With election over and Romney conceding how will we move forward?

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Both parties had better both come together and ignore the ideological extremists with thier parties.

SIDE NOTE: To the Europe posters here, don't be misled, just because I happen to live in France right now because my job has me here does not mean that I see France as better than America, America is the most superior country in the world, no one better than us.
I don't think fiscal responsibility, individual responsibility, morality, and liberty are extreme positions. Maybe they are though.
I will keep a smile on my face, a spring in my step and take care of my family.
Both parties had better both come together and ignore the ideological extremists with thier parties.

SIDE NOTE: To the Europe posters here, don't be misled, just because I happen to live in France right now because my job has me here does not mean that I see France as better than America, America is the most superior country in the world, no one better than us.

It just won't happen. The Left just elected their extremists.

Romney was as moderate as they come for the Republicans.
How many more years do you think it will be until we have a budget again? And how much money will the taxpayers have to borrow from China in order to pay off Obama's campaign bundlers this time?
Taxmegeddon will lead to a recession, guaranteed.

Hell, we are heading there without it.

Then all of those 'independents' and 'moderates' who voted for these Leftist assholes get the double whammy of the Obamacare bill coming due.

Then they will elect Republicans in droves in midterm, but there won't be enough to fix it.

Rinse. Lather. Repeat.
Well since the left thinks if you oppose gay marriage, you're anti-gay, if you oppose paying for someone's birth control you hate women.....Id say those are pretty extreme......
I do hope he keeps his promise to lower the corporate. Obama wanted to lower it into the upper 20's earlier this year. This way I could support the Republicans agreeing with a tax increase of a few percent on the 1 million per year.

My gift to Obama for winning.
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I don't think fiscal responsibility, individual responsibility, morality, and liberty are extreme positions. Maybe they are though.

Come on and end that BS, when you have extremists like Allen West and that Mourdock guy saying idiotic stupidity about pregnant rape victims the Republican Party will never move forward. Democrats are not against none of the things you mentioned but they are against that religious fundie morality that Republicans preach. Similarly, Democrats have to get rid of people like Nancy Pelosi, she is very divisive and power hungry.
'Barack Obama won a second term but no mandate. Thanks in part to his own small-bore and brutish campaign, victory guarantees the president nothing more than the headache of building consensus in a gridlocked capital on behalf of a polarized public.'

Obama Victory Comes With No Mandate - NationalJournal.com

He is still a total piece of shit human being.

We're going to have to make a deal with him or we're going over the fiscal cliff. That will be a blood bath.

Would you be ok with a 3-4% raise in the income tax on people making a million dollars per year. With the corporate going down to 28% like Obama said he would earlier this year?
Both parties had better both come together and ignore the ideological extremists with thier parties.

SIDE NOTE: To the Europe posters here, don't be misled, just because I happen to live in France right now because my job has me here does not mean that I see France as better than America, America is the most superior country in the world, no one better than us.

It just won't happen. The Left just elected their extremists.

Romney was as moderate as they come for the Republicans.

If he's as moderate as they come, they need to just get rid of the GOP.
Well since the left thinks if you oppose gay marriage, you're anti-gay, if you oppose paying for someone's birth control you hate women.....Id say those are pretty extreme......

Opposing gay marriage isn't anti-gay but when one goes to the extreme as a politician and starts mentioning God too much and preaching about gays going to hell it sounds divisive though Biblically it is factual. In other words Republicans have go to focus more on political issues and lay off of using religious fundism to attract voters. I don't believe in gay marriage and I vocalize it but I'm not a politician with votes on the line.
'Barack Obama won a second term but no mandate. Thanks in part to his own small-bore and brutish campaign, victory guarantees the president nothing more than the headache of building consensus in a gridlocked capital on behalf of a polarized public.'

Obama Victory Comes With No Mandate - NationalJournal.com

He is still a total piece of shit human being.

Without Bush to blame he is already in trouble. Obama will sink himself.
Both parties had better both come together and ignore the ideological extremists with thier parties.

SIDE NOTE: To the Europe posters here, don't be misled, just because I happen to live in France right now because my job has me here does not mean that I see France as better than America, America is the most superior country in the world, no one better than us.

It just won't happen. The Left just elected their extremists.

Romney was as moderate as they come for the Republicans.

If he's as moderate as they come, they need to just get rid of the GOP.

I do believe Mitt Romney is more moderate than the far right trash we've seen in the party but how moderate is really given his penchant for flip flopping?
It just won't happen. The Left just elected their extremists.

Romney was as moderate as they come for the Republicans.

If he's as moderate as they come, they need to just get rid of the GOP.

I do believe Mitt Romney is more moderate than the far right trash we've seen in the party but how moderate is really given his penchant for flip flopping?

It was his pathological lying that made me hate him. Even if I wasn't going to vote for Obama, I would have voted for Obama just to spite him.

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