Wind energy outstrips coal as industry smashes August generation record


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Wind energy outstrips coal as industry smashes August generation record

01 Sep 2014

The UK's wind energy industry is celebrating today after new figures showed that the sector set a raft of new records during August, delivering more power than coal and nuclear generation on several days.

Trade association RenewableUK announced today that on five separate days last month wind power overtook coal power in terms of generation going on to the grid, marking the first time this has happened.

Wind power exceeded that from coal on August 3rd, 9th, 11th, 12th and 17th, while the sector also outperformed nuclear generation on August 29th. The performance may have been even stronger than official figures show, as output from small-scale wind turbines that are not connected to the grid is not recorded on a national level.

Read more: http://www.businessg...neration-record

Well, wind isn't dead. Need to build more nuclear plants ;)
Why the need to overstate? From Wikipedia:

The UK is one of the best locations for wind power in the world, and is considered to be the best in Europe.[1] [2] Wind power delivers a growing fraction of the energy in the United Kingdom and at the beginning of January 2014, wind power in the United Kingdom consisted of 5,276 wind turbines with a total installed capacity of over 10 gigawatts: 6,831 megawatts of onshore capacity and 3,653 megawatts of offshore capacity.[3] The United Kingdom is ranked as the world's sixth largest producer of wind power, having overtaken France and Italy in 2012.[4]

2.7 GW of new wind power capacity was brought online during 2013, a 35% increase of the total UK installed capacity. The offshore wind industry continued to develop in 2013 with the largest wind farm in the world, the London Array, becoming operational with over 630 MW of generating capability coming on stream.[5]

December 2013 was a record breaking month for UK wind power. A total of 2,841,080 MWh of electricity was generated in the month – supplying 10% of the UK's electricity demand. The week starting 16 December, wind generated a record 783,886 MWh – providing 13% of Britain's total electricity needs that week. And on 21 December, a record daily amount of electricity was produced with 132,812 MWh generated, representing 17% of the nation’s total electricity demand on that day.[6]

In 2013, 27.4 TW·h of energy was generated by wind power, which contributed 8.7% of the UK's electricity requirement.

Wind power is a wonderful source of energy, but it is too inconsistent to replace more conventional sources.
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Oh yeah, we can rely on a Brit source that makes it's living promoting 6th century technology. Where the hell was PITA when the president signed an authorization for the windmill industry to keep killing migratory birds for the next 30 years until they are all freaking extinct and windmills are still a joke?
Yea, and in the idiots mind, one story is the whole story.

Wow, you read it on the web, it must be great.

Alex Salmond s green energy revolution threatens firms with bankruptcy - Telegraph

Alex Salmond's green energy revolution 'threatens firms with bankruptcy'
The costs of Alex Salmond’s green energy revolution are “going through the roof” and threaten to bankrupt companies by doubling energy bills, business leaders have warned the First Minister.

The Scottish Chambers of Commerce have warned relying on renewable energy could see consumer bills double Photo: PA

By Simon Johnson, Scottish Political Editor

6:00AM BST 29 Sep 2011

The Scottish Chambers of Commerce (SCC) said electricity is currently about nine times more expensive to generate from wind farms than gas-powered plants.

Mike Salter, the SCC chairman, told the organisation’s annual dinner that Government energy experts predict greater reliance on “very expensive” renewables will lead to consumers’ electricity bills doubling.

He warned this would hold back the Scottish economy and lead to businesses going under. If this is the consequence, he questioned whether Mr Salmond’s “total commitment” to green energy is “misguided”.

In a double whammy for hard-pressed companies, he said the SNP’s decision to increase business taxes by £849 million threatens to “suck the life” from the economy.

The damning intervention came shortly after Mr Salmond was among the audience for a speech by Al Gore, the former US Vice President, at a “green finance” conference in Edinburgh.

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