Wisconsin Democrat Gordon Hines To Republican Michelle Litjens: "You Are F***ing Dead


May 29, 2010
This is 'Death Threat' pure and simple. There was no excuse for this democrat to do this. It was done right after the Republicans voted and passed the Wisconsin budget when he turned to her and said it. This acting on violent impulses is outrageous. It is uncalled for. Representative Litgens should have this guy arrested for threatening a federal official. Of course there is total silence from the MSM and Obama on this behavior.

WI Dem Assemblyman Admits He Threatened Republican Colleagues | The Weekly Standard

Democrat Rep Gordon Hintz:

Power Line - "You Are F****** Dead!"

That's what Sarah Palin yelled at Gabrielle Giffords before she was shot, right? Or was it Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh?

Just kidding. Conservatives don't talk like that. But liberals do--as we are now learning, they do it a lot. This time it was Rep. Gordon Hintz (D Oshkosh) who, immediately after the Republicans had passed their budget in Wisconsin's Assembly, turned to Rep Michelle Litjens (R-Winneconne) and yelled, "You are f****** dead!

Here is Rep Litjens, another nice looking conservative woman:

More of the story:
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Litjens said she did not believe Hintz’ comments were meant for her personally. Rather, the comment was directed at the Republican Party as a whole for moving ahead on the governor’s bill.
Yet another example of the left creeping towards violence when they don't get their way.

And yet another extremely hot female conservative!!! WhoooHooo!!!
I'm sure some lib will explain how he was just referring to political symbolism, not actual violence.

Although we've seen throughout history far left regimes become brutally violent when they don't get their way through peaceful methods, so they turn to the barrel of a gun. Hey, other than Mao, who also said that??? Oh yeah, one of Obama's czars. Seriously. Google it.
This whole 'civility' thing is not really working for the Democrats, is it? Oh dear. They really should learn to obey their Messiah.
They know their time in history where the stars aligned has passed. From 08-10 they had control of everything. And yet, they only got about 10% of their dream through, and thats now being found unconstitutional.

They know the ship has sailed, and now they're desperate, and growing more violent.
I'm sure some lib will explain how he was just referring to political symbolism, not actual violence.

Although we've seen throughout history far left regimes become brutally violent when they don't get their way through peaceful methods, so they turn to the barrel of a gun. Hey, other than Mao, who also said that??? Oh yeah, one of Obama's czars. Seriously. Google it.

Add to that Rep. Michael Capuano's ( D-Mass ) comment, "I'm proud to be here with people who understand it's more than sending an e-mail to get you going. Every once and while you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary." However, he's not a Tea Party member so don't expect any media outrage over that comment.

CORE PRINCIPLES: "Sometimes you need to...get a little bloody."
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I have to say, I doubt he meant it personally... but still. It doesn't stack up well when you look at the shenanigans with the AZ shootings and the current vitriol in WI with a Fox News reporter being cursed at and hit.

But, I don't think the guy should be arrested.. if we arrested everybody who acted like a jerk, there's be a lot of D's and R's in jail.
I'm sure some lib will explain how he was just referring to political symbolism, not actual violence.

Although we've seen throughout history far left regimes become brutally violent when they don't get their way through peaceful methods, so they turn to the barrel of a gun. Hey, other than Mao, who also said that??? Oh yeah, one of Obama's czars. Seriously. Google it.

Right you are, post #2 on this thread immediately followed by post #3 tsk tsking the comment.

More to follow I'm sure
Litjens said she did not believe Hintz’ comments were meant for her personally. Rather, the comment was directed at the Republican Party as a whole for moving ahead on the governor’s bill.

She's a nice lady but here's the truth

WI Dem Assemblyman Admits He Threatened Republican Colleagues

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