Winter Olympics (PyeongChang): Diagnosis*


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang (South Korea) has much to offer to the world.

It's a great milestone (symbolically) in the development of peaceful trade relations in a region fraught with problems because of South Korea's rather militant neighbour North Korea (though South Korea and North Korea are sending a 'unified delegation of athletes' to the games this year for political progress), which has been embroiled in controversial nuclear-missile tests (something U.S. President Donald Trump had to deal with during Labor Day weekend 2017 --- the President's first real 'test').

The Winter Games this year has some nifty stories. Kosovo is sending its first-ever delegation of athletes. There are a few athletes who have a chance of becoming the youngest-ever medallists.

America is sending some very strong athletes, and Canada likewise offers some great talents in multiple events/sports. We can expect the usual strong performances in the skiing and ski-jump type events from nations such as Norway, Finland, and Russia. Russia is on suspension because of the Sochi Games doping-allegations, though Russia is allowed to send individual athletes hoping to bring home medals for their country (also, Russia is preparing for the World Cup soccer tournament this summer!).

American hopefuls include the very very highly-touted (and gifted) skier Lindsey Vonn (who may win multiple gold medals), Mikaela Shiffrin, and Nathan Chen. I'd be psyched to see USA do well in the new alpine-team skiing event (and maybe Vonn will stand out!).

There will be great Olympics coverage on NBC and its sister-networks (e.g., MSNBC) for all the sporting events. The stunning Opening Ceremony was broadcast from South Korea in America tonight on NBC (8pm), for those of you lucky enough to have caught all the cool pageantry!

Feel free to post/share exciting/stimulating stories/photos from PyeongChang 2018.


{mock interview}

LINDSEY VONN: I'm so excited!
KATIE COURIC: There're so many expectations...
LINDSEY VONN: We're all really thrilled to be doing this.
KATIE COURIC: It's politically-symbolic (i.e., North Korea).
LINDSEY VONN: President Trump is working with South Korea.
KATIE COURIC: Yes, important trade-talks have been fortified!
LINDSEY VONN: We athletes hope to bring home great medals.
KATIE COURIC: You've won four world-championship titles already.
LINDSEY VONN: I know, but Olympic-gold is really tops!
KATIE COURIC: The hockey teams offer intrigue (America-Canada).
LINDSEY VONN: That's a heated rivalry on the women's side too...
KATIE COURIC: Indeed. Well, we're all rooting for you Lindsey.
LINDSEY VONN: It's so cool to be on television today.
KATIE COURIC: Enjoy the cold...


Winter Olympics (Official Website)
First-Day: Good Tidings

The first-day of Olympics action has been broadcast, and there are exciting gold-medals (including South Korea's first gold) and some exciting snowboarding-finals action involving a lone-American (Red Gerard) making it to the finals alongside 4 Canadians and 4 Norwegians.

Overall, Netherlands and Norway are tied for most medals so far (4 each) and Germany has the most gold-medals (2).
A Russian athlete has managed to win a bronze medal, and Finland is surprisingly struggling so far with just one bronze medal.

Incidentally, Finland's mixed-doubles team in curling (Tomi Rantamaeki and Oona Kauste) provided momentary excitement when female team-mate Kauste provided an incredible semi-curving curling-shot to send her piece into the center while avoiding China's closely-sitting piece (though Finland eventually lost!).

Security-operations have been smooth, and fans and athletes are confident there should be no real craziness.


2018 Olympic Games show how politics interferes into the most peaceful and politic free event.
Dirty brit-american way of acting moves world to chaos and global war. They provide their disgusting policy always and everywhere calling it development of called democracy which should be called globalist totalitarism.
Funny to see how those morons are afraid of Russia which always stands on position of defending real right human values. Can do nothing against it and acting by total lies and propaganda.
Nevertheless Russia will again save the world from new plague.

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