With No Real Measureable Goal, Fort Hood Families Watch their Loved Ones Leave Again


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May 31, 2006

Fort Hood Wives Cope with New Deployment

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All Things Considered, April 4, 2007 · Earlier this week, the Pentagon announced that the 4th Infantry Division, based in Fort Hood, Texas, will be redeployed to Iraq before completing a full year at home.

Melissa Block talks about the short turn-around with Diane Hammond, wife of Jeffrey Hammond, the 4th ID's commanding general, and Terri Batshelet, whose husband is the division's chief of staff.

Both wives say it wasn't a surprise, and that their families are making the most of the time they do have with their soldiers.

When will the Commander in Chief set a measureable goal for Iraq?
well on the side of the military. I want to make clear this point: A soldier, Marine, Sailor, Airman and Coastie joined the US Armed forces first and family second and that is a fact. I was forward deployed for over 5 years and the longest I could stay inport was 4 months unless we were on the blocks in dry dock. We'd do a 6 month cruise and turn around in less than 4 months. Talk about family stress. And keep this in mind it was during the cold war so we don't need to bite the media bait here on a situation that is part of being in the Armed Forces.
Yeah it is a bummer to leave home for deployment and it isn't always condusive to the moral but those ar internal issues and must be dealt with very swiftly or they can get iced in the field.

When will the Commander in Chief set a measureable goal for Iraq?

that is like leaving your house unlocked and telling everyone that you have all these valuable things just asking to be robbed. Now I don't like the way things are going over in Iraq anymore than the soldier or marine or civilian does. But giving a known time frame would not be good for historys sake (refer to JFK and his support for the vietnam war for leaving before the job was done-democrats chalk that up to failure) since we would be cutting and running.

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