
Has there ever been a storm with a W name before?

And while I know alot of the scientists say that hurricanes have a cyclical pattern and at some times will be harsher than others, what exactly is the historic precedent for three category 5 hurricanes hitting the US in a season? Not only just three, but all 3 of them are within the top six strongest hurricanes ever. Wilma is now the worst Hurricane in the history of hurricanes in regards to strength.
Avatar4321 said:
Has there ever been a storm with a W name before?

And while I know alot of the scientists say that hurricanes have a cyclical pattern and at some times will be harsher than others, what exactly is the historic precedent for three category 5 hurricanes hitting the US in a season? Not only just three, but all 3 of them are within the top six strongest hurricanes ever. Wilma is now the worst Hurricane in the history of hurricanes in regards to strength.

I can't give you any real data. But I've run from these things all my life and I can never recall a season with so many freakishly big storms. Heck I had started to not even respect the things. I didn't want to evacuate for Katrina until I saw how damn big the thing was and it was a cat. 5
I wonder what Bush is plotting with this one? There aren't as many black people in Florida as there are in New Orleans...

Unless his REAL plan is to send a hurricane towards a mostly white area, to make people THINK he didn't send Katrina to kill black people! And Wilma will still probly kill some black people, just less than the white people, so the idiot Americans will still think it was just a "natural occurance"! That clever sonofabitch!!

On another note, anyone see South Park last night? They had a hilarious Hurricane Katrina/Day After Tomorrow spoof.
I think it's Bush's attempt to save Social Security. You know, knock off some of those old people in the retirement villages, and you can cut down on a lot of payouts!
Wait---you mean it isn't the Russians controlling it with one of those giant electromagnets strategically placed under the aurora borealis?
theim said:
I wonder what Bush is plotting with this one? There aren't as many black people in Florida as there are in New Orleans...

Unless his REAL plan is to send a hurricane towards a mostly white area, to make people THINK he didn't send Katrina to kill black people! And Wilma will still probly kill some black people, just less than the white people, so the idiot Americans will still think it was just a "natural occurance"! That clever sonofabitch!!

On another note, anyone see South Park last night? They had a hilarious Hurricane Katrina/Day After Tomorrow spoof.
obviously Wilma is a backhanded slap sent by the Bush administration to remind all the Hispanics in Florida what he could do if they don't support his immigration policies...oh wait, there are no immigration policies!

Never mind.
It wasn't until 1961 and satellites that we were able to name every storm, before that many were missed as those in the ocean were never counted unless a ship reported the storm.

However in 1933 there were 21 named storms in the Atlantic region, a record only recently matched in 2005. This means that with missed storms it is likely that 1933 was even worse than this year by a good margin.

rcajun90 said:
It looks today like Wilma will peter out to a cat.2 Which would be awesome for FLA. :clap1:

Even with all that has happened you still don't have a clue about hurricanes do you? I now see why you would be satisfied with living where you do, you just don't GET IT.
sitarro said:
Even with all that has happened you still don't have a clue about hurricanes do you? I now see why you would be satisfied with living where you do, you just don't GET IT.

I believe that he was saying a Cat 2 hitting FLA is better than a Cat 4 or 5...sounds reasonable to me.
sitarro said:
Even with all that has happened you still don't have a clue about hurricanes do you? I now see why you would be satisfied with living where you do, you just don't GET IT.

Did you eat paint chips as a kid? I like where I live and i'm willing to rebuild instead of running to a desert or the mountains. Yes I got it a long time ago.
Life isn't safe and you must run or worry about whatever mother nature throws at you. You were so much nicer when Rita was taking aim at you. Go play with your pistol. :laugh:
MissileMan said:
I believe that he was saying a Cat 2 hitting FLA is better than a Cat 4 or 5...sounds reasonable to me.

It's a stinking hurricane! The very nature of it makes it unpredictable by anyone. It is hundreds of miles from Florida and anything can happen, it could change paths and hit New Orleans or it could dissapate into nothing, nobody knows and that is what he doesn't get! Geeez!

The people of New Orleans reminds me of the other dumbasses in this country with the memory span of a 5 year old. New Orleans will get hit again by large storms that cause floods , and this country will be hit by another terrorist attack, it's just that simple.

It is not September 10th, 2001!
MissileMan said:
I believe that he was saying a Cat 2 hitting FLA is better than a Cat 4 or 5...sounds reasonable to me.

That's all I was saying. A cat. 2 and most folks will be fine. Even with a cat. 2 where ever that eye wall hits will be trouble.
rcajun90 said:
Did you eat paint chips as a kid? I like where I live and i'm willing to rebuild instead of running to a desert or the mountains. Yes I got it a long time ago.
Life isn't safe and you must run or worry about whatever mother nature throws at you. You were so much nicer when Rita was taking aim at you. Go play with your pistol. :laugh:

Let's get this straight, you aren't going to be the one rebuilding, we all will be the ones reserrecting that stupid dump of a city. It will be nothing but a huge boondoggle where cost are going to grow each day as our tax dollars are stolen, the sentimentalist like you will want it just the same as you remember it at any cost because you aren't paying for it. It is a bad idea and a huge waste of money. Now is a chance to make it right and it's not going to happen because people don't remember what happened yesterday, all they know is that it is dry today so they want to move back to the ninth ward and buikd a brand new neighborhood so they can destroy it and blame the white man. This repetitive shit has gone on long enough, when does this country finally say no more stupidity?
rcajun90 said:
That's all I was saying. A cat. 2 and most folks will be fine. Even with a cat. 2 where ever that eye wall hits will be trouble.

Yea and I'm hoping to win the lottery, I'll do great things with the money , I promise.

It is that attitude that kept the idiots in New Orleans. Keep telling yourself it won't be that bad, yea that works. What is amazing is that New Orleans didn't even get the big hit and this stuff still happened. What if Katrina would have remained at it's full strength and made a direct hit on New Orleans? We wouldn't be talking about it because there wouldn't be anything left! GET IT?
Avatar4321 said:
Has there ever been a storm with a W name before?

And while I know alot of the scientists say that hurricanes have a cyclical pattern and at some times will be harsher than others, what exactly is the historic precedent for three category 5 hurricanes hitting the US in a season? Not only just three, but all 3 of them are within the top six strongest hurricanes ever. Wilma is now the worst Hurricane in the history of hurricanes in regards to strength.

It hasn't happened before. Bush must have upgraded his hurricane machine for mass production. Wilma is aimed at the FL Supreme Ct.
sitarro said:
It's a stinking hurricane! The very nature of it makes it unpredictable by anyone. It is hundreds of miles from Florida and anything can happen, it could change paths and hit New Orleans or it could dissapate into nothing, nobody knows and that is what he doesn't get! Geeez!

The people of New Orleans reminds me of the other dumbasses in this country with the memory span of a 5 year old. New Orleans will get hit again by large storms that cause floods , and this country will be hit by another terrorist attack, it's just that simple.

It is not September 10th, 2001!

New Orleans has been here for almost 300 years. It is older than the country itself. You are an idiot when it comes to natural disaters. You should play very hard with your pistol. When it ends you will feel better.

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