With Mixed Results, Ron Paul Tries To Terrify Small Town Iowa


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Evan McMorris-Santoro

SIOUX CENTER, IOWA — Ron Paul stood before a crowded public library conference room here and warned the packed house that the United Nations is coming to take their land and that America is this close to riots in the streets against a government that is becoming more and more like a dictatorship.

Though he was well-received, these two classic Paulisms fell somewhat flat.

This was vintage Paul, the kind of fear of the one-world government and terror over the Amero (North American currency conspiracy) that has been a fixture of Paul’s persona on the national stage. Even as Paul has pushed into the top tier of the Iowa caucus contest, he hasn’t toned down his core rhetoric. This kind of consistency is why people like Paul, even if they don’t entirely buy into the paranoia he’s selling.

Here’s what that sounded like in Sioux Center, a small town in the northwest of the Hawkeye State.

Paul warned of the pro-United Nations lobby coming to take control of your property:

If you want to use your property, you have to get a lot of permits. If you’re in the development business, from the low-level all the way to the top, you have to get permission from the federal government…I’m fearful because some people would like us to go all the way to the UN and have the UN controlling our lands, too.​

And here he is warning of the coming violent riots that he hinted are already showing signs of developing on America’s streets:

Freedom has been tested just rather rarely in all of history. In most of history, 90-99 percent of the time, people have had to live under dictatorships. And as our government gets bigger, and violates our civil liberties with laws like the Patriot Act that invade our privacy they become more dictatorial. … We are losing those liberties.

Our system was the greatest and I fear that we’re going to give it up. And as it’s given up, if we don’t deal with these problems, I am afraid that there will be more violence. People will get angry because they’re not going to get what they believe they have a right to. So if you’ve been providing for something else that other people are providing they get angry.

We already see this in Europe, we already see some of it in our own streets where people get angry and upset, where people get angry and upset and if we don’t understand these issues to change the policy it’s going to get a lot worse and then there will be chaos and people will be even more willing to give up their liberties.​

More: With Mixed Results, Ron Paul Tries To Terrify Small Town Iowa | TPM2012
He is wrong when he says that a person who wants to develop their land has to go to the federal government. They do have to go to the local zoning dept, and any environmental issues are settled there. If there are issues that would be questionable that can't be resolved in county pertaining to EPA regulations, those issues are resolved with the state department of environmental managment.

He should know that, and I believe he does, but he prefers to exagerate the process for those who aren't better informed.

Paul: If you want to use your property, you have to get a lot of permits. If you’re in the development business, from the low-level all the way to the top, you have to get permission from the federal government…I’m fearful because some people would like us to go all the way to the UN and have the UN controlling our lands, too.
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Oh look, it's another
Lakhota thread...
It's a sad day when a mainstream politician can say this Bircher crap out loud and not be laughed out of town as a fool.
It's a sad day when a mainstream politician can say this Bircher crap out loud and not be laughed out of town as a fool.

Yeah, what's sad is McCarthy was right. When the Soviet Union collapsed and we got access to their records most of his claims were proven correct. The Birchers are kooks too, but they are more correct then wrong.
It's a sad day when a mainstream politician can say this Bircher crap out loud and not be laughed out of town as a fool.

Yeah, what's sad is McCarthy was right. When the Soviet Union collapsed and we got access to their records most of his claims were proven correct. The Birchers are kooks too, but they are more correct then wrong.

McCarthy was right? LOL McCarthy was a fascist witch hunting jackass that ruined everything he touched. The Birchers are nothing but the Klan without the hoods. If the republican party needs the ghost of McCarthy and the Birchers to have a voter base then they are done for.
I don't know which is worse - the ancient nuts in the Middle East or our homegrown nuts. Actually, I think our homegrown nuts are more dangerous to America's future.

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