. I will never look at that photo again. :puke:
Hobbit said:
You know, I've never heard of anyone dieing from stuff like this, but I found on Snopes a guy who had to be hospitalized because he lived in squalor and never cleand out a small wound on his head. The thing got infected and progressed so far that his scalp and the top of his skull literally rotted off and maggots started growing on his exposed brain. I know what you're thinking, but this was one of the true ones, and they had pictures...gross ones.

It's Geroge Bush's fault.
Hobbit said:
You know, I've never heard of anyone dieing from stuff like this, but I found on Snopes a guy who had to be hospitalized because he lived in squalor and never cleand out a small wound on his head. The thing got infected and progressed so far that his scalp and the top of his skull literally rotted off and maggots started growing on his exposed brain. I know what you're thinking, but this was one of the true ones, and they had pictures...gross ones.


it's a liberal's brain after watching "Fahrenheit 9/11", listening to "Air America" or reading liberal propaganda, not a pretty sight....

P.S. I couldn't resist :)

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