"Within 24 Hours': When U.S. Intel in Libya Told Washington 9/11/12 Was Terror Attack


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
"Within 24 Hours': When U.S. Intel in Libya Told Washington 9/11/12 Was Terror Attack
CNS News ^ | 10/14/12 | Terence P. Jeffrey

'Within 24 Hours': When U.S. Intel in Libya Told Washington 9/11/12 Was Terror Attack | CNSNews.com

(CNSNews.com) - Sen. Lindsey Graham (R.-S.C.), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said on CBS's "Face the Nation" on Sunday that the U.S. intelligence community in Libya informed the administration in Washington, D.C., within 24 hours of the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya that the attack had been a terrorist strike whose perpetrators included militia associated with al Qaeda.

Graham said the fact that the administration was still publicly declaring more than five days later that the attack may have arisen as a spontaneous protest indicated that either "they are misleading or incredibly incompetent."

"Well, the facts are there was never a riot," Graham told Bob Schieffer of CBS News. "The night in question, September 11, Ambassador [Chris] Stevens was being visited by the Turkish ambassador. There wasn't a soul around the compound. And the coordinated attack lasted for hours with al Qaeda-associated militia.
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Biden blatantly lied about Chris Stevens wanting more Security
The Fact Checker

“We weren’t told they wanted more security there. We did not know they wanted more security.”

— Biden, speaking of the U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya

Biden’s bold statement was directly contradicted by State Department officials just this week, in testimony before a congressional panel and in unclassified cables released by a congressional committee.

“All of us at post were in sync that we wanted these resources,” said Eric Nordstrom, the top regional security officer in Libya earlier this year. A Utah national guardsman who led a security team, Lt. Col. Andrew Wood, said: “We felt great frustration that those requests were ignored or just never met.”

Maybe Biden was too busy in debate prep to watch?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iD4a9GHBF_U&feature=related]Carney maintains Libya attack was not preplanned - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPzjayOh-PU&feature=relmfu]Who is responsible for the attack in Benghazi? - YouTube[/ame]
5 threads of the same topic on the first page of the Politics section. You republicans can't come up with anything else besides politicizing this incident.
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This is devastating.


Two things piss me off
1# Obama used this to bow down to the islamic world and made us look bad for having freedom of speech. May of worsen the protest. These aliments of Islam want us dead and Obama is willing to crap on our constitution to kiss their asshole.

2# Around the 25th or so of Sept they started to admit it was a terrorist attack only to go back a day before the debate with Carney saying it was a fucking protest and the Biden lie. Ths tells me they don't give a damn about being honest with the American people. These fuckers make me sick.
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5 threads of the same topic on the first page of the Politics section. You republicans can't come up with anything else besides politicizing this incident.

"Politicizing this incident"? 4 people died when it could've been prevented!

If this had happened under the Bush administration, you'd probably be creating a dozen threads over this....hypocrite.
5 threads of the same topic on the first page of the Politics section. You republicans can't come up with anything else besides politicizing this incident.

"Politicizing this incident"? 4 people died when it could've been prevented!

If this had happened under the Bush administration, you'd probably be creating a dozen threads over this....hypocrite.

You're telling us it was pre planned then telling us we could have prevented this random attack. Make up your mind

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